Dad Academy

Chapter 1505 The masterminds behind the scenes

Cheng Cheng is a story teller. She usually likes to read picture book stories. Some picture books have pinyin, but some don't. And as the picture book stories she reads become more and more older, they basically no longer have pinyin, so she needs to use a learning machine or dictionary.

Cheng Cheng was very good at using the dictionary, even more proficient than Xiaomi. Luoliu was surprised when he saw it. He felt that he was really a god, and he was worthy of being her little melon.

Da Yanyan took advantage of Cheng Cheng not paying attention, hugged her and took a bite. The aroma filled her mouth and she was intoxicated.

However, Cheng Cheng was disgusted and his face was rubbed again and again.

"Hahahaha, 666 duck~~~"

No matter how powerful the little cantaloupe is, isn't it the one she can kiss whenever she wants? !

I was writing a self-reflection, but my best friends came together to write it, so I could barely finish it.

Xiaobai finished writing first, and then everyone helped Luoliu. After Liuliu also finished writing, everyone remembered that Dudu also wanted to write a self-criticism!

I wonder how Dudu’s writing is going?

Dudu has been tinkering alone without asking for help.

"I've finished writing." Dudu said.

so smart? Did you finish it by yourself? The first-grade children wrote it with help.

Everyone gathered together to read Dudu's apology letter, and saw that the page was full of words, all of which said "I'm sorry."

Is this copying "I'm sorry" 50 times?

Xi'er went to report the news and told Aunt Ma that they had written the self-criticism.

Malanhua also came to the study. As soon as her figure appeared, Xiaobai and Liuliu immediately stayed calm and did not dare to escape.

"Has it been written?"

"...It's written~"

"Look, Aunt Ma, I've written it."

"Then recite it. You are standing in front of me, so why don't you come over and recite it first?"

"..." Liuliu panicked, "I, I didn't stand so far forward, it was Xiaomi who pushed me."

"I don't care, you read it first, hurry up."

Luoliu frowned, picked up his self-reflection letter, read it for a long time and then read: "I want to be an ideal person. I'm sorry to my parents. I failed the exam. I have to work hard, *\u0026%——"

"Wait~~What did you just say?"


"What did you read just now? I didn't hear it clearly. Say it again."


"What's this?"

Liliu's face dropped and she said she didn't know these words.

When I wrote it just now, we all looked it up in the dictionary together, and she forgot about it after she finished writing it.

Xi'er came to Liuliu's side, looked at Liuliu's confession, and said, "Hitting means kissing, scolding, and love."

Liuliu looked at her in shock, Tianya, a kindergarten kid could do that? She doesn’t even know how to do it in the first grade!

But the kindergarten children showed their prototypes in the next second.

"If you don't know what's behind, look for Cheng Cheng."

You don't need to look for Cheng Cheng, you know the last sentence.

"I'll be starved if I don't eat a meal."

Ma Lanhua stared at her, and Liuliu quickly handed over the confession and explained: "It's true, it's true that Aunt Ma will starve after not eating for a whole meal, look at her~"

Malanhua took a look and realized it was true.

"Keep reading."

Liuliu continued to read the self-reflection letter, and during this period, she did not know the words in three parts. She had to ask everyone for help, and everyone said one sentence to another, so that she could finish reading smoothly.

Reading the self-reflection book was very useful, and I learned a lot of words. It seems that Malanhua is not just to help the children improve their memory, but also to help them recognize a few more words.

After Liliu finished reading, she felt secretly happy and quickly backed away, behind Dudu, and pushed Dudu out.

"Aunt Ma, let Dudu read it."

"Did Dudu write it too?"

"It's written."

"Why did you write? You also failed the exam?"

"I slept in."

"What a good boy, read it."

"I'm sorry~I'm sorry~I'm sorry...()*%% # % # % # ¥%"

After thinking about it, Miss Zhao became bald.

big guy:"……"

But Malanhua didn't stop. As long as Miss Zhao is happy, she is a good child and there is no need to worry about it. It is the other two who have to worry about it.

"Okay, Xiaobai, it's your turn!"

Malanhua's tone was unkind, as if she was about to eat Xiaobai.

Xiaobai appeared with a bitter face and began to read mechanically: "I'm sorry for my classmates, I'm sorry for my grandma, my old man, my uncle, my aunt, my -"

Malanhua interrupted her rudely: "I didn't hear you clearly. Read it again."

Xiaobai scratched the watermelon head and read it again.

"If you didn't hear it clearly, please read it again."

Xiaobai dared to be angry but did not dare to say anything, so he muttered: "You're the one who did it."

"What did you say?!"

"I'm sorry, classmates!——"

Xiaobai stopped reading this time and yelled instead. Xi'er, who was standing next to her, quickly covered her ears.

But this time she was still interrupted by Ma Lanhua, who asked her why she put "aunt" last? Can it be done earlier?

Xiaobai understood and immediately changed his words: "I'm sorry for my grandma, my old man, my aunt, I'm sorry for my classmates, my uncle——"

This time it passed successfully.

It's not over yet.

Malanhua said she would take away the self-examination letter, frame it, and hang it on the wall, next to the photo frame in the corridor.

Without saying anything, Dudu took the initiative to hand over his self-reflection letter to Aunt Ma.

But Xiaobai and Liuliu quit, and immediately wailed, hugging Ma Lanhua's thigh, and begged Aunt Ma to please be kind and let the child go.

If it were hung on the corridor wall, wouldn't they, the little red horse's young ladies, be killed in society? How can you act so arrogantly and domineeringly in the future?

"You still need to save face if you fail the exam?"

Liuliu waved her hands quickly and said with a sad face: "I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore~~"

"I want to study hard, make progress every day, and get into a good university. I will support you when my aunt gets old~~"

The two expressed their loyalty one after another, and seeing how pitiful they were, Ma Lanhua finally took action and reluctantly let them go.

"Okay, let's do this for tonight."

Xiaobai and Liuliu immediately came to life and could finally breathe.

They didn't hear what Ma Lanhua said, so they would just do this tonight, which meant there would be another show tomorrow.

Alas, let's not remind the two little ones. It's quite pitiful that they are happy every minute, innocent is a blessing, and fools are lucky.

In the chat group, parents were having a heated discussion. Ma Lanhua reported the latest progress and put the three little ones' self-reflection letter in the group. Sun Dongdong accidentally saw her family's Dudu, and saw the paper full of "I'm sorry", and couldn't help but be moved. , sent an emoji that moved me to tears.

Zhu Xiaojing highlighted the sentence written by Liuliu, "Hitting means kissing and scolding means loving. If you don't eat a meal, you will feel hungry." She said it didn't rhyme at all, and then asked what her plan was for tomorrow.

Her husband Shen Limin came up with the idea and asked Ma Lanhua if he could arrange for Liliu to work in the store tomorrow, letting her know that if she didn't study, she would have to work.

Zhu Xiaojing expressed support.

Malanhua also said yes, and Aite sighed and asked for his opinion.

"I think it's pretty good," Zhang Tan replied, "I'll invite my girlfriends to go to the store to eat pancakes and fruit tomorrow. After eating, Xiaobai and Liuliu will stay and work for a day to experience the hard work."

Everyone expressed their approval, and Sun Dongdong replied again, expressing concern about her Dudu. If she went to the store, Dudu would probably stay and work on her own initiative and refuse to leave.

At this time, Zhang Tan saved Xiaobai's confession in his mobile phone, and then asked in the group: "Can I go home? Xiaobai called me."

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