Dad Academy

Chapter 1510 Mountain Flower

Dunzi disappeared. A moment ago, he was under the big camphor tree at the entrance of the village, waiting for Xiaobai and the others to come back. After all, he had been looking forward to it for many days and finally arrived. He had been waiting impatiently for a long time.

However, Dunzi's mother discovered that Dunzi was missing and didn't know where he had gone.

However, she was not worried about the safety of Dunzi. Here, the children were running around and in a state of free-range. When it was time to eat, they just went home. After the meal, they put the bowls and chopsticks away and went out to play. Well, the most adults can tell you is not to go to the river alone or to the mountains alone, and don’t care about the rest.

Dunzi's mother thought that Dunzi must have gotten into a corner somewhere, but she didn't expect Xiaobai and the others to arrive at this time.

"Xiaobai, you have grown up."

Dunzi's mother looked at Xiaobai and touched her little head. Xiaobai looked more like a big child than the last time they met.

Moreover, Xiaobai looks more lively and outgoing, with bright eyes and full of confidence, which she lacked before.

"For you."

Xiaobai took out a women's sun hat and gave it to Dunzi's mother. She bought it herself.

"Do I still have a gift? Thank you~"

Dunzi's mother was very surprised. She didn't expect that she would have a gift. The child was very thoughtful.

She looked at the other little girls and she knew them all. She had seen them when she went to Pujiang before.

"We're all here. It's busy now. Let's go home first, Teacher Jiang. The house has been cleaned."

Teacher Jiang thanked him repeatedly, and the group walked inside. Liuliu Dudu and others looked around curiously, and Xiaobai was also looking around, looking for Dunzi.

She saw some children popping up and looking at them, so she ran over and asked if she had seen Dunzi.

"It's little Huahua!"

A little boy with a runny nose looked at Xiaobai in surprise. She didn't recognize Xiaobai at first, but when she got closer, she recognized her after hearing Xiaobai's Sichuan accent.

He immediately shouted to the melon boys behind him: "Little Huahua is back - come and see, Xiao Huahua, it's Xiao Huahua!! The one who stole the watermelon."

Xiaobai was originally very happy. The children welcomed her so much and shouted, which meant that she was popular and famous. She wanted to show off to her girlfriends, but the next second she heard this sentence, she was furious. .

"I'm smart enough to pack two bags for you——"

She rushed over, grabbed the little boy with a runny nose, and gave him a stern warning. She yelled again, just one word, "Bian!"

The little boy didn't dare to shout anymore. At this time, other children also gathered around, four in total.

Xiaobai couldn't recognize them all, and one of them, the youngest boy, didn't recognize them.

"Which pot is this?" Xiaobai asked.

Gua Wazi, who had a runny nose, took a sip of his nose, raised his hand to wipe it casually, and said, "His father's name is Lao Gua."

Lao Gua is an adult’s nickname. In the village, everyone basically calls him by his nickname, but not many people know his real name.

When Xiaobai heard about Lao Gua, he laughed loudly, grabbed the little boy's face and said, "I know you, old man, haha, here you go."

He took out a handful of candies from his bag and gave them to the little boy. This little boy looked to be at most three years old, and he already dared to follow the older children around alone.

"Thank you, little Huahua." the little boy said timidly.

"Call me sister, not little flower."


"Have you seen Dunzi?"

The three children shook their heads, but the last one pointed to the mountain in the distance and said, "I saw Dunzi running towards the mountain. Did he go to herd cattle?"

Dunzi was not found, but Dunzi's mother advised Xiaobai not to worry. Dunzi would go home by himself later. Now that he is out looking, it is difficult to find him.

Xiaobai hummed. She didn't know why Dunzi was not waiting for her at the entrance of the village at this time, but why he was running up the mountain instead.

“666 Duck Xiaobai~~”

Liuliu walked up to Xiaobai and smiled.

"Where is your bag?" Xiaobai asked. This guy, Liuliu, had nothing on him and was very relaxed.

"Dudu is carrying it for me."

I saw Dudu carrying a bag behind him and a bag in front of him, dragging a mini suitcase in his hand, and several rag dolls tied to his body. He looked like a migrant worker who had just returned to the village with his family in tow.

"You don't carry your bag yourself. If you let Dudu carry it alone, you are a black ass~"

Xiaobai caught Luoliu and squirted, and Luoliu hurriedly carried his bag.

After everyone got off the bus, they walked for ten minutes and arrived at Ma Lanhua's house first. Some of them were going to live here, another part was staying at Teacher Jiang's house, and another part was staying at Dunzi's house.

So the question is, who lives in the village, and who lives in Dunzi’s house and Xiaobai’s house on the edge of the village?

"Who wants to live here?" Zhang Tan asked the children.

The children looked at each other, but no one said anything.

Liuliu quickly pulled Dudu.

"I want to live with Dudu."

"I'm afraid that won't work." Zhang Tan said.

Because the parents accompanying the children are both male and female, for convenience, the boys must live with the boys.

Cheng Cheng's father, Meng Guangxin, took the initiative to say that he lived here, and smiled at Zhao Gongcheng: "Brother Zhao, I guess you and I can only live here."

Zhao Gongcheng smiled and nodded, and then told Dudu in sign language that they would live here with Cheng Cheng.

Dudu felt a little disappointed. She also wanted to live with Liliu, but she listened to her father's arrangement, and she also liked Cheng Cheng very much and didn't like Cheng Cheng to be sad.

Cheng Cheng was even more fine. She just said "oh" lightly, but her smart eyes were already looking around. This will be their home for the next few days.

Pomegranate was very unhappy and almost cried. Her mother ordered her to be strong and be a strong little pomegranate.

"If you cry over something like this, what will you do when you grow up? You can't even become a great actor."

Luliu couldn't help but hold back the sadness in her heart, and held hands with Dudu, and later even hugged each other.

Therefore, when setting up a character, it is easy to set a circle for yourself and trip yourself up.

Without the strong character of Little Pomegranate, Pomegranate Big Yanyan would have burst into tears long ago.

Zhao Gongcheng and Meng Guangxin stayed with Dudu and Cheng Cheng. Zhang Tan asked them to put down their things first and go home with them to know the way.

Zhao Gongcheng took the lead and helped Ding Jiamin and Zhu Xiaojing carry their luggage. Dudu saw this and followed suit to help Xiaomi carry things.

Liliu: "..."

After crossing the clattering bridge, we finally arrived at Teacher Jiang’s house. The wild flowers in the yard were blooming brilliantly, and colorful butterflies and bees were flying among the flowers.

Zhang Tan will take Xiaobai and Xi'er to live here with Teacher Jiang.

Ding Jiamin and Zhu Xiaojing will live with Xiaomi and Liuliu at Dunzi's house.

Everyone put down their luggage and took a rest. Dunzi's mother brought a big watermelon over and said, "Try the watermelon grown in the ground. It's very sweet."

"Eating a big watermelon - such a big watermelon."

Dudu also followed quickly with a big watermelon in his arms.

Dunzi's mother placed two large watermelons in the ditch to cool down the water. When she moved the watermelons, she followed them without saying a word and asked to hold one.

Dunzi's mother was worried that she wouldn't be able to move it at first, but Dudu's strength was beyond her expectation, and she started moving with a huff.

The watermelon is grown in the ground. It is big and sweet. After being left in the ditch all morning, the watermelon petals are cool and very delicious.

When everyone was eating watermelon, someone passed by in the yard at the door. No one else noticed it, only Xiaobai noticed it.

She put down the watermelon and followed out. At a glance, she saw Dunzi standing in the yard and smiling silly at her.

Dunzi was sweating profusely and his face was red. He was wearing a black vest, his arms were tanned, and he was holding a bouquet of mountain flowers in his hand.

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