Dad Academy

Chapter 1415 Missed

Malanhua was a little crazy. Seeing Xiaobai still counting, she said angrily, "Stop counting!!! I told you not to make a sound when I was counting money!!! You messed it up again!!!"

Xiaobai looked innocent and retorted loudly: "What does it have to do with me?! You blame me! You can't blame me, it's not me who is counting the money, it's you who is counting the money. If you can't count it, blame me." Huh? Auntie, you must have not done well in math class, you must be so angry with me, hahahaha~~~~"

"Guawazi, crawl away from me!!"

"I won't crawl away."

"Did you see my slap? If I slap you, your soul will fly away."

"It's so scary, it's so scary, I'm so scared, huh huh huh!! I called my old man and told him that my aunt was going to beat my soul away~~"

As he said that, the child immediately took out his children's mobile phone and dialed a number in front of Malanhua.

Malanhua wanted to stop me, but she was speechless. She lowered her tone and said, "I'm joking with you. Do you take it seriously? You can't afford it."

Xiaobai had already dialed the phone, and she just heard her saying to the phone: "Wai, Xiwawa, do you want to eat your chicken legs? Yes? Then I'll be back later. You have to come out and wait at the gate." Let me go to Li Pengbao's room. My enemy, don't say anything. Don't let Liuliu hear it. You have to stay away from Liuliu, okay? And Dudu, you can't let her know either. Got it? Where will you live? Silly boy, they will steal your food..."

After making the call, Xiaobai looked at Malanhua and laughed, "Auntie, I'll give you another chance. If you bully me again, I will really call my old man, and I will also call my grandma to let you know." She teaches you math class."

"I'm much better at math than you are."

"You can't even count them. How are you better than me?"

"You are a melon boy who only knows how to steal melons and count them."

"I never steal melons!"

"What are you talking about? Don't be humble. I have caught you several times. You have also been caught by Dunzi's mother several times. Dunzi has also caught you several times. People all over the world know that you are stealing melons! "

"I don't!"

"Haha, you just have...huh? A hammer! How many times have I counted?"

Malanhua's money had been divided into two shares. She was in trouble again and forgot the number she just counted! ! !

"Oh haha~~~~~~" Xiaobai gloated, "Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard, my aunt doesn't know how to count! She's the only one doing it! I'd better ask my uncle to count."

Then he went to the kitchen to call Bai Jianping.

Bai Jianping couldn't count the money either. It wasn't that he couldn't count, but that Malanhua didn't give it to him. If she really gave it to him, wouldn't it confirm the rumor that she couldn't count? That melon boy Xiaobai will definitely laugh at him from time to time.

Finally, Malanhua was counted and the cash was 580 yuan.

Not many, but now fewer people pay in cash, and most people pay electronically.

Malanhua put the money away, called Xiaobai over, and gave her a 10-yuan bill.

Xiaobai subconsciously asked, "Where do you live?"

When Malanhua saw this, she said angrily: "Give you money! Where do you live?"

Xiaobai smiled awkwardly and took the 10 yuan from his aunt. He didn't pay much attention and stuffed it into his bag.

When Malanhua saw this, she estimated that Guawazi had seen a lot of money and no longer cared about such a small amount of money, but she still wanted to remind him.

"Don't spend money indiscriminately, you know! This is to buy you a pencil and an eraser. Throw away the two in your bag. The pencil will be gone and the eraser is only half left. I bought new ones. ."

"Xiao knows Nao."

Malanhua sent Xiaobai to the Little Red Horse, and Bai Jianping also went out, saying that he wanted to go to the village for a walk, but in fact he missed square dancing.

Ma Lanhua ignored him and took Xiaobai to Little Red Horse. After entering the academy, she ignored Xiaobai and allowed her to let herself go.

She went to talk to Teacher Jiang.


A very low voice called Xiaobai. Xiaobai followed the sound and saw Xiwawa hiding behind a tree and waving to her.

"Where are the chicken legs you brought? I didn't let Liuliu and Dudu know."

Xi'er listened to Xiaobai's words and came to wait for the chicken legs.

Xiaobai looked around first and saw only a little boy in the corridor, looking at her.

It's Xiao Weiwei.

This little guy seemed to have noticed something was wrong and stood looking at this side curiously from a distance.

Xiaobai didn't take the little one seriously, so he walked over to Xi'er and took her into the guard box. Then he handed over the chicken drumsticks he brought.


"What are you doing?"

Lao Li came over. He saw these two children sneaking into his guard box. He thought they were trying to steal his home again, so he followed them quietly to take a look. As a result, he didn't see the two children, only the happy ones. My son is chewing on a big chicken leg.

"hiahiahia~~~Li Baobao, I'm chewing on the chicken drumsticks, do you want to eat them?" Xi'er said without saying anything.

Seeing this, Lao Li waved his hand and said he wouldn't eat, and then returned to the yard.

"Li Baibao, why don't you call Xiaobai and Xi'er to come out?" It was Xiao Weiwei who came over. She saw Lao Li enter the post and come out quickly. She also saw Xiaobai and Xi'er slip in. , and never came out.

Lao Li smiled and said: "They are playing inside."

"Oh, I'll go take a look~"

With that said, the little one wandered over. Old Li originally wanted to call her to stop her, but after thinking about it, forget it, don't worry about the child's affairs.

He watched Xiao Weiwei arrive at the door of the guard box, glanced inside twice, and turned to run away. Suddenly a hand stretched out from inside and dragged her in, and more. Then, no one came out for a long time... …

The night is gentle, the evening breeze is blowing, and the sounds of small insects are intertwined. Chickens appear in groups and sound in every corner. Summer is the season when they appear frequently.

Zhang Tan and Xin Xiaoguang came to Pujiang Film Studio to talk to the leaders here about the comic adaptation. The person who connected them was Du Wei, the screenwriter supervisor of the animation department.

This time I met Yang Senlin, the director of the animation department.

With the popularity of the single volume of "Kung Fu Panda", this short animation produced by Little Red Horse Comics Studio has entered the field of vision of many people. Both Zhang Tan and Xin Xiaoguang have received many invitations to negotiate during this period.

Pujiang Film Studio was among them. Because they cooperated closely with the studio in animation, Zhang Tan took Xin Xiaoguang here as the first stop.

If the conditions offered were not worse than those of other companies, Zhang Tan would choose Pujiang Film Studio.

The two sat in Du Wei's office for a while, and then waited until Yang Senlin was free. The three of them came to his office and chatted for a while, without mentioning "Kung Fu Panda" at all.

After coming out, Du Wei was embarrassed and annoyed, but he was extremely sorry to Zhang Tan and Xin Xiaoguang.

Zhang Tan said it didn't matter and left with Xin Xiaoguang.

After walking away, Xin Xiaoguang cursed, "We came to them on the first trip, but they let us go! We didn't even talk about it! What do you mean!"

Zhang Tan was very open-minded, "There's no need to be angry. It's normal for a sale to fail. If Yang Senlin doesn't take the initiative to negotiate, that means he has no intention. We don't have to worry about the buyer, forget it."

"Kung Fu Panda" doesn't have to worry about buyers, so Zhang Tan doesn't care.

He asked no one for anything.

Although Xin Xiaoguang understood this truth, he was still annoyed at being treated perfunctorily.

Du Wei was also annoyed. After sending Zhang Tan and Xin Xiaoguang away, he rushed into Yang Senlin's office. It took him a while to come out. Different from the angry one when he went in, he was much calmer when he came out, but his expression was dull. Full of helplessness and anger.

He turned back to Yang Senlin and said, "Although I understand your approach, if we didn't win this time, I'm afraid we won't have another chance in the future."

That night, Changmei Animation Company from Peking came to Little Red Horse Comics Studio to discuss cooperation on "Kung Fu Panda".

They are very willing to cooperate and full of sincerity. The person who flew in from Peking this time is an executive vice president of their company.

Zhang Tan and Beiping Changmei Animation Company have cooperated for a long time, and it continues to this day. They are producing the animation of "Qin Shi Mingyue", and now they have produced the fifth part.

"Qinshi Mingyue" is one of Zhang Tan's earliest animations. Peking Changmei Animation Company hopes to further expand cooperation with Little Red Horse and deepen its strategy, so it took a fancy to "Kung Fu Panda" this time.

They were very sincere. After the initial communication on the phone, they flew over with the team on the same day.

The two parties spent a day and a night and quickly finalized the details of the cooperation and signed an agreement.

When Du Wei from Pujiang Film Studio called and asked Zhang Tan to wait for him for two days, Zhang Tan told him that "Kung Fu Panda" had already been cast.

Du Wei was stunned for a long time on the other end of the phone, sighed that you guys were too fast, and then sent congratulations without losing his grace.

He was very optimistic about "Kung Fu Panda", but the business department didn't think it was the current priority project, at least it wasn't the highest priority, so it was postponed that day.

"Let me just say it. If you miss it that day, you will never have another chance. There will never be a shortage of buyers for high-quality projects like this!" Du Wei murmured to himself, but it was more like saying it to Yang Senlin.

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