Dad Academy

Chapter 1519 Fishing

Cheng Cheng saw a group of strangers coming. Before they arrived, she turned around and ran into the house, shouting: "Boss Zhang—Boss Zhang! Someone is looking for you~"

"Who's looking for me?"

Zhang Tan came out of the room. Cheng Cheng pointed outside and said, "Someone I don't know is here."

Zhang Tan followed her out and happened to see this group of people entering the courtyard and chatting with Teacher Jiang. It seemed that they were indeed here to see them.

"Zhang Tan, from the TV station and Mo Di Cultural Center." Teacher Jiang said to him.

"Is this Teacher Zhang? Hello, Teacher Zhang, I have heard of your name a long time ago..."

The speaker was a woman who looked to be in her thirties. She had a very capable temperament and was the leader.

The other party introduced herself. Her name was Liu Yan, a producer from Sichuan TV. This time she made a special trip to interview the Mo Di Cultural Center. She happened to know that a donation ceremony was about to be held, and the main creators of the movie "Mo Di" would also participate. They So he changed the original one-day itinerary to three days and went all the way to Baijia Village to interview Zhang Tan.

The movie "Mo Di" was very popular, and the Mo Di Cultural Center in the small county town also became popular. It is about real people and traditional culture. Not only the audience is very interested, but the local government also attaches great importance to it, so it specially arranged for the TV station to do an episode. Exclusive interviews, leveraging the power of movies, to promote local cultural tourism projects.

As an investor in "Mo Di", Zhang Tan is a cultural celebrity. If he can be interviewed for an exclusive interview and asked to leave the country, the effect will definitely be doubled.

Zhang Tan has no objection to this. He is naturally happy to contribute if he can help the local area promote cultural tourism.

"Zhang Tan, please come and sit in the room, and I'll pour tea."

After Teacher Jiang finished speaking, he went to prepare to make tea, followed by a little tail, it was Liuliu.

"Hehehe, Grandma Jiang, let me help you."

"Aren't you going to play?"

"I'll help you take care of the guests."

"Come on then."

Liuliupipidianpidian followed Grandma Jiang to make tea, while Xi'er and Cheng Cheng followed Zhang Tan curiously, looking at the group of people.

Xi'er listened for a while but didn't understand, so she quietly slipped out. As soon as she went out and no one could be seen inside, she ran out of the yard and ran across the field to tell Xiaobai and the others.

Xi'er Brand Pony Chicken Feather Letter cannot be stopped for a moment, it must be urgent!

Cheng Cheng stayed still. She was very interested in the topics the adults were chatting about. She listened with interest and thoughtfulness, as if she could understand.

Among these people, three are from the TV station and two are from the Modi Cultural Center.

Everyone first chatted about tomorrow’s donation ceremony.

"I see there is no teacher Zhang's name in the donation ceremony. You must come." said the descendant of Mo Di at the Mo Di Cultural Center.

In the donation ceremony list given by the crew of "Mo Di", Zhang Tan's name was not included.

And now Zhang Tan has arrived in Baijiacun, which is very close to the cultural exhibition hall, and he must be invited warmly.

There is still a big difference between whether Zhang Tan goes or not.

"Teacher Jiang will attend. It doesn't matter whether I go or not." Zhang Tan said.

He plans to go, but not as a guest, just to visit.

"Teacher Jiang is going, you should go too."

The other party invited me warmly and spoke sincerely.

Teacher Jiang also said something on the side, and Zhang Tan agreed to participate tomorrow.

"It's great that Teacher Zhang can participate. Tomorrow our TV station will broadcast the entire event live. This is a major event for traditional cultural projects, and we need to take this opportunity to increase publicity."

The speaker was Liu Yan from the TV station.

She came here mainly to interview Zhang Tan. She had plenty of time today to conduct an in-depth interview.

At noon, these people left. At nearly three o'clock in the afternoon, the director of "Mo Di" Wang Hao came with Zhao Xin and Wu Yue. They came to participate in the donation ceremony tomorrow. As the main creative staff of this film, they All are invited to attend.

Zhao Xin is a local and is very enthusiastic about this.

It is not easy for Wu Yue to have a great career with this movie, so he is naturally happy to participate in these activities to further expand his popularity.

They heard that Zhang Tan lived in Baijia Village, so they drove here specially.

Zhang Tan was not at home, and Teacher Jiang told them that Zhang Tan went fishing in a pond not far away.

When Wang Hao and the others found the pond, Zhang Tan was wearing a straw hat and sitting under a big tree fishing.

There was a thatched hut next to it, and several children were there, holding watermelons in their hands and gnawing on them, with their mouths full of watermelon juice.

In addition, there were a few adults whom Wang Hao and others did not recognize, namely Zhao Gongcheng and Meng Guangxin.

A middle-aged man came out of the thatched house carrying a large bamboo basket filled with water plants.

He stood by the pond and threw water plants into the pond. The water immediately splashed with water, and a large group of fish gathered towards this side, vying to eat the water plants.

Dudu immediately put down the watermelon, came to the bamboo basket, and learned to pick up water plants and throw them into the pond.

"Teacher Zhang--"

Wang Hao shouted from a distance.

"Why are you here?"

Zhang Tan was not too surprised. These people were all going to attend the donation ceremony tomorrow. It was not surprising that they appeared in Sichuan. He was a little surprised that they actually found Baijiacun.

"Isn't there a ceremony tomorrow? We arrived this morning and came to see you." Wang Hao said.

"There are a lot of fish in this pond, are they grass carp?" Wu Yue looked at the floating water surface, where black schools of fish appeared.

Pond owner Lao Bai said: "There are grass carp, silver carp, carp, crucian carp..."

As he got closer, Wang Hao saw at a glance Duoliu, who was sitting under the tree and eating melons intently, and Xiaobai and Xi'er, who were gesturing with fishing rods. As for Dudu, Xiaomi and Chengcheng, he didn't know them.

Not to mention Dunzi.


A piece of watermelon rind was thrown into the pond, and then the grazing fish were frightened, making a splash, splashing water, and the pond was so lively.

"Hahahaha, 666 duck~~~~~"

Liuliu stood by the pond and laughed. She was the one who lost it just now.

"Liuliu-you scared away all my fish!!!" Xiaobai was very dissatisfied. She was fishing.

"Hahaha, silly little white guy."

Liuliu became emboldened and ran into the thatched house without waiting for Xiaobai's reaction. This made Xiaobai think that she was trying to escape.

But the next moment, Luoliu came out, carrying a fishing net for catching fish.

"Fishing for fish, we fish for fish, we don't fish for ducks, 666 ducks——"

It has to be said that Da Yanyan's mind works very fast. With so many fish on the water, catching them is much easier than fishing. One fish can be caught accurately every time.

"There's no fun in fishing anymore," Meng Guangxin said.

Cheng Cheng, who was sitting next to him, nodded in agreement. She also held a fishing rod and concentrated on fishing.

Although he has just come into contact with this industry, Cheng Cheng showed great enthusiasm and was very quiet and patient while sitting on the small stool.

She seemed to enjoy it and stopped playing with her friends just to fish.

At this moment, the fishing rod held by Cheng Cheng sank suddenly, and a fish took the bait.

Cheng Cheng quickly picked up the fishing rod. The end of the fishing rod was heavy and strong, and she couldn't hold it.

"Dad, come and help me~" Cheng Cheng shouted.

The next second, she felt a light touch on her hand, and Dudu teleported over, holding the fishing rod with one hand and working hard with her.

Cheng Cheng suddenly felt much more relaxed. She didn't even need to exert much force, Dudu could handle it by herself.

"hiahiahia, let me help you, Cheng Cheng~"

Xi'er came flying over. Although this little guy didn't have much strength, he could at least get his head together. Maybe the big fish in the water got scared when they saw so many people on the shore and accepted their fate.

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