Dad Academy

Chapter 1487 The white-bearded old man, Fahai? ?

Liuliu yelled blindly and reached up to grab at the sky. She was hugged by Xiaobai and couldn't break away. She was so frightened that she screamed and called for help.

The children gathered around to break up the fight, and Xiaobai turned over and landed on Luoliu's back.

"Hahaha, Liuliu will be my pony."

Luoliu was ridden, and his teeth immediately itched with anger: "It's a duck, it's a duck, Xiaobai, I will fight with you - ah -"

But no matter how cruel she said, Xiaobai wouldn't get off and insisted on riding her. It wasn't until the casting director, makeup artist, and costume designer came over and told them to put on makeup and change clothes that the two separated.

Liuliu hummed and glared at Xiaobai. Dudu comforted her, saying that Xiaobai was one of her own, so don't be angry.

Xiaobai laughed loudly: "Madam, I am Xu Xian——hohoho~~~"

"It's a duck, it's a duck!!! Xiaobai, you can't afford to play like a duck!!!"

Luoliu felt like she was going to explode. How could she be paired with Xiaobai, a melon? It was so unlucky.

She looked left and right, trying to find Boss Zhang, but Boss Zhang was not here. Instead, she saw Xiwawa, a fool who looked eager to try. She didn't know what he was thinking! snort!

So Luliu went to the casting director and thought that this was a character, maybe an official.

"Replace Xiaobai quickly!"

Liuliu made a request to get rid of Xiaobai. This Guawazi was not here to film, but to bully her, which made her almost out of shape.

How dare the casting director to win over Xiaobai? It’s almost as good as Xiaobai to win over him.

"Liuliu, we must value harmony, not to mention you are good friends."

Luoliu was so angry that she whined and pestered him, insisting on licking off Xiaobai.

The casting director suddenly had a headache. He definitely couldn't afford to offend Xiaobai, and he couldn't afford to offend Luoliu either. These were Zhang Tan's chosen candidates.

He is a casting director to most actors, but to these small actors, he is just a waiter.

At this time, in view of Liuliu's arrogance, Xiaobai couldn't help it, quarreled with her, and asked her why she should replace him.

Just like that, the two started arguing again, chattering, and it looked like it might escalate into a family fight at any time.

The casting director tried to persuade him, but it didn't work, and the person involved didn't like him.

"Dudu, Xi'er, Cheng Cheng, Xiaomi, please help me."

The four children were all disinterested and had no motivation to persuade them.

It was Xi'er who shouted: "Don't make any noise~~, you see, they don't listen to me."

The casting director was speechless. This is too perfunctory. Are you really not worried at all about your little sisters quarreling?

At this time, he saw an old man with a white beard walking past, his head shining brightly, and he stopped him from leaving.

"Director, what's wrong?" the bald old man asked.

"Fa Hai, come and persuade Xu Xian and White Snake to stop quarreling."

"I - I don't know them, can they listen to me?" Fa Hai was confused.

He also put on makeup here, and he had seen little Xu Xian and White Snake quarreling a long time ago. It's quite interesting for children to quarrel.

"You are Fahai, how can they not listen to what you say?"

Fa Hai was helpless and stepped forward to give him a few words of advice. Sure enough, it had some effect. The main reason was that his bald head was very attractive. Luoliu and Xiaobai stopped arguing and looked at him in unison.

"Who are you?" Luoliu asked.

"I am Fahai."

"Which one is Fahai?"

"Fahai is a character in the TV series and is your friend."

At this time, Xiaobai recognized it and said loudly: "He is not our friend, he is Fahai, Fat Liuliu, he beat the white lady to death!!! You are dead! You are so miserable~~~ ~”

Durian: (⊙x⊙;)! ! !

Xiaobai continued to shout: "Fahai, Fahai has a pot. If he puts it over your head, you will die."

After saying that, Xiaobai demonstrated his movements, slapped Liliu on the head, and asked Fahai: "Fahai, where is your pot?"

"...I didn't bring it."

"Here! I see it."

The one who shouted was Xi'er, who ran over with a bowl in her arms and gave it to Xiaobai and Liuliu like a treasure.

"You, where did you find it?" Fahai asked.


"Is this the one who beat me to death?" Liuliu asked, looking at the bowl. It was ordinary, so why did he beat her to death.

"If this pot is placed on your brain, you will die."

Xiaobai said while covering the bowl on Luoliu's head. Luoliu did feel that Alexander's head was heavy, as if he was about to die, which made her panic.

Xi'er immediately popularized safety knowledge: "Wear a helmet. If we wear a helmet, we won't be afraid of death."

This is when her pink helmet comes in handy to prevent it from being taken away by Fa Hai.

"Good guy Duck, good guy Duck - you have to beat me to death, grandpa~~~" Luoliu looked at Fahai, never expecting that this white-bearded old man was so fierce that he would beat his little friend to death!

Xiaobai and Liuliu immediately changed their focus and asked Fahai why he wanted to bully them. They were just little friends.

No matter how Fa Hai explained it, both of them agreed that it was a bad guy who had stamped it!

"All bald heads are bad guys!"

Liuliu came to a conclusion, the one far away was Luo Zikang, the one close was Fa Hai, and the one not far but not close was Uncle Bai.

The two stopped arguing and unanimously denounced Fahai.

Fahai walked away in despair. The casting director breathed a sigh of relief and told the three of them to hurry up and put on makeup and change clothes. It was getting late. If he delayed any longer, he would be sprayed by the director again.

The three Xiaobais were led away by their respective costume designers. They would change clothes first and then come over to put on makeup.

Before leaving, Xiaobai said to the casting director: "Give my children something to eat and drink."

Otherwise, it would be too boring for them to wait here.

"Something to eat and drink?"

At this time, the makeup artist on the side reminded the casting director in a low voice: "Didn't Teacher Zhang say that when Liuliu is unhappy, she will give her a bear drink, so we prepared some preserved fruit and a bear drink."

"Oh yes, where did you put it?"

"In the young actors' green room."

The casting director immediately ran to the lounge and brought in a box of Bear drinks and a box of preserved fruits.

"Xiaozu - children, I bought you some food and drinks, bear drinks, whoever wants to drink can take it by yourself, no guests are required -"

Before he finished speaking, the children had already swarmed up, chattering and dividing the bears, each holding a bottle. Some people were cautious and had two bottles in their hands, and two more bottles were stuffed in their trouser pockets.

"Hey, Xiaobai, Liuliu, and Xi'er, why are you running back again? Go change your clothes first. Liuliu, you can't take them like this. Take as much as you drink and put the rest back."

Liuliu didn't listen to her, but she was immediately scolded by Xiaobai, who forced her to put back the two bottles, leaving only two bottles.

She refused to put these two bottles back no matter what.

At the same time, she stuffed some preserved fruits and meat in her trouser pockets. She was so proud that she thought Xiaobai didn't see it.

However, when she changed her clothes and came out and transformed into a white lady, she was dumbfounded. All her clothes and pants with preserved fruits were taken away!

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