Dad Academy

Chapter 1496 Project Initiation and Final Examination

Liuliu began to bully her daughter-in-law again, scaring her so much that she ran away with her head in her arms. It was not until she was stopped by Xiaomi that little Zheng Zheng was rescued by Shi Baobao.

"Which pot is screaming?"

Xiaobai finally appeared. When Liuliu saw this, he subconsciously hid back. He then thought that when she said bad things about Xiaobai, Xiaobai was not there. She only said it in front of Zhu's mother. Xiaobai didn't know. Duck, what are you afraid of? !

Thinking of this, the pomegranate grew stronger again.

"Did you bully little Zheng Zheng?"

Xiaobai looked at Liuliu and gave her a scolding if he caught her.

"Next time you bully little Zheng Zheng, I'll give you earwax."

Liuliu was dissatisfied and complained: "Why do you always give me two earwax ducks?"

After saying that, she poked her fingers into her ears and took them out. She didn't know what she took out, and then flicked it on the ground. Cheng Cheng and Xi'er, who were standing next to her, moved away when they saw this.

Cheng Cheng, in particular, was wide-eyed and surprised. She was a little mysophobic and couldn't stand Liuliu being like this.


Luoliu laughed like a little bad guy.

At this time, Xiaobai asked her: "Pang Liuliu, where are you going during the summer vacation?"

Liuliu said she was going to her grandma's house.

Xiaobai asked other best friends. Cheng Cheng and Dudu also said they were going to their grandma's house, while Xi'er and Xiaomi said they didn't have a grandma. If they wanted to go anywhere, they would just stay at home.

"Come home and play with me."

Xiaobai was eager to give it a try. She wanted to go back to her hometown in Sichuan to live for a while during the summer vacation. When Xi'er and Xiaomi said that they had no grandmother's house to go to, she warmly extended an invitation to them.

Xi'er hiahia smiled, readily agreed, and said a good word.

It is estimated that she didn't even understand what was going on, so she agreed first and then talked about it. Xiaobai would never sell her out anyway.

Xiaomi hesitated and said that she would have to go home and ask Sister Xiaomin before making a decision.

But in her heart, she really hopes to stay with Xiaobai and the others. She is also willing to go to Baijia Village in Sichuan. She has not been to Sichuan yet and heard that it is the home of lovely giant pandas.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, take me with you~~"

Dudu is eager to be invited and wants to go.

"Come on, Dudu, come on too." Xiaobai said.


Dudu readily agreed and was very happy.

In this way, Liuli quit and everyone went, but she was not invited. This was not in line with the status of a big Yanyan.

Xiaobai didn't tease her, but also extended an invitation to her. Without saying a word, Luoliu accepted the invitation first, so as not to suffer any loss.

Summer vacation is coming soon, and many children may not be able to see each other for a long time. Since Xiaobai is going back to Baijia Village, he wants to call all his good friends.

So far, only Xiwawa has gone back to Baijia Village with her. There are many people in the countryside and she is not afraid. The sky is huge and she can run wild wherever she wants.

Xiaobai ran to report to her old man and grandma, asking them to be prepared.


Several days passed, and just when Zhang Tan thought Xie Canhong had no intention of directing "Love Letter", he unexpectedly received a call from her.

On the phone, Xie Canhong expressed his intention to come.

She read the script of "Love Letter" and liked it very much. She also intended to direct it. She called because she wanted to communicate with Zhang Tan about some cooperation matters.

She was originally focused on her own film project and had been planning it for several years, but due to lack of investment, the project could not be launched.

On the way to attract investment, she encountered obstacles everywhere and could not find investors.

She was surprised when she saw Zhang Tan that day. She never expected that today's popular screenwriter would approach her to make a movie.

She was actually very excited at the time, but she still wanted to focus on her own project. In the past few days, she was looking for connections everywhere, asking people to attract investment, but she was never able to get in. Frustrated, she read the "Love Letter" script left by Zhang Tan, and was immediately attracted to this style of writing. Movies are very much to her taste.

She unknowingly watched it all afternoon, constantly thinking about the plot, and the pictures emerged in her mind, thinking about how to shoot this scene better, how to set up the scene, how to position the actors, etc.

Looking at the dark sky, she was immersed in the plot. The more she read the story "Love Letter", the more she liked it, and she temporarily forgot about her project.

She did not rush to call Zhang Tan, but continued to think about it for a day, and after weighing it all, she finally dialed the mobile phone number on Zhang Tan's business card.

She had already decided in her mind to put her own projects aside first, and put "Love Letter" at a higher priority.

Since it will be difficult for my project to be completed for a while, it is better to concentrate on "Love Letter" first.

Zhang Tan and Xie Canhong chatted for more than two hours. If Xie Canhong hadn't had something to do, the phone call would probably have continued. Finally, they agreed to meet tomorrow morning to finalize some matters.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Tan breathed a sigh of relief. Xie Canhong was very willing to take over "Love Letter", which saved him a lot of things, otherwise he would have to continue looking for a director.

The meeting with her the next day went smoothly. The two had a very good conversation. After Zhang Tan answered her main questions, Xie Canhong readily agreed to direct the project.

"Thank you Mr. Zhang for giving me this opportunity. I will do my best to make "Love Letter" a success."

Xie Canhong stood up and shook hands with Zhang Tan, thanking him sincerely.

Nowadays, there are so many people who want to work with Zhang Tan in a movie. It's like a crucian carp crossing a river. Although Zhang Tan seems to be looking for people everywhere, in fact, as soon as he spreads the word, I don't know how many people will come forward and recommend themselves.

Xie Canhong felt that her fortune must have started to improve this year, otherwise why would the popular Zhang Tan come to her and invite her to shoot a movie.

"As for actors, we have to start working on it. Does Mr. Zhang have any candidates?" Xie Canhong asked about Zhang Tan's acting style before coming here.

"I don't have a favorite candidate. You can recommend it and we can decide together." Zhang Tan said.

"Okay, then I'll look for it first."

The "Love Letter" project has been officially launched. As a producer, Zhang Tan has a lot to do for the first time. However, no matter how busy he is at work, one thing must be given higher priority.

That is, the child Bai Chunhua is about to take the final exam.

He wants to supervise Mr. Xiaobai to study hard and sharpen his skills in battle, and he will be happy if he is not happy.

Actually, he didn't have high requirements for Xiaobai's final exam results. After all, he was only in the first grade of elementary school. Children are young, so don't put too much pressure on learning. Childhood is the best.

However, didn't Xiaobai set a flag and vowed to get 100 points in front of her aunt?

Don't think that Aunt Ma has forgotten this. Yesterday, she came to the academy specifically to ask Xiaobai how her academic performance was, whether she was confident about the exam, and whether she could get a certificate and a little red flower.

Xiaobai studied extra hard that night.

Children with good academic performance are still doing the same as usual these days, such as Cheng Cheng and Xiaomi.

As for the children with poor academic performance, these days are like fighting a war. They are in chaos every day. Either there are insufficient troops or insufficient food and grass, which often disrupts the war.

For example, so-and-so has a three-letter name.

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