Dad Academy

Chapter 15 Amazing

It was late at night, and Little White Children's Shoes climbed up the mulberry tree, talking boldly about her strengths.

Can't you just calm down?

Zhang Tan wanted to scold her, but he was afraid of scaring her. What if she trembled and let go and fell.

I could only ask her to come down softly and kindly.

"Goose goose~"

Xiaobai laughed like a goose, maybe he regarded this moment as the highlight of his life.

She had always wanted to climb the tree in the school, but she was being watched so closely that she had no chance. Today, she took advantage of Teacher Xiaoliu's use of the bathroom to bring her followers and let them hold their buttocks. After starting, she started to rub, rub, rub, caterpillar. Like, it went up with a swish, and then...

Then Zhang Tan came.

It was just the right time to come. It happened to show her strengths. She wanted to sit in a tree and sing a song.

"I'm showing off my strengths." She said proudly, hugging the tree trunk and staying still like a sloth.

"Can you come down, please?" Zhang Tan persuaded.

"Look at me."

I saw this little white guy lying on the tree trunk, using his hands and feet together, like a little monkey, with agile movements and climbing very fast.

This is not a sloth, but a caterpillar or a small monkey, and climbing trees is indeed her forte.

After the performance, she was extremely proud, while Zhang Tan, Xiaomi, and Meng Chengcheng below were frightened.

Zhang Tan threatened: "If you don't come down, I will come up and carry you down!"

"What?" Xiaobai asked in surprise, "Why are you making a will-o'-the-wisp?"

Because Xiaobai often talked about raising will-o'-the-wisps, Zhang Tan checked online again and found out that it meant why he was so angry.

Zhang Tan waved, too lazy to say more, so he came down first and talked later.

Xiaobai muttered, not knowing what he said, and started to slip down from the tree. Zhang Tan quickly put down his backpack, stood under the tree, and opened his hands to guard against her falling.

Seeing this, Xiaomi and Meng Chengcheng also ran to his feet, imitating his example, holding their little heads high, opening their little hands, and contributing their own strength.

Zhang Tan looked down at the two children and told them to go away quickly.

"As long as I'm here, I don't need you. Can you just stand far away?"

Meng Chengcheng looked at him blankly and said nothing, while Xiaomi said: "Help me."

Although he is not from Sichuan, he learned a few words about Trump from Xiaobai.

Zhang Tan didn't need their help, but told them to stay away so they wouldn't be crushed by Xiaobai.

He was worried because Xiaobai quickly slipped down from the tree and asked for credit, "Do I want it?"

Xiaomi and Meng Chengcheng nodded repeatedly, saying they wanted it.

Zhang Tan was speechless and looked at her body: "Look at your clothes, they are dirty."

Xiaobai lowered his head and looked at himself: "Oh."

Zhang Tan said in a funny tone: "Why don't you do it! Are you still climbing trees? No one will wash your clothes when they are dirty."

Xiaobai patted her body and asked Xiaomi and Meng Chengcheng to help.

"Be gentle, be gentle, Xiaomi, did you hit me on purpose? Cheng Cheng, please don't slap me for being so stupid."

"Go back to the room." Zhang Tan escorted the three of them and handed them to Teacher Xiaoliu for her to watch.

He returned home, took a shower, and just sat down at the desk when there was a knock on the door. Xiaobai came again. Three or four meters behind her, near the stairs, stood two Xiaomi and Meng Chengcheng. Followers, these two are more afraid of strangers, not as bold as Xiaobai.

"Uncle, have you drank?" Xiaobai asked.

Zhang Tan didn't know why he kept asking this, and he couldn't figure it out.

"I'm not drinking."

"Oh." Xiaobai breathed a heavy sigh of relief, "Let me take a look at the little shoes. Hey, they are still here."

She lay on the edge of the door and looked sideways at the pair of small slippers with a bear pattern that she wore last time on the shoe rack beside the door.

What's there to see? It can't run and has difficulty understanding the world of children.

"Want to come in and sit down? Bring your children." Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai shook her head and said that she was just here to look at the shoes, not to see him. She would not sit down because she was busy.

Zhang Tan was speechless for a while, he really didn't give face, he could just think about it in his mind, why should he say it out loud?

"Are you just looking at the little shoes? Now that you're here, wouldn't it be a pity not to wear them?"

Xiaobai tilted her head and thought about it, and felt that what she said made sense, but she was still a little worried. She asked him again if he had drank alcohol, and asked him to squat down and let her smell it.

"Are you afraid of me drinking?" Zhang Tan asked strangely.

Xiaobai nodded and said that drunk adults would beat children.

Zhang Tan knelt down and let her smell it, then asked casually, "Has someone beaten you while drunk?"

Xiaobai didn't say anything. He twitched his little nose. He didn't smell the smell of alcohol. He took off his little shoes with confidence. He happily put on his cute little slippers and ran around the house. He almost wanted to fly and ran to the door. , called Xiaomi and Cheng Cheng to appreciate it, and after the three dolls gathered together to comment, Xiaobai took off his small shoes, put them back on the shoe rack, put on his own sandals, said goodbye to him, and took Xiaomi and Meng Chengcheng downstairs. .

It’s not easy, she is finally willing to wear small shoes, but it’s very shocking. Xiaobai, who is very busy, really just came to see her small shoes, not to see him, let alone for the friendship between them - if If they have friendship.

After Xiaobai left, Zhang Tan closed the door, sat back at the desk, turned on the computer, and looked for movies to study.

He used to look for movies on video websites, but this time he changed his habit. He first went to the movie review website he checked last time and looked for movies from there. The movie ratings here are more objective.

Suddenly I saw 56 unread messages displayed in the account in the upper right corner.

The last time he posted a movie review, he registered an account called Weiweishuanzhi.

Why are there so many unread messages? Zhang Tan opened strangely.

"Seafood Noodles" replied to your article "The Chaser: A popcorn movie that sells hormones"

"Under London Bridge" replied to your article "The Chaser: A popcorn movie that sells hormones"

It's all this information.

"It turns out to be a reply to the movie review I wrote last time."

Zhang Tan clicked on the top item to see what "seafood noodles" said.

"Director Wu's films require rich experience to understand. It is obvious that the author is too young. He only saw the expression and techniques of the film, but did not see the rich meaning behind it. I really feel sorry for the author."

When I opened the reply to "Under London Bridge", I hoped it would be a positive reply, but I was disappointed and still questioned him.

""The Chaser" is a rare masterpiece of martial arts in the Chinese film industry in the past five years. It has inheritance, innovation, and balances business and art. It is expected to be the big winner of the three major domestic film awards this year. I am a student majoring in directing. I have As for the right to speak, the author just pretends to understand. If he can't see the details, he says there are no details. If he can't see the depth, he says there is no depth. He writes a thousand words eloquently. If you have that time, why not read more books."

This person's reply actually received more than a thousand likes and more than 100 replies, making it more popular than Zhang Tan's article.

"Big V is here."

"No update today?"

"If you have the skills to quarrel with others, please record more videos."

It seems that this "Under London Bridge" is an internet celebrity.

Zhang Tan clicked on his account and entered the other party's homepage. Sure enough, he was an Internet celebrity, a UP master on the Xilili video barrage website, with more than 1 million fans. No wonder people said he had more say than him, because What he does is movie review videos.

Zhang Tan browsed for a while, closed the web page, and opened the article he wrote. There were many replies. He read them one by one. Many of them were similar to "seafood noodles". He disagreed with his point of view and thought it was not "The Chaser" that was superficial, but him. shallow.

He opened the movie review page of "The Chaser" again and read what others had written.

Compared with the last time, in just a few days, the number of film reviews has increased significantly, but Zhang sighed after watching it and was speechless. In response to that sentence, the director talked about the train, and the fans set up railroad tracks along the line.

He actually said he didn’t understand and pretended to understand! Zhang Tan thought for a while, opened the Xilili video website, registered an account, and the online name was still "Wei Weizhi". After fumbling for a while, he figured out the rules and procedures for uploading videos, opened the document, and based on the thousand-word film review he wrote last time On the Internet, I started writing a video script and prepared to make a video specifically analyzing "The Chaser".

It was rare for Zhang Tan to be serious. It took him several hours to write only half of the video script. The time in the lower right corner of the computer showed that it was already 11 pm, which was late.

I definitely won't be able to finish writing tonight, so don't rush it. Recording an explanation video will take more time.

After saving the manuscript, he closed the computer and looked at the night outside the window for a while to relieve eye fatigue.

Looking at the computer for a long time made his face greasy. He went to the bathroom to wash his face, straighten his messy hair, put on his shoes, closed the door, and went downstairs to visit the children.

Please vote for recommendations. The next chapter will introduce Xiaobai’s family.

Thanks to Yifeng1992, Winter Heat, Doubi Xionghaier, Shengnuo, windsong1975, Yichenxian and others for their rewards.

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