Dad Academy

Chapter 1395 Fortunately and Misfortune

"Why is there a big bad wolf among the sheep?" Peng Yi asked.

"Yes, it wants to steal the lamb to eat." Little Plum was lying on the bed, her eyes open, and she had no intention of sleeping.

Peng Yi saw this and asked, "Did you sleep for a long time during the day?"

Xiao Lizi nodded and said she was very sleepy during the day.

Okay, I feel so sleepy during the day, but I feel energetic at night.

Peng Yi gently coaxed her to sleep, but Xiao Lizi didn't accept this trick. What came was sugar-coated shells. She peeled off the sugar coating and returned the shells.

Peng Yi soon realized that this didn't work. She was afraid of disturbing other children when they were sleeping, so she got Little Lizi up and took her out of the dormitory.

"Shall I go find Xiaobai to play?" Xiao Lizi wanted to run upstairs to find Xiaobai, but was stopped by Peng Yi. Xiaobai should also go to bed at this time.

"It's very late. Xiaobai has already gone to bed. The children are all asleep. If you're not sleepy, how about going to the teacher's dormitory to watch cartoons?" Peng Yi said.

Little Plum nodded. No kid could refuse to watch cartoons. The key was that it was late at night and she had nowhere to go.

So, Peng Yi took Xiao Lizi to the dormitory where she lived. Xiao Lizi changed into small shoes and looked around curiously.

The dormitory is not large, with a bunk bed. The lower bunk belongs to Teacher Xiaoliu and the upper bunk belongs to Peng Yi.

When it is their turn to be on duty, they stay here and stay here, and go home during normal times.

Although the dormitory is simple, it is warmly decorated, with cartoon lamps and decorative stickers... A girl's room is always full of small blessings.

Little Lizi likes this place very much, looking here and touching there. She is attracted to the pen holder placed by Teacher Xiaoliu on the desk. She is also very interested in the cartoon water-point pen in the pen holder. The family portrait of Teacher Xiaoliu on the desk makes her even more curious. Incessantly.

"Who is this little baby?" Xiao Lizi asked Peng Yi, pointing to a little baby in the family photo.

"This is Teacher Xiaoliu's baby."

"Wow~~~~Her baby is so cute. I really want to hug her."

Teacher Xiaoliu’s family portrait was taken not long after she gave birth to her baby, who was less than half a year old.

But now that so much time has passed, the baby is already over 2 years old, not much younger than Little Plum.

She couldn't hold it.

If you meet a tougher baby, such as Liliu or Dudu, you won't know who is hugging whom.

Xiao Lizi climbed into bed under Peng Yi's care, but instead of going to the upper bunk, she stayed in the lower bunk, Teacher Xiao Liu's bed.

It was not safe for children to sleep on the upper bunk. Peng Yi had already told Teacher Xiaoliu and obtained Teacher Xiaoliu's consent.

However, Peng Yi replaced the bedding such as quilts and pillows with her own.

Little Plum rolled on the bed, rolling around with her pillow in her arms, and said intoxicatedly: "It smells so good here, I like it so much."

She had an inexplicable liking for Peng Yi's bedding. It felt warm and made her feel at ease.

She would love to lie on Teacher Peng Yi's bed.

Peng Yi opened the tablet for Xiao Lizi, found the cartoon she liked to watch, poured her a glass of water, placed it on the desk beside the bed, and after giving her a few words, went out and continued on duty.

"Teacher Xiao Yizi, I will wait for you." Xiao Lizi is still very loyal.

Peng Yi told her not to wait and just go to bed if she wanted to.

But Xiao Lizi firmly said that he would wait for her, and good friends should sleep together.

However, just after eleven o'clock, Peng Yi was worried. When she quietly returned to the dormitory to check the situation, she was surprised to find that Xiao Lizi had fallen asleep on the bed. The tablet fell on the quilt beside him and was still playing animation. piece.

Little Lizi was lying crookedly on the quilt. From her posture, it was easy to see that she "fell down" while watching a cartoon. After snoring and falling asleep, she did not wake up again.

Didn’t you say that Xiao Li hardly sleeps at night? Do you want to work until two or three in the morning?

Why did I fall asleep so easily tonight? Cartoons are so charming.

This is a good thing!

Peng Yi walked gently to the bed, picked up the tablet, turned off the cartoon, put it back on the desk, then covered Xiao Lizi with the quilt and arranged her sleeping position.

During the process, Xiao Lizi did not wake up and slept soundly.

Peng Yi was so cute when she saw it, she lowered her head and kissed her rosy cheek.

Turn off the lights in the dormitory, leaving only the desk lamp on.

Having lights is important for insecure children because it makes them feel warm and safe.

After doing this, Peng Yi went out again. There were still six children in the dormitory on the second floor who had not returned home, waiting for their parents to pick them up after get off work.

It's past midnight, but the children's parents still haven't come.

Peng Yi couldn't help feeling sleepy and yawned. Before coming to Little Red Horse, she had never imagined that there would be such an academy specifically to provide convenience for night workers in the city.

She never thought that these night workers would be so hard, and it was common for them to work late at night or even early in the morning.

This was something she had never thought about. Although she often stayed up late, she only played until late at night.

She felt that she was tired even sitting here. You can imagine how hard it is for those working.

Suddenly, footsteps came from the stairs, the voice-activated light turned on, and a woman walked up.

Peng Yi recognized the other party as Xiao Weiwei's mother Zhong Fei.

She nodded towards Zhong Fei, who smelled of fresh perfume, but she still smelled the smell of alcohol from the perfume.

She was sensitive to the smell of perfume and alcohol, so she couldn't help but sneeze, and then quickly said sorry to Zhong Fei.

"I should be the one saying sorry. Sorry, Teacher Peng, I have a social event at work tonight and I have to drink some wine. In order to prevent Xiao Weiwei from smelling the alcohol, I sprayed a little perfume before coming." Zhong Fei explained. .

When Peng Yi heard this, she was immediately relieved and told her it was okay.

"You are so thoughtful."

Peng Yi quietly entered the dormitory, picked up little Weiwei from the bed, and put her into Zhong Fei's arms outside.

Little Weiwei was half asleep and half awake. When she was picked up, she didn't resist. She just squinted her eyes and tried to open them, but she couldn't. The sleepy person drowned her in the next second.

Peng Yi watched Zhong Fei carrying Xiao Weiwei downstairs with some difficulty, crossing the yard, and leaving the little red horse...

Suddenly there was a rustling sound in the dormitory. A little boy woke up from his sleep, sat up and called his mother.

Peng Yi hurried over to comfort him and held the little boy in his arms.

"Why hasn't my mother come to pick me up? Does she not want me anymore?" the little boy said with a cry.

Late at night, when you wake up without your loved ones by your side, you will feel a huge sense of loss and loneliness.

Peng Yi was deeply touched. Even adults are like this, let alone children of several years old.

She held the little boy in her arms and comforted him softly.

She used to feel that she was very unfortunate, but now she suddenly felt that she was both unfortunate and lucky.

For example, compared to the parents and children in these late-night schools, she grew up in a wealthy family and did not have to work hard for life. This was undoubtedly happy.

And she is unable to have children and cannot have children of her own in her lifetime, which is a huge misfortune.

Only those who face misfortune bravely and actively embrace luck can feel happiness.

At this moment, Peng Yi's heart skipped a beat and she figured out the problem that had been troubling her.

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