Dad Academy

Chapter 1516 I fell asleep as soon as I tilted my head

Liuliu slumped down on the small chair with a look of despair.

All her good friends betrayed her! Beat her up!

"Little Fat Rabbit, you little Fat Rabbits——"

Liuliu muttered, very unhappy.

Her good friends surrounded and beat her, including her good sister Chubby! He punched her several times and pinched her face.

Liuliu subconsciously touched her face, which turned red as it was pinched by many pairs of small hands.

This made her very angry.

She is now a little hopeless, unable to cheer up for anything, her eyes are empty, and she is doubting the birth of her child.

Xi'er stepped forward to ask about her situation with concern, but Luoliu remained silent and snorted from her nose.

Although she didn't see Xi'er beating her, she had the self-consciousness of a small animal, and Xi'er must have participated!

Pomegranate remained silent and did not respond. Xi'er touched her little head and told her to be a strong little pomegranate.

Under the arrangements of the adults, the children are preparing to go back to their homes to rest and sleep.

It is now nine o'clock in the evening. In Pujiang, the nightlife has just begun. However, in Baijia Village, it is already dead of night. In the distance, Baijia Village is almost dark, and no lights can be seen.

The bright moon is high, and the sounds of various small animals can be heard in the mountains and fields all around.

Dunzi's mother prepared two flashlights for everyone, one for Zhang Tan and one for Meng Guangxin.

The group of people went out, walked out of the yard, and walked on the ridge of the fields.

Zhu Xiaojing in the room called to the slumped Liuliu: "Liuliu, Xiaobai and the others are leaving. Why don't you say good night to them?"

Only then did Luoliu's eyes move. He stood up and walked to the corridor. He greeted Xiaobai and others who just walked into the night and shouted: "Goodbye - Goodbye, ducks and melons!! Come and play with me tomorrow."

Xi'er responded enthusiastically: "We'll come back to find you, Liuliu——"

Seeing them walking away, Liuliu and Zhu's mother returned to the house. Zhu Xiaojing asked her why she suddenly figured it out and wasn't she angry with Xiaobai and the others.

"I, I can't afford to play with Duck. I will have to play with them tomorrow. I can't live without my good friend Duck."

Men Qing'er, who is supported by Dayanyan, knows how to be brave when it is time to be brave, to be cowardly when it is time to be cowardly, and to be patient when it is time to swallow it.

If she ignores Xiaobai and the others, who will she play with in this unfamiliar Baijia Village? You can't play with Zhu's mother for more than ten days? Then she must be bored to death.

"You are really generous and broad-minded." Zhu Xiaojing praised her.

"Liuliu, let's go to bed~" Xiaomi came to find Liuliu and went upstairs to sleep.

When Liuliu saw her, she became furious and asked: "Xiaomi, did you hit me? Really? You can't afford to be a duck..."

Just now he said he should be generous, but in the next moment he caught Xiaomi and questioned him.

On the other side, a group of people were walking under the moonlight, and the rice fields on both sides of the ridge were filled with the sounds of various insects, buzzing, buzzing, and buzzing, which was very lively.


The child Tan Xi'er screamed in surprise. She missed the field ridge and fell into the rice.

The adults went to help her one after another. The little one was dirty and covered with a lot of mud.

"It's okay. I'll take a shower and change clothes when I get home later." Zhang Tan comforted him.

Xi'er hiahia smiled and said: "I have turned into a clay doll, hiahia~"

"You hold my hand." Xiaobai said.

The distance from Dunzi's house to Xiaobai's house is only about a hundred meters, passing through a rice field.

Zhang Tan gave the flashlight to Zhao Gongcheng. He and Meng Guangxin had to go back to the village, and they had a long way to go.

"Bye bye!"

Xiaobai and Xi'er waved to them, and Dudu and Cheng Cheng wanted to follow their fathers back.

However, this section of the road is much easier to walk than the field ridge just now. It is relatively spacious and there is no need to worry about falling into the paddy fields on the roadside.

"Do you want dad to carry you?" Meng Guangxin asked Cheng Cheng. After saying that, without waiting for Cheng Cheng's answer, he squatted in front of Cheng Cheng. Cheng Cheng hugged his neck, lay on his back, and looked at Dudu.

Zhao Gongcheng also squatted down and asked Dudu to lie on his back, but Dudu refused.

"I can walk by myself~"

Miss Zhao is very independent. She is not afraid when she walks in the night with her father by her side.

She was about to leave with small, determined steps, when suddenly a big, thick hand grabbed her, picked her up, put it on her neck, and carried her away without saying a word.

Dudu quickly hugged his father's forehead and went home side by side with Cheng Cheng.

In the dead of night, the road is a dirt road, with grass and even rivers on both sides. There may be snakes, and it is very dangerous for children to walk alone.

Moreover, children should act like children, why are you trying to be strong?

The four of them arrived at home and found a bamboo basket at the door, filled with fresh vegetables and fruits.

"Who dropped it at our door?" Dudu asked. He stepped forward, picked up the vegetable basket, looked at the contents, and said to his father and others: "The red ones are tomatoes, the purple ones are big eggplants, and the green ones are small ones." Green vegetables, the green ones are watermelons, the white ones are white radish, and the red ones are carrots..."

Miss Zhao is so awesome, she knows all the vegetables and fruits in the basket.

Meng Guangxin said: "I'm afraid this was not dropped here by someone else, but put here."

"Is he going to feed us?" Cheng Cheng asked.

Meng Guangxin nodded: "Maybe we just arrived and didn't have anything to eat, so we sent some. It's late at night, so I don't know who sent it, and it's hard to ask. Let's keep it first and ask the neighbors tomorrow. They should know , we will go and thank them after asking questions."

When Dudu heard this, he carried it home first, then immediately picked it up and ran home.

"Then I'll take it home."

This little guy walks like flying.

Cheng Cheng ran, followed Dudu, and said loudly: "Dudu, Dudu - I also saw lotus roots, red peppers, long cucumbers, yellow bean sprouts..."

The two put down the vegetable basket, and Meng Guangxin asked them if they wanted to eat watermelon.

Dudu shook his head and said he wouldn't eat.

"Eating it at night will make us wet the bed, so we should go to bed. We can't eat before going to bed. It's not good for our health."

What a self-disciplined kid.

After tidying up the room, the two children got together, each made a video call to their mother, reported the day's schedule, and then said good night.

"Oh, go to bed early, I have to get up for a run tomorrow."

Dudu hung up the phone with her mother and invited her father to go back to her room to sleep. Tomorrow is another day of self-discipline. According to her summer vacation plan, she has to get up and run every morning.

Cheng Cheng was in good spirits tonight. He was very curious when he came to a strange place, so he didn't want to sleep yet.

She asked Dudu if he wanted to hear her story.

Dudu thought for a while, she really wanted to sleep, not because she was sleepy, but because it was time and her biological clock told her that it was time to sleep.


"Okay, Cheng Cheng, wait for me."

After Dudu finished speaking, he ran back into the room, and soon ran out with several dolls in his arms, tied in a row on the chest, front and back.

"You tell stories to my dolls. They can only sleep after listening to the stories."

It's rare to live with the king of stories. Dudu can't miss this opportunity. She can stop listening to the story, but she can't let her dolls stop listening.

She arranged the dolls one by one, and sat among the dolls, looking at Cheng Cheng eagerly, waiting for Cheng Cheng's story.

"Once upon a time..."

Cheng Cheng began to tell the story in an orderly manner. As she was telling it, she suddenly discovered that Dudu among the dolls tilted his head and fell asleep the next second.

This is too fast!

She had her eyes open just a second ago!

She stepped forward and waved her hand in front of Dudu, but there was no response.

I pinched my cheek again, but there was still no response. Dudu's breathing was very even, and he really slept, and it smelled very good.

Cheng Cheng ran to find Zhao Gongcheng and said that her Dudu was asleep.

Zhao Gongcheng picked up Dudu among the dolls and returned to the bedroom, while Cheng Cheng picked up the dolls on the sofa and helped move them to the bedroom.

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