Dad Academy

Chapter 1455 The group leader who guards against others

"Ouch, ouch~~~hiahiahia~ don't pinch my face~~"

As soon as Xi'er appeared, her face was pinched by Liuliu who jumped out of the woods and was pulled to both sides.

She quickly protected her little face, but Liuliu, the little bad guy, took advantage of it and squeezed it several times before letting go.

"Hahahaha~~~~666 duck, Xi'er, happy birthday duck!!" After squeezing someone's face, Liuliu immediately sent blessings, as if I am your good sister, as if she was not the one who pinched the person's cheek just now! .

"Happy birthday, Xi'er."

"Happy birthday pig~~"

"It's your birthday today, Xi'er~"

Xi'er was pleasantly surprised to find that many children jumped out of the woods and sent blessings to her.

They include Xiaobai, Dudu, Xiaomi, Chengcheng, Shi Baobao, Xiao Lizi, Xiao Weiwei, Xiao Zhengzheng and so on.

Xi'er was very happy. It was the first time that so many children celebrated her birthday. She was so happy.

This little friend was so happy that he couldn't help but giggle. He almost couldn't find him.

She gave the little yellow duck she had just won in the lottery to the children to play with, and took out the little red flower and certificate she had won, showing off proudly.

"Good guy, good guy, Xi'erqi is such a great duck, you got the little red flower..."

Liuliu has a special hobby for little red flowers. Because she wants them all the year round but can't get them, she is particularly rare about them. When she saw Xi'er taking out a small red flower, she immediately came forward, held it in her hand and played with it. Wearing it on my ears very naturally.

"Am I good-looking? 666, am I good-looking?" Luliu asked whenever she met someone, if she looked particularly good-looking wearing the little red flower.

"hiahiahia, you look like a big fool."

This is what Xi'er said. Honest children say whatever they think. This shows that she really thinks Liliu is like a big fool.


Luliu's smile froze on her face. Seeing that it was Xi'er who said this, she thought about it, snorted, turned around and left, not bothering with Xi'er anymore.

But if it was Xiao Lizi who said it, she would talk to Xiao Lizi about it.

Tan Xi'er was surrounded by other children, asking for help.

This little friend is so happy. With so many people chatting with her, she won't be lonely.

I saw the children chatting and laughing happily, hiahia laughed constantly and enjoyed it very much.

Zhang Tan came over at this time, clapped his hands, attracted the attention of the children, and told them that they were leaving to play.

"Where are we going to play duck? Where are we going to play? Boss Zhang?" Liuliu asked.

The children all followed and asked where to go.

Zhang Tan had to explain first: "We are going to a manor. By the way, the person in charge among you must be responsible for your own work. Liuliu, you have to take care of the food we bought."

When Liuliu heard this, she immediately ran to check the boxes of food placed in the classroom. She walked around in circles and said with satisfaction: "Oh, my God, my God, so many delicious things, so many little bears and ducks." , oh my god, I want to be friends with Boss Zhang from now on, he is really rich, he bought so many delicious things, will he give me something to eat?"

She muttered, full of admiration and love for Boss Zhang, full of desire for the food in front of her, full of desire for her job... She really wanted to keep it to herself, if not...

Thinking of this, Liuliu sensed something and looked back at the door. No one was there! Looking at the window again, my dear, there is a little friend lying there looking this way, looking straight...

Liuliu was startled.

"Good guy, good guy! Little plum, what are you doing?"

Lying at the window and watching Liliu's every word and action, it was her nemesis, Xiao Lizi's little friend.

When Xiao Lizi saw that he was discovered, he was not embarrassed at all. He walked in from the door openly, stared at Liliu and said, "I'm supervising you! You can't eat secretly, Liliu!"

"You're the one eating it secretly! I'm working."

Liuliu refused to admit that he wanted to eat it secretly, but he just hadn't taken any action yet.

Luoliu glanced sideways at Little Plum, who was like a piece of dog-skin plaster, staring at her tightly, making her unable to do anything.

Xiao Lizi was appointed by Xiao Bai to help take care of the food. Although the leader of the food team is Liuliu, the team member is Xiao Lizi.

This is Xiaobai's arrangement.

President Xiaobai's talent management skills have begun to take shape. She knows that just letting Liuliu look after the food will only lead to less and less food, so she arranged for her nemesis to come in so that the two of them can supervise each other.

I have to say that Xiaobai always has a good way of employing people.

No, as soon as Liliu came close to the food, Little Plum immediately followed him. His vigilant eyes prevented Liliu from doing anything bad.

When the two were confronting each other in the classroom, Dudu ran over.

There is a row of rag dolls tied to her chest, from top to bottom: little shark, little penguin, little duck, little birdman, and little monkey.

"Liuli, little plums, Xiaobai said, we need to load the food into the car."

"Okay, Sister Dudu~"

Xiao Lizi responded quickly and was very cooperative. After all, this is his idol.

Luliu curled her lips, thinking that Xiao Lizi was just a flatterer!

Dudu is here to report the news. He needs to load all the food into the car and prepare to set off to the manor.

When she turned around, she revealed a row of dolls behind her.

It turned out that this time Dudu not only had a row of rag dolls tied to her chest, but also a group of dolls tied to her back. From top to bottom, they were: Coyotito, Giraffe, Little Tiger, Little Beauty, and Little Boy.

After reporting the news, Dudu, who was tied up with a doll, ran away immediately. She still wanted to inform others.

When Liuliu and Xiaolizi came out each carrying a box of food, they saw Cheng Cheng standing in the yard giving instructions.

"We're leaving. Hurry up and get ready. Liuliu, you have to work harder. Come on, little plum!"

Liuliu was panting and felt that he was miserable. Being the leader of the food group, he didn't get any advantage and had to do such hard work. It was really miserable.

Especially when she saw little Weiwei and little Zheng Zheng running around in front of her, just playing and not working, she immediately became angry and felt extremely unbalanced.

"Xiao Weiwei, come here quickly, sister has something to tell you." Luoliu lured Xiao Weiwei over, then waited for her to get close, grabbed her, handed the things in her hands to her and Xiao Zhengzheng, and asked them to carry them to the car. , leisurely leisurely, said he was thirsty and wanted to drink water.

"You just went to be lazy!" Xiao Lizi exposed her mercilessly.

But Liuliu wouldn't feel embarrassed, she must be thirsty now anyway!

After a while, Xiao Lizi has moved three times, and Xiao Weiwei and Xiao Zheng are also helping her.

As for the team leader Liliu, I don’t know where he went. Anyway, I haven’t seen him for a long time.

At this moment, Liliu appeared. She was escorted by Xiaobai and Xiaomi, and her hands were cut behind her back.

"I just went to pee the duck, Xiaobai, did you make the wrong duck?"

Liuliu is still quibbling.

"You've been playing for a long time, don't think I don't know."

Xiaobai would not let Liliu go so easily. She stared at Liliu for a long time. When she saw that Liliu was just playing and doing nothing, she immediately called Xiaomi to arrest her.

"Little Lizi, give your things to Liuliu to move." Xiaomi ordered. She also felt that Liuliu was going too far. As a team leader and a young lady, she didn't do the work herself, but let several little ones do the work. It was really too much. This is too much. This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lizi immediately placed the bag of fruits in front of Duoliu.

"Haha, it's dragon fruit! I like eating it so much." Liuliu was pleasantly surprised. The foodie's focus was different.

At this time, Xiao Lizi waved to Xiao Weiwei and asked Xiao Weiwei to put the things in front of Liuliu, so that Liuliu could carry them.

"Haha, it's a big watermelon. I like eating it so much." Duoliu was delighted. It was her favorite food. She had already begun to look forward to how many delicious things she could eat at this party.

At this time, Xiao Lizi continued to wave and called Xiao Zheng Zheng, asking Xiao Weiwei to put down the things as well, leaving Liuliu to carry them.

"Haha, there are so many bear drinks! I like drinking them so much." Liuliu continued to be overjoyed.

But the next moment, she wanted to cry, because Xiaobai told her that it was up to her to move these.

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