Dad Academy

Chapter 1521 Don’t want duck

"Xi'er, are you fishing?"

Xi'er heard the sound and looked at the person in surprise. She was stunned and didn't recognize who it was, so she could only smile awkwardly.

"I'm Zhao Xin, have you forgotten?"

The visitor was Zhao Xin. She chatted with Zhang Tan for a while, then came to Xi'er to say hello to the little noble lady.

But the little nobleman is obviously a nobleman who forgets many things and has forgotten her.

"Has any fish taken the bait?" Zhao Xin asked.

She didn't take it to heart that Xi'er didn't know her. Children are all like this, silly and cute.

The way Xi'er fishes is even cuter, just like a little kitten squatting on the shore to fish.

"Cheng Cheng caught one just now, but he let it go." Xi'er said, still brooding about the big fish being let go.

Just now she thought Dudu was to blame, but now that she thinks about it, it seems that the culprit is Liuliu.

Anyway, Liuliu wasn't around and couldn't hear it.

"Really? I saw it. It was a really big fish. What about you? Did any big fish bite the hook?" Zhao Xin asked.

Xi'er shook her head. Not long after she set the hook, there was no big fish yet. As for how to attract the big fish, she didn't know. She had no other choice but to wait until a fish took the bait.

Zhao Xin saw that she was still fishing, so she followed her and chatted with her. After chatting for a while, she found that Xi'er's fishhook was motionless, while Cheng Cheng had already swung the golf club several times.

"Xi'er, why aren't there any fish biting your hook? Pull it up and let me see if there is no more bait."

Xi'er raised the fishhook, and Zhao Xin took a look. The fishhook was bare and had nothing on it, and there was no trace of bait anywhere.

"Your bait was eaten by fish, no wonder no fish bit your hook." Zhao Xin said.

Xi'er hiahia laughed: "I remembered, I didn't put out the bait, hiahia~~~I laughed to death~~~"

After saying that, the child put the fishing rod on the ground, left, and ran to watch Xiaobai fishing.

Xiaobai worked hard for a while, but didn't get anything.

There were many fish on the water, but Xiaobai just couldn't catch them.

She moved too slowly, and as soon as she got close, the big fish ran away with a splash.

The two of them worked together but didn't catch anything, so they wandered over to Cheng Cheng and watched Cheng Cheng fishing. Once a fish bit the hook, they were more excited than Cheng Cheng.

"Hahahahaha~~~~666 duck~~~~Children, I'm leaving, bye--"

On the water, a boat sailed out. Liuliu stood on the bow of the boat with his arms akimbo, looking at his friends on the shore, feeling proud and high-spirited.

"Liuliu-why did you run into the water?" Dudu asked loudly, envious.

In fact, she shouldn't ask Liuliu about this, but should ask her father, because not only Liuliu was on the ship, but also her father, Zhao Gongcheng.

The man rowing the boat was Lao Bai, the pond owner.

After Liliu was robbed of the fishing net by Xiaobai, she wandered over to Laobai and insisted on taking a boat to go fishing.

Because Zhao Gongcheng was holding the battle, Lao Bai agreed to allow Liuliu to go aboard, otherwise he would not have dared to take Liuliu on board.


Dayanyan threw a piece of watermelon rind at the place where Cheng Cheng was fishing, scaring the fish away and causing her friends on the shore to glare at her.

"Guawazi, what are you doing???" Xiaobai asked.

"Hahahaha, 666 duck me, I'll throw the watermelon-skinned duck fast, hahaha~~~"

Liuliu was proud and arrogant, feeling that no one could cure her.

The boat circled around the pond and headed towards the shore. Liuliu quickly asked the pond owner, Lao Bai, not to dock first and then go around.

"Boss Zhang said we are going to dock." Lao Bai, the owner of the pond, said.

It was obvious who listened to Zhang Tan and Liuliu's words.

"No duck, no duck on the beach~"

Liuliu is in a hurry.

Xiaobai's melon seeds stood on the shore, waiting for her. As soon as she lands, she will definitely be beaten up by Xiaobai and Xier.

"No duck—no duck—"

No matter how she shouted, the boat still docked. Liuliu refused to leave and was carried ashore by Zhao Gongcheng.

As soon as Liuliu landed on the ground, she was snatched away by Xiaobai. She was immediately surrounded by her friends, asking her why she threw the watermelon rind just now and why she wanted to scare the fish away.

"I'm sorry, little ducks, I didn't mean it."

Liuliu has a very good attitude towards admitting his mistakes. A good man will not suffer immediate losses.

"I don't think Liliu did it on purpose?" Xiaobai asked Xi'er and Dudu.

Xi'er nodded and said she felt the same way.

"It's not a duck, it's not a duck~" Liuliu quickly denied.

"Where's Dudu, what did you think?" Xiaobai asked Dudu.

Dudu nodded and said she felt the same way.

"Hoo ho ho, Liuliu, you're done."

Xiaobai smiled at Luoliu, and this smile made Luoliu panic.

"What do you want to do to me? Don't kill me~~ I'm a good boy."

Xiaobai Laliuliu walked away and said, "We won't kill you, but you can help us hang the bait."

Just when Cheng Cheng waved the fishing rod, the bait was eaten by the big fish again.

"Liuliu, please help Cheng Cheng hang the bait." Xiaobai said.

Liuliu yelled, terrified.

"No duck - no duck - I'm so scared of ducks, I'm so scared, who can help duck, I don't dare to duck, earthworms are so scary duck - my god duck -"

Around the pond, the shouts of Liuliu echoed, and Da Yanyan was about to urinate because of the earthworms.

The clumps of earthworms are entangled together. You have to reach out to pinch one and put it on the fishhook. This is not something a child dares to do.

At the first glance, Liuliu was so frightened that she ran away. Now that she was asked to do it in person, how could she have the courage?

She only needed to take one look and she had to hate Mother Zhu for giving her two fewer legs so that she could run faster.

"Let me go, let me go, my God—"

Liuliu shouted.

She was about to faint from the box of earthworms.

When Xiaobai saw that she had been frightened enough, he let her go.

At this time, Dunzi took action. He reached into the box and pinched an earthworm from a bunch of earthworms. He saw the sticky flesh-colored earthworms twisting on his fingers. Several children were so frightened that goosebumps appeared on their arms and they couldn't help but step back. step.

Only Dunzi remained calm as he carefully threaded the earthworm onto the fishhook, and then Cheng Cheng threw the fishhook into the water.

The movements were completed in one go, and his expression remained unchanged throughout the whole process. The children watched in admiration.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Liliu took the opportunity to run away and hid far away because she was worried that Xiaobai's melon boy would ask her to catch earthworms again.

Wang Hao and others stayed here for nearly an hour before leaving. Zhang Tan asked them to stay for dinner, but they had to be interviewed by the TV station in the evening.

After they left, Zhang Tan went fishing again.

As soon as the fishhook was thrown into the water, a fish immediately bit the hook, but failed to catch it.

Earthworms were eaten.

He found the box containing earthworms, turned around and looked at it. Seeing Cheng Cheng concentrating on fishing, he asked her in a low voice:

"Cheng Cheng, can you wear earthworms?"

Cheng Cheng turned his head and looked at him, silently saying nothing...

"..." Zhang Tan said, "Forget it, you don't know how. Xiaobai—Xiaobai! Come here quickly."

"Where do you live, old man? Have you caught any fish?"

Xiaobai thought her old man was calling her something good, but it turned out that her old man actually wanted her to wear earthworms.

Xiaobai ran away immediately, she didn't want to do it.

Although she has an aura of fearlessness, she can take down chickens, scarabs, and rhinoceros beetles.

But this earthworm was the only one she found disgusting. It was slimy when she held it in her hand, and she couldn't bear the feeling.

"Catch the earthworms yourself. If you don't dare, just call the worms. The worms are very powerful."

Zhang Tan called Liuliu over, but Liuliu had already heard it, and with a whoosh, he got into the thatched house and couldn't get out.

Xiaobai searched for the children and looked at Xiwawa.

Before she could say anything, Xiwawa had already run away and went to find Liliu as a companion in the thatched house.

So Xiaobai looked at Xiaomi, and Xiaomi said, "I'm thirsty. I'm going to drink water."

She also slipped into the thatched hut.

Only Cheng Cheng and Dudu were left at the scene. Cheng Cheng was fishing and Dudu was working hard to catch fish.

"Where's Dunzi? I remember Dunzi can catch earthworms." Zhang Tan said.

When they first arrived, it was Dunzi who helped them put on the earthworms.

"Dunzi is peeing in the back——"

Xi'er emerged from the thatched house to report the news.

"Forget it, let me try."

Zhang Tan had goosebumps on his arms because he really didn't dare to catch earthworms.

That’s just one chapter today, I’ll finish it tomorrow.

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