Dad Academy

Chapter 1458 I wish you can laugh as much as you want in the future

PS: Finished.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, come and see, there are frogs here."

Xiaomi found a big-bellied frog squatting on the lotus leaf by the pond, croaking.

"It's true." Xiaobai ran over and squatted next to Xiaomi, watching the frog on the lotus leaf keep chirping, "It looks like a pomegranate."

Pomegranates: →_→

"Hahahahahaha, it looks like a pomegranate, it looks like a pomegranate-"


Luoliu glanced sideways at the smiling little Lizi, began to grind his teeth, and clenched his fists.

Xiao Lizi seemed to feel the murderous intention, and ran away with a swish.


A stone was thrown into the water, causing a splash. The frog on the lotus leaf was frightened, jumped into the water, and disappeared.

Xiaobai and Xiaomi looked back and saw Luoliu, who had just thrown the stone.

Xiaobai said dissatisfiedly: "Liuliu, why did I scare you away?"

"...You can't afford to play duck, Xiaobai, good guy, good guy duck!" Luoliu left angrily, staying with Xiaobai, she was always the one getting the blame.

"Look, you guys, there are a lot of small fish here. They are shopping." Dudu's sharp eyes saw a group of small fish swimming by on the surface of the small pond.

Liuliu came over to take a look and said with certainty: "They must be looking for food. They eat and eat, and they grow up. By the way, where are their parents?"

Dudu said: "Were they kicked out of the house?"

"What a miserable duck."

"What a miserable duck."

Suddenly there was a loud pop, and a huge black object jumped out of the water, jumped into the air, hit the lotus leaf, fell into the water, and disappeared...

The other frog that was croaking on the lotus leaf also disappeared...

This sudden scene frightened the children.

"Run duck~~~A monster is coming-" Luoliu roared and Sayazi ran away.

Before running away, I didn't forget to grab a Dudu and take my little sisters with me to escape.

When the children saw this, they dispersed one after another and did not dare to approach the small pond.

Xi'er ran to bring in reinforcements, "There, there, a big fish jumped up."

Zhang Tan, the reinforcement, asked: "How big is it?"

Xi'er gestured with her hands and said it was so big.

"So big? Are you sure?" Zhang Tan asked.

"Yeah~" Xi'er looked certain and nodded firmly.

The other children also nodded and said that it must be this big!

Good guy, if what the children said is true, then this fish is as big as Xi'er.

Zhang Tan had never seen such a big fish before.

He noticed that there were a group of small fish larvae swimming around on the surface of the small pond. He recognized them at a glance. They were the cubs of mullet, so he was sure that they had just jumped out of the water and eaten a frog. , it should be a big mullet.

Mullets are ferocious and prey on frogs.

Zhang Tan told them not to be afraid, it was just a fish.

He went to the staff at the manor and asked for a fishing hook. He found the location of the small fish school and threw the hook into the water.

The children gathered from a distance and came to watch the fun.

The fishhook was thrown into the water, and under the influence of Zhang Tan, it gently crossed the water surface. Suddenly, there was another loud popping sound, and then, the water surface exploded, waves were everywhere, and the fish was caught in the fishhook.

Zhang Tan tightened the fishing line and pulled up a large mullet. Judging by its size, it weighed at least two kilograms.

The big mullet was so fierce that it kept jumping around when it landed on the shore. The children gathered around in amazement, curious and scared at the same time.

Only Xi'er looked worried and stepped forward to intercede for the big fish, asking his godfather to put the big fish back into the pond.

"The baby is still in the water. Children cannot live without their parents." Xi'er said.

The group of small mullet cubs on the water surface gathered together, as if they wanted to go ashore to save their mother.

Zhang Tan was just curious about how big the mullet could be, and never thought of roasting the fish and eating it. Since the child begged for mercy, he put the fish back into the pond.

"Look, you don't have to be afraid."

After Zhang Tan finished speaking, he left.

The children gathered together, looking at the water, chattering, talking and excited.

The barbecue has begun, the ladies are responsible for cleaning the food and skewering it with wooden sticks, while the men are responsible for the barbecue.

The children were still wandering around and playing in the manor.

After they passed the pond, they came to a muddy area.

Originally, everyone just stood there and planned to go around, but a quarrel between Liliu and Xiao Lizi prompted Xiao Lizi to run into the mud puddle. As a result, Xiao Lizi stood in the mud and scolded Liliu, which made Liliu run away in anger. Go in.

Okay, the two children have gone to play in the mud.

Liuliu encouraged Dudu to go over and play.

Seeing this, Xi'er curiously stretched her feet in...

Soon, the children fell into the muddy puddle one after another, and after a while, they all fell.

When the adults discovered it, it was too late. Everyone was splashed with mud, and their faces and even hair were also covered in mud.

Became a clay doll.

Although their clothes and faces were dirty, the children were so excited to play and screamed endlessly. It didn't matter if they let go. The rest was all novelty.

Zhu Xiaojing came to the shore at some point and stood there watching Liuliu play in the mud, like a little pig.

Her face was expressionless, and she didn't know whether she was happy or angry.

She was probably holding back her anger and tried her best to hold it back, but after seeing Da Yanyan laughing, staggering and falling into the mud, she finally couldn't help it anymore!


Liuliu rolled over and got up in a panic. At this time, her whole body was covered with mud, and her hair was also covered in mud.

"Jiang Zi, it's not good~" Liuliu quickly ran away and ran away.

When the parents finally couldn't stand it anymore, the playful little pigs were taken out of the muddy field and all stood by the ditch to be disciplined.

One by one, they all turned into clay dolls.

Xi'er was the only one who didn't get scolded today, because she was the birthday girl.

"Report~~" Xiaobai raised his little hand and had something important to report.

Malanhua glanced at her and said fiercely: "Speak!"

Malanhua is also here today. While others are cooking barbecue, she is making pancakes and fruits.

Bai Jianping didn't come. His crew had something to do and couldn't leave.

Xiaobai was pulled ashore from the muddy field, and it was made of Malan flowers.

Otherwise, Zhang Tan would not be so cruel to Xiaobai.

"Xiaomi lost her teeth." Xiaobai said.

Xiaomi covered her mouth, looking pitiful.

Malanhua checked Xiaomi's condition and pinched open her mouth. She saw blood coming from her mouth, one of her front teeth was missing, and there was a gap.

"Where are your teeth?" Malanhua asked.

"it's here."

Xiaomi opened her hand miserably, and a tooth appeared in the palm of her hand.

"Oh, it's so scary."

“Xiaomi lost her teeth!!!”

"It's not good~~~"

"Did Xiaomi get beaten? She bled a lot."

"I'm so scared!!"

"Why is this??"

The children were all talking, very curious about Xiaomi losing her teeth at this time, and at the same time they were afraid.

Xiaomi was about to lose her teeth a while ago, and one of her front teeth was shaky. Now that it has finally fallen out, it is also a relief.

Ding Jiamin came over and took Xiaomi away.

Other children were asked to wash their hands, feet and faces in the ditch, and then were taken to take a shower and change clothes.

"Why doesn't Xi'er need to be scolded?" Liuli asked reluctantly.

Only Xi'er was still in hiahiahia, running around with her sister.

When the children were all washed and dressed, everyone started to eat, gathered together, and sang happy birthday to Xi'er first.

The children spontaneously held hands, surrounded Xi'er, and sang a birthday song:

“Happy birthday to you pig~Happy birthday to you pig——”

Xi'er's face was full of happiness and her eyes were bright. She held her hands together and put them on her chest to make a wish.

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