Dad Academy

Chapter 1471 All right

After talking to Xiwawa on the phone and confirming that Xiwawa was alive and well, Xiaobai felt relieved. He tried hard and tried his best to force himself to do his homework for a while. When he couldn't hold it in any longer, he shouted to go out to get some fresh air and play for a while. Play, have fun.

So I took the old man to visit various small shops in Huangjia Village and bought some clothes for my aunt.

"Where's grandma?" Before going out, Xiaobai ran to find grandma, but the door was closed and no one was there.

"Grandma has gone out to do errands," Zhang Tan said.

In the morning, he sent Teacher Jiang to the Little Red Horse Galloping Company, where he discussed the donation with the person in charge of the "Mo Di" crew. Today, he will have a video conference with people from the Mo Di Culture and Art Museum. As an intermediary, she has Lots to do.

Teacher Jiang seems to be in good spirits. As expected, people still have to be busy and have something to do.

Zhang Tan took Xiaobai out and walked to Huangjia Village. When passing by the barber shop, he saw Lao Niu cutting a child's hair.

Xiaobai stood on the side of the road and asked: "Grandpa Niu, where is your little tiger?"

The old cow and the kid sitting on the chair getting a haircut turned their heads at the same time.

"Hehe, I'm here, Xiaobai."

It turns out that this is Wan Xiaohu.

Xiaobai laughed: "Xiaohu, are you cutting your hair? Do you want to shave your head?"

Wan Xiaohu giggled and said that it was too hot and his bald head was cool.

"Hoo ho ho, you are just like my uncle. My uncle is like a loser, and you are a loser."

Good guy, fortunately Bai Jianping is not here. If he hears Xiaobai looking at him like this, he will definitely be heartbroken.

This guy can't describe his character at all, it's an insult to his personality!

"Xiaobai, your hair is so long, you should cut it," Wan Xiaohu suggested.

Zhang Tan agreed: "Little White's hair is indeed quite long. Do you want to trim it?"

Lao Niu immediately boasted that his craftsmanship was very good, and he cut the heads of the entire Huangjia Village.

Xiaobai asked: "How much does it cost?"

Lao Niu said: "Hey, can I ask for your money? I'll cut it for you for free."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Baidun was so angry: "I won't cut it for free! Huh~~"

He ran away in a flash.

Zhang Tan and Lao Niu looked at each other and said, "Actually, she just doesn't want to cut it, so she's just looking for an excuse. Master Niu, your skills must be perfect, isn't it you who did the cutting?"

After that, go out to find Xiaobai.

Xiaobai had already walked far away, looking around and into the small shop on the roadside.

These small shops are full of dazzling things, small in area, but with many varieties. Especially the further you go, the more small shops open.

"What is this?"

Xiaobai went to a clothing store and looked curiously at the pairs of tiger-head shoes placed on the counter in front of the door.

"These are tiger-head shoes." Zhang Tan said.

"Oh~~~Haha, I wore them when I was a kid. My grandma made them for me." Xiaobai picked up a pair of small tiger-head shoes, which became more and more cute as he looked at them.

Teacher Jiang is very skilled at making tiger-head shoes and bellybands for children, which is what Xiaobai wore when she was little.

"Buy a pair for Xiba."

"My baby is already 6 years old and can't wear this."

"Then wear it for Dudu."

"Dudu is 5 years old and can't wear it."

"Then wear it for Xiaobai."

You are really persistent, Xiao Xiaobai can do it, but Teacher Jiang has already prepared it for Xiao Bai.

"Then wear them for Xiao Lizi and Xiao Weiwei."

"They are too big to wear. Let's take a walk. Let's go."


The two of them walked and walked, mainly Xiaobai looking here and there, walking very slowly.

Are all children like this? When walking on the road, they can see and listen in all directions, just like little friend Tan Xier. From home to the little red horse, he often finds all kinds of strange things on the roadside, such as scarab beetles and unicorn beetles. No less catching.

Zhang Tan was worried that if he didn't hurry, the child would be able to walk until the sun went down.

However, he also saw that Xiaobai was in a particularly good mood today and was full of curiosity.

After finally reaching a clothing store, Xiaobai jumped in.

Zhang Tan followed, and Xiaobai told him that he was buying clothes for his aunt here.

Apparently, it was this shop owner who gave Xiaobai a box of ice cream.

This store has a nice name, "Yi Ran You Yue". However, the store is very small, estimated to be less than 30 square meters. There are many clothes hanging in the small store, and it is a dazzling array. It does not specialize in men's and women's clothing, but there are all kinds of clothes. , adults, children and the elderly.

Small but complete.

Zhang Tan took it for granted that the shops in Huangjia Village were basically of this type. The stores were small but had a lot of stuff. If you went in to hunt for treasures, you might be able to find the good stuff you wanted.

The shop owner was a woman in her thirties, whom Zhang Tan didn't recognize. After all, although this is Huangjia Village, due to its strategic location, many migrant workers live in the village. Small shops like these are mostly opened by these migrant workers. If the business is not good, they will be closed, so there is a large flow of people.

"Boss Zhang~~"

But the store owner knew Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan smiled and nodded towards her and said hello.

Many people know him, especially in Huangjiacun.

However, the reason why the store owner knew him was not because he was famous in the entertainment industry. People have seen his movies and TV series, but they don't know that there is such a behind-the-scenes figure.

The reason why people know him is because a fellow villager sent his child to Little Red Horse Academy and took care of him there.

In Huangjia Village, Little Red Horse Academy is much more famous than Zhang Tan is in the entertainment industry. There are really not many people here who don't know about it.

After all, every day when he goes to the village, he has to pass through the Little Red Horse Academy.

Furthermore, Little Red Horse Academy has a very good reputation and serves migrant workers. Everyone is very grateful.

"My little Bai ate the ice cream you gave me. Thank you very much. I must come to you to buy clothes for her aunt." Zhang Tan said.

The lady boss quickly said it was nothing, just an ice cream.

"Everyone is very grateful that you opened the Little Red Horse Academy and helped us migrant workers take care of our children. It was a great help."

"Do you have kids at Little Red Pony too?"

"I don't have any kids yet."

"Where are you from?"

"My hometown is Guizhou."

"A place with beautiful mountains and clear waters——"

At this time, Xiaobai took a fancy to a piece of clothing and asked Zhang Tan to come over and take a look.

This is a floral skirt, dress, with a blue background and white floral pattern. It looks good, but I am so young, will Malanhua wear it?

"My aunt is so pretty!" Xiaobai said proudly, "Her butt is really big, I like it so much!"

Zhang Tan and the landlady couldn't help but see black lines. What kind of aesthetics is this?

"Old man, look at it, it looks good. My aunt will definitely like it if she wears it." Xiaobai highly recommended this dress.

In the eyes of children, my aunt is a bit fierce, but she has a tall image, so she is suitable for wearing such a beautiful dress that makes her look younger.

Zhang Tan touched it and found that the material was average. You couldn't expect the quality to be high in a roadside shop like this. After all, it was wholesaled from a big market.

Seeing that Xiaobai liked it very much, Zhang Tan agreed. Today is Xiaobai's wish, let her make the decision, maybe Malanhua likes it very much.

Xiaobai was very happy when the old man agreed. He didn't ask the price, so he asked the boss's wife to wrap it up.

It was Zhang Tan who took the initiative and asked how much it cost.

"220 yuan~" the landlady said softly, and added: "Just give me 200 yuan."

"Just 220, it's a small business and it's not easy to make a profit."

The landlady thanked her profusely.

At this time, Xiaobai was still looking at the clothes and said that he wanted to buy one for his uncle.

"Otherwise, my uncle will be sad. Please buy him one." Xiaobai said, "Old man, do I have enough money?"

"That's enough, feel free to pick one for your uncle."

"I'll pick out a pair of big pants for him, hohohoho~~~~"

This little guy took a fancy to a pair of large red pants with dark coconut palm patterns, which looked like something he should wear.

"You like this one?"

"Yeah, hahaha~"

"Your aesthetic is very special. Will your uncle like it?"

"He has to like it even if he doesn't like it!"

"You are such a good niece to him."

"That's not the case."

"Did you really choose this one?"


"Okay, boss lady, put this one on too."

"I'll buy another pair of socks for uncle."

"Why buy socks?"

"If our jiojio doesn't wear socks, he will get injured and walk with a limp."

Do I still know this? That's not what I asked.

"Okay, you choose."

"Hahaha, I've picked it, this is it."

She also picked out a pair of red socks for her uncle.

Zhang Tan couldn't help but ask: "Is your uncle's birth year this year?"

“We’re still early for the New Year!”

Thanks to Benben Xiaoyu for the reward of 45,000 coins, the 59th cute protagonist of this book is born, and we look forward to the 60th one!

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