Dad Academy

Chapter 1451 Tan Xier sleepwalks into the mysterious world

Little friend Tan Xier fell asleep with sweet blessings on her pillow. She had a smile on her lips and had sweet dreams, looking forward to becoming a little sister when she woke up.

Her sister told her before she fell asleep that when she woke up, she would be six years old.

This makes little friend Tan Xier look forward to it.

However, she was a little confused. She was obviously 8 years old, but she became smaller after sleeping.

She argued with her sister about her age. She stubbornly believed that she was 8 years old. If she slept, wouldn't she be 9 years old?

Don’t think that children are not good at math! She has helped Xiaobai and Liuliu do a lot of math problems.

Tan Jiner taught her to understand herself correctly and not to brag or be confused.

Little Tan Xier wanted to argue, but her sister stopped her and glared at her.

She immediately covered her little mouth with her little hands, nodded, and lay down obediently.

My sister said that there should be no arguments before going to bed, and all worries and disputes must be left during the day.

Before going to bed, her sister told her that her parents would be very happy if they knew that she was going to be one year older again.

As a result, she had a strange dream at night.

She dreamed that she was standing in darkness, unable to see anything, but there were constant roars coming from beneath her feet.

She didn't know what those roaring things were.

She was terribly frightened.

She is afraid of the dark.

Especially afraid of the dark.

Suddenly, a bright moon emerged from the clouds above her head, casting its gentle, watery moonlight on the mountain and on her body, making it warm.

She looked down and saw that she was standing on a large mountain. The mountain was towering and dark, but she was not afraid at all. Instead, it gave her a very peaceful feeling.

There were roars coming from the foot of the mountain. I didn’t know what kind of small animals they were.

She used the moonlight to look down the mountain and saw some noodles and paper tigers!

They were howling and jumping at the foot of the mountain, desperately trying to climb up the mountain. Did they want to eat her?

Little friend Tan Xier was frightened and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Fortunately, the top of the mountain is very steep and neither the noodle man nor the paper tiger can climb up, but it is still scary.

Little friend Tan Xier didn't dare to look down anymore, she raised her head...

The moon hung above her head, protecting her and giving her warmth.

She reached for it, as if she could reach it, but she felt nothing.

She jumped and jumped, and suddenly, she felt something on her back. When she exerted force, the thing on her back spread open.

That turned out to be a pair of wings!

She actually has a pair of wings!

She was so happy that she sang a song on the top of the mountain and jumped so high that she flew up...

Fly towards the moon...

She wanted to touch the moon above her head...

But flying and flying, she didn't know how long she flew, but she still couldn't touch the moon. She lowered her head and saw that the mountains were getting smaller and smaller, and she was getting farther and farther away, and she began to get scared.

She decided to fly down and return to the mountains, where she felt safe.

But now the surroundings are so dark that it's hard to tell the direction, and the moon above our heads is too far away to touch.

She flew back, and the moment she stepped onto the mountain, she felt extremely relieved. Although there were still noodles and paper tigers barking at the foot of the mountain, she was not afraid at all.

But, she started to feel lonely.

She seems to be the only little friend around here.

Not only are there no friends, there are no people.

At this moment, she saw the moonlight above her head began to disappear.

She looked up and saw the gentle moon moving through the clouds. She hid in the dark clouds and emerged from the dark clouds.

Xi'er stared nervously, and suddenly, when the moon hid in the dark clouds again, it never came out again.

Her world became dark again, and she was extremely scared, until she saw a little sister with wings like her flying over from the sky.

Wow, that's an angel.

She also flew to the top of the mountain and told herself not to be afraid, she would take care of herself.

Xi'er was no longer afraid at once.

Led by the archangel, she flew up hand in hand, and they left the top of the mountain.

She was reluctant to leave the top of the mountain, but her sister said that they wanted to find a new world.

So they flew and flew for a long time, and gradually they saw the world around them, and also saw many monsters on the ground, howling and screaming, so scary.

She didn't even dare to go play.

Until, they were tired from flying and stopped on a piece of land, which turned out to be a melon patch!

It is surrounded by mountains and next to it is a small river. There is a bridge over the small river and there are two white houses on the other end of the bridge.

She felt it was very familiar. She was about to go over and take a look when she suddenly tripped over a big watermelon. The watermelon purred and rolled out from under the watermelon leaves. After a roll, it suddenly turned into a melon. It stared at her and said:

"Who's going to kick me?"

Xi'er was stunned.

"I didn't mean it, I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's Xibao."

"How do you know my name?"

"Haha, I just know it. Hi baby, come and play with it."

The melon boy turned into a watermelon roared into the melon field:

"Guards, come out and play with Xiba."

A magical scene happened. The big watermelons in the watermelon field rolled out one by one, rolled a few times, jumped and jumped, and turned into melon seeds...

Xi'er was about to ask who they were when suddenly she woke up.

Her sister stood by the bed and told her to get up.

Its daybreak.

"I'm not done dreaming yet!"

The little friend was a little frustrated. Just as she was about to ask who those melons were, her sister woke her up! ╭(╯^╰)╮

Suddenly, she was stunned, Gua Wazi, isn't that Xiaobai?

Xiaobai is Guawazi!

The more Xi'er thinks about it, the more she is right!

"hiahiahia~~It's Xiaobai~~"

She couldn't help laughing, it turned out to be Xiaobai, her best friend.

"What is Xiaobai?" Tan Jin'er didn't know why.

Xi'er Balabala talked about her dream, and Tan Jin'er understood that the angel with wings should be herself. Who do the mountains and the moon represent respectively?

Xi'er was in high spirits and did not need her sister to urge her. She stepped on the floor with her bare feet and walked around the house. Then she was asked by her sister to brush her teeth.

Tan Jin'er habitually squeezed toothpaste for Xi'er, but Xi'er refused.

"I'm a big kid now, and I can squeeze out toothpaste myself."

As he said that, he picked up the toothpaste and squeezed a bit of it for himself.

"Sister, Xi'er's toothbrush can move by itself, why can't yours?"

"Yours is automatic, mine is not."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door at home.

Xi'er volunteered and ran to open the door.

It's Xiaobai who's here.


After last night's dream, she and Xiaobai became closer.

It turns out that they knew each other in the dream, no wonder!

As soon as Xiaobai saw her, he enthusiastically sent her blessings:

"Hi baby, happy birthday!"

After saying that, he gave Tan Xier's little friend a big hug and almost picked him up. Her boyfriend was so strong.

Clear laughter rang out in the living room. The two children had such a good relationship.

Classmate Xiaobai sent blessings early this morning, treating Xi'er as one of his own family members.

Xi'er pulled Xiaobai and refused to let her go, and enthusiastically kept her down for breakfast.

Later, the two went hand in hand to the Little Red Horse. Tan Xier's little friend expressed that he wanted to show off to his godfather that he had grown a year older overnight!

Zhang Tan sent her blessings.

No more tonight

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