Dad Academy

Chapter 1441 It’s great to have a daughter like Xiaomi

Xiaomi was lying in Ding Jiamin's arms and whispering. The two hadn't talked like this for a while.

Ding Jiamin couldn't help but feel guilty when she saw Xiaomi secretly excited.

After her relationship with Chen Shanming became deeper and deeper, she sometimes unconsciously ignored Xiaomi's emotional needs. She didn't sleep with Xiaomi as much as before.

It will happen at least once a week in the future, Ding Jiamin said in her heart.

On the bedside table, a dim yellow light enveloped a small area of ​​air. The voices in the room became smaller and smaller, turning into whispers, then close to nothing, and finally stopped.

Xiaomi fell asleep, lying in Ding Jiamin's arms.

Ding Jiamin waited for a while, then turned her body slightly, raised her hand to reach the desk lamp, turned off the light, slowly lay down, closed her eyes, and couldn't help but think of Chen Shanming who left in her mind. She didn't know why he rushed there in such a hurry at night. Something important.

As a police officer, she often has to perform such urgent tasks, which are even dangerous. For example, once, she was injured while performing a task, and Xiaomi burst into tears at that time.

As for Chen Shanming, his position and position are more dangerous, and he is closer to the front line than Ding Jiamin.

Thinking about it, Ding Jiamin felt a little uneasy and wanted to call Chen Shanming several times.

But she knew that Chen Shanming, who was on a mission, had probably handed in his cell phone, and even if he had not turned it in, it was unlikely that he would look at it.

And she made a phone call, what if she ruined the mission?

Thinking of this, Ding Jiamin could only suppress the worries and longings in her heart and stop herself from thinking too much.

Unknowingly, she fell asleep and dreamed of a world of white gauze, flowers in bloom, and millet appearing from the corner of the path decorated with flower crowns, waving to her with a smile...

A rapid ringtone suddenly rang. Ding Jiamin was startled and startled. She quickly realized that it was not the cell phone ringing in her dream, but the cell phone in the room.

She suddenly woke up, the world in front of her was dark, there was no white gauze, no flowers, only the piercing ringtone of the mobile phone on the bedside table.

"Hmm~~~~" Xiaomi was also woken up by the ringtone and rubbed his sleepy eyes, "The phone rang——"

"It's okay, Xiaomi, just keep sleeping."

While comforting Xiaomi, Ding Jiamin stood up and picked up her phone. The moment she saw the caller ID, her heart skipped a beat, but she forced herself to calm down, got out of bed, put on her shoes, and walked out of the bedroom before answering the call.

She felt that the call took a long time, but in fact it was less than a minute.

She froze in place, and she didn't wake up until Xiaomi came out in her pajamas and tugged on her clothes.

Chen Shanming had an accident while performing his mission!

She felt panicked, but when she saw Xiaomi's anxious and concerned eyes, she took a deep breath and calmed down quickly.

The effects of years of training were showing as her mind raced and she dressed quickly.

She had already noticed that Xiaomi was following her, and Ding Jiamin also knew that he could not hide it from Xiaomi. Moreover, after she left, she was worried about leaving Xiaomi alone at home, so she simply took Xiaomi with her.

She asked Xiaomi to get dressed quickly and then go to the hospital.

Without saying a word, Xiaomi immediately ran to the bedroom to get dressed, mumbling, "I can't cry, I am Xiaomi police."

Although Ding Jiamin didn't say anything specific, she already felt that something bad had happened.

She quickly got dressed. She didn't have time to comb her hair, so she tied it up with a hair rope and tied it behind her head, revealing her pointed chin and resolute eyes, like a young lady.

Ding Jiamin simply packed her things and said, "Let's go."

After taking Xiaomi out, the car was still in the garage. When Chen Shanming left, he took a taxi and left the car with her.

Ding Jiamin drove into the car, and Xiaomi climbed into the back seat silently, fastened her seat belt, and reminded her loudly: "Fasten your seat belt."

"Huh? Oh, I forgot."

Ding Jiamin still couldn't help but panic.

It was now 3:30 in the morning, and the road was empty. Ding Jiamin kept silently thinking not to drive fast, not to drive fast, but as she drove, the speed increased until she almost ran a red light at a traffic light.

A sudden brake.

The car made a significant forward thrust, and Xiaomi in the back almost hit his head on the back of the seat.

Ding Jiamin finally came to her senses and quickly checked Xiaomi's situation. After learning that nothing was wrong, she apologized to her.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid. Are we looking for Brother Xiao Chen?" Xiaomi asked in a low voice.

"He may be injured." Ding Jiamin said.

The red light turned green, she started the car and rushed to the hospital again.

The busy hospital during the day was deserted at the moment. Ding Jiamin parked the car and rushed to Ward 312 with Xiaomi in hand.

As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, she saw a policeman standing at the entrance of the corridor. He saw her and came up to her:

"Sister Ding~"

Ding Jiamin recognized that this was Chen Shanming's subordinate, and suppressed the anxiety in his heart and asked:

"Where is your brother Chen?"

"Just sit there."

Ding Jiamin took Xiaomi in hand and hurried over, only to see a man in uniform, bent over and sitting on a bench in the corridor. Hearing footsteps, he turned his head and looked over.

"Xiao Min~~Xiaomi! Why are you here?"

Ding Jiamin stood there, breathing a deep sigh of relief, and asked calmly: "What happened? Did the mission fail? What happened to your arm? Are you okay?"

She deliberately asked about things first and then cared about her lover, so that she would look strong in front of others and not drag down Chen Shanming.

However, Xiaomi clearly felt that the big hand holding her little hand was trembling slightly.

Xiaomi took the initiative to take out her little hand, stood aside, leaned against the wall, and gave up sister Xiao Min to brother Xiao Chen.

Seeing that Chen Shanming was safe and sound, Xiaomi was happy, but then she saw Chen Shanming's arm was wrapped with gauze, and her heart started to lift again.

Ding Jiamin and Chen Shanming were talking about things, but the night's mission was confidential and Ding Jiamin was not aware of it, so Chen Shanming actually didn't have much to say, he was just comforting her and ensuring that he was fine.

He was only slightly injured. Others were seriously injured and were undergoing surgery in the intensive care unit.

"Xiaogui! Didn't I ask you to report that Sister Ding is safe? What did you say?" Chen Shanming called the young man just now.

"I mean, Brother Chen is fine. He was just slightly injured. It doesn't matter."

Ding Jiamin also explained to him that that was indeed what Xiaogui said on the phone, but she was so confused at the time that she didn't notice so much.

Concern leads to chaos.

Chen Shanming looked at Xiaomi and tried his best to smile: "Xiaomi, you didn't sleep well. You're going to doze off in class during the day."

Xiaomi shook his head: "Is your arm bleeding?"

"Just a little bit of skin."

"It must hurt a lot?"

"It doesn't hurt at all."

"Oh - you lied~"


After a while, many people in uniform came to the hospital. Some comrades were seriously injured while performing tasks and were dying. This was a major event and alarmed many leaders.

Ding Jiamin and Xiaomi took the initiative to stand aside and watched everything in front of them silently.

It wasn't until dawn that the operation in the ward ended. The result was good or bad. His life was saved, but he was left disabled.

Chen Shanming felt guilty.

Although this had nothing to do with him directly, and he was not the top leader of this operation, he still regretted it.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and the patient needed to rest.

After working hard all night, Chen Shanming was also asked to go home. When he came to the corridor, he saw Ding Jiamin and Xiaomi sitting in the corridor at a glance, and his heart felt much warmer.

Ding Jiamin sensed him immediately and looked over, while Xiaomi leaned on her and fell asleep.

Chen Shanming said with emotion: "It's great to have a daughter like Xiaomi. If something happens to me in the future, she can always be by your side."

Having just experienced life and death, Chen Shanming saw things more clearly.

But his words made Ding Jiamin very unhappy.

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