Dad Academy

Chapter 1437 Smiley Face Wall (please vote for me)

Xi'er took everyone to her small room and found Liuliu's piggy bank from the small bookshelf.

Liuliu was overjoyed. She hugged the little pig and kissed it again and again. After shaking it, there was a rattling noise inside. Not a cent of the money was missing. It was all inside.

Her heart finally relaxed.

When she got home at night, she couldn't bear to put down the piggy bank, held it in her arms, and lay down on the bed, saying she wanted to sleep with the piggy.

The loss and recovery of her piglet made her cherish it even more, and she seemed to understand some truth.

Isn't it true that children's growth is constantly accumulated and condensed from these daily little things?

The editing of "Mo Di" is speeding up, and Wang Hao is fully focused on it, but the film's publicity campaign has also begun, and he has to participate.

The first stop was in Pujiang. Because this film was co-produced with Kuxun Video, the first announcement was undoubtedly to participate in the live broadcast of Kuxun Video and introduce "Modi".

Participants included director Wang Hao, starring actors Wu Yue and Zhao Xin, as well as investors and screenwriters Zhang Tan and Wu Zhensheng.

I don’t know the host Zhang Tan and have never seen him, but it is said that he is very famous on the Internet. He is an Internet celebrity. He later changed his career and became a host. He did very well and was hired by Kuxun Video.

The other party's questions mainly focused on the director and the two leading actors, and occasionally asked about the two screenwriters Zhang Tan and Wu Zhensheng.

Zhang Tan is used to it. When he was filming "Little Actor" and "30 Women", not a single question was asked to him during the entire media meeting. He sat with the leading actors and looked like a soy sauce actor. .

In line with the lyrics, "I stand on the left side of the champion, accompanying her with a playful smile..."

Zhang Tan has long been used to it. As a screenwriter, you have to get used to hiding behind the scenes.

Wu Zhensheng obviously hasn't fully adapted yet. He was sitting on the stage, a little restless, and kept moving around and making small movements.

At this time, the interview session of the program came to the question session from netizens.

Netizens post their questions on the barrage, and the host randomly selects them.

Only then did she notice that there were many questions for screenwriter Zhang Tan.

"Here is a question for Teacher Zhang." The host said. Zhang Tan was refreshed and could not help but sit up straight. "Boss Zhang, netizen 'I am not a little saint' asked you, when Wu Yue and you were in "Women" We have collaborated since "Thirty". Is there anything different about you collaborating again this time?"

Zhang Tan said: "His temperament is more calm and his acting skills are better. Hu Guangsheng in "Mo Di" is a deep and meaningful man. If it is Wu Yue in "30 Women", he can't play , only the current Wu Yue can play it well."

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang. Let's take a look at the questions from netizens. Here is one. It was asked by netizen "Open the window and light the moon." Let's ask Teacher Zhang."

She looked at Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan nodded and motioned for her to speak.

"It's like this. Netizens asked, Zhao Xin only played a small role in the past. Why did she directly play the heroine this time? What considerations were made?"

This issue is a matter of widespread concern.

Zhang Tan said: "A role has no direct relationship with what she has played before, or whether she is a newcomer. Sometimes, it does not even have a direct relationship with acting skills. I don't mean that Zhao Xin has no acting skills. Rather, the role of Mo Di must be played by Zhao Xin. She is Mo Di in real life, and her temperament is the same as Mo Di in the story..."

After saying this, Zhao Xin was moved and said thank you repeatedly. Zhang Tan's words were the greatest affirmation and encouragement to her.

After participating in the program recording at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when everyone was about to disperse, the female host specifically approached Zhang Tan and asked him to sign an autograph and take a photo.

She didn't really want to sign autographs or take photos, but just took this opportunity to express her admiration for Zhang Tan.

Because before the show was broadcast live, she didn't know much about Zhang Tan. She only thought that he was the screenwriter of "Mo Di", and the screenwriter was very inconspicuous among the main creative staff.

Zhang Tan didn't mind this very much, but the director of the show was very cautious and reprimanded her immediately and asked her to apologize to Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan didn't mind, he signed her autograph with a smile, took a photo with her, and then left.

Teacher Jiang was the one who picked up Xiaobai from school today because Zhang Tan was not sure when it would end.

Zhang Tan had time to have a meal with Wang Hao and others, and did not return to Little Red Horse until around seven o'clock in the evening.

In the yard, Dudu was confronting Lao Feng for some reason.

Liuliu didn't see it and didn't know where he was hiding to cause trouble.

Zhang Tan walked straight through the yard and came to the third floor. The voice-controlled lights in the corridor were on, and he happened to see Xi'er walking around in the corridor...

This kid is wearing a pink motorcycle helmet!

"Xi'er, what are you doing?" Zhang Tan asked.

When Xi'er saw it was him, she smiled, pointed at the photo on the wall and said, "Look, godfather, there are so many little friends!"

Only then did Zhang Tan notice that there were several photos of children posted on the wall. There were photos of Cheng Cheng, Xiaomi, Xiao Weiwei, and Shi Baobao...

"What is this for?" Zhang Tan asked curiously, looking at these photos carefully. There were children standing in front of the camera, some were reserved, some were natural, some were laughing, some were shy...all of them were cute.

Like a little sparrow, Xi'er chirped and told her that these were photos Xiaobai had taken for everyone, and they were all posted here.

It turned out that because Liuliu and Dudu were not to be outdone and posted their own photos on the wall, Xiaobai was inspired and decided to take photos of the children’s smiling faces and paste them on the wall, turning the place into a wall of smiling faces.

At this time, Aunt Huang came up from the office on the second floor, saw Zhang Tan, and chatted with him about the smile wall.

"Xiaobai's suggestion is very good. I think it is feasible and very memorable. In the future, every child who comes to Little Red Horse will leave at least one smiling face and stick it on the wall."

Zhang Tan thinks it's pretty good. He agrees but doesn't object.

"Xiao Bai is really good, he can think of all these things." He praised Xiao Bai.

Xi'er immediately said: "Godfather, Xi'er has thought about it too."

"Ah, Xi'er is great too. Xi'er's smiling face should be placed at the front. Xi'er smiles happiest."

"hiahiahiahia~~~~~" Xi'er was overjoyed and smiled happily.

"Why are you wearing a helmet on your head?" Zhang Tan noticed that the child was wearing the helmet she usually wore when riding a scooter. Why was she wearing this at home as well.

"hiahiahia, I won't get hit!"

Xi'er held her little head and walked around the wall. She felt very safe and not afraid at all.

What else could Zhang Tan say, except: "Safety comes first, and you did the right thing."

On the first floor, teachers Xiaobai and Peng Yi were responsible for capturing the smiling faces of the children.

This matter was handed over to teachers Xiaobai and Peng Yi. They stopped Xiao Weiwei and asked her to stand still and look at the camera with a smile.

"Yeah~~~" Xiao Weiwei raised her scissor hands and showed a big smile to the camera.

Xiaobai called out to Xiaonian who was just passing by.

The withered-haired Xiaonian was very shy and reserved when looking at the camera, and smiled timidly. With the encouragement of Teacher Peng Yi, he bravely looked at the camera and smiled.

Off camera, Shi Baobao and Xiao Zhengzheng were cheering her on.

In this way, Xiaonian left a shy smiling face, which was pasted on the wall.

It’s the last two days. Please vote for me. If you have a monthly vote, please vote.

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