Dad Academy

Chapter 1392 Little Plum’s Problem

After Xiaobai and Xi'er came back, they slept together in the Little Red Horse. During this sleep, it was so dark that they didn't even get up to eat dinner. It wasn't until it got dark and Xiaomi came to see them that the two of them slowly got up. , my stomach growled with hunger.

Teacher Jiang had already cooked noodles for them. They were cooked with chicken soup, which is particularly nutritious and nourishing the stomach.

After dinner, we went to play in the yard. We were full of energy and were two good men again.

Xiaobai wanted to climb a tree, but was taught a lesson by a parrot on the tree.

They shared the photos of their visit to the amusement park today with the children. Xiaomi and Cheng Cheng admired them very seriously and asked what kind of entertainment these were from time to time.

Dudu also came, looked at it for a while, then ran away and went to the classroom to find Liliu who was quarreling with Xiao Lizi.

"Liuliu, Liuliu, come on, Xiaobai and Xi'er went to the amusement park. They took a lot of photos and had a lot of fun~"

Liuliu was stunned and said, "Why don't they call me Duck?"

Dudu: "They've all finished playing. Are you a stupid duck?"

"Good guy, I can't afford to play like a duck~"

Liuliu immediately abandoned Xiaolizi, who was always against her, and ran to the yard to find Xiaobai and Xier.

"Show me, show me, Xiaobai, Xiaobai! What kind of duck did you go to play with? Why didn't you ask me to go play duck with you?"

Liuliu looked at the various games in the amusement park and was filled with envy. She asked very carefully, even asking about what she had eaten in the amusement park.

"Wow!! It's so high. Sisters Xiaobai and Xi'er are so amazing~~"

Little Lizi came without knowing why, maybe she came with Liliu. She stood on tiptoe to watch without saying a word.

When Liuliu saw that it was this little rival, she immediately turned around to prevent Little Lizi from seeing the photos on her phone.

Little Plum leaned forward again, Luoliu turned around again, Little Plum leaned forward again, Luoliu turned around again.

Finally, Xiao Lizi got angry.

"Pang Liuliu, why don't you let me see it? Why?!"

Liuliu said with a smile: "I won't show it to you, just call me sister Ya~"

"I'll still call you sister."

(╬◣д◢), Liuliu: "Are you afraid that I will eat a little friend in one bite?"

"I'm not afraid of you melon kid."

"Good duck, good fellow duck, I'm going to pinch your face~"

Little Lizi bared her teeth and claws to prevent Luoliu from pinching her face.

Seeing the two of them quarreling, Xiaobai took the phone away and told them not to watch it if they were arguing.

Dudu acts as a peacemaker, telling them not to quarrel, let alone fight.

Xiao Lizi is small, but very courageous. He doesn't seem to be afraid of Liliu at all. He always goes against her, and quarrels become a common occurrence.

But, having said that, Liliu also likes to tease her.

Little Lizi was particularly envious of Xiaobai and Xi'er being able to go to the amusement park. He was so envious that he wanted to ask questions. Xiaobai could tell that this child might not have been to the amusement park yet.

Little Lizi was still unfinished, following behind Xiao Bai and Xi'er, constantly asking about fun things in the amusement park, and occasionally exclaiming in surprise.

Seeing this, Xi'er said that he would take her to play with him next time.

When Xiao Lizi heard this, he was so excited that he jumped up and down a few times to vent his inner excitement.

She was pleasantly surprised and asked Xier uncertainly, is this true? Do you really want to take her to play?

Xi'er was talking about it casually, but when she saw that Xiao Lizi was so serious and excited, she took it seriously, and said that she would ask her sister to take her to play again, and then she would take Xiao Lizi with her.

Xiao Lizi followed Xi'er excitedly and kept saying thank you. She also said that she would save money to buy the tickets herself and would not let Xi'er's sister pay.

She is so small, but she knows a lot.

When she saw Dudu, she ran to tell Dudu and asked Dudu to go to the amusement park to play with her.

Of course Dudu happily agreed, so she went to find Xiao Weiwei, Xiao Nian, Xiao Zheng Zheng, Xiao You You... Anyway, she called all the children she liked.

Not to mention, the little guy has a certain amount of organizational skills, and even if she doesn't even mention a single thing, she makes a big deal out of it and organizes all the children.

As soon as night comes, this little guy is full of energy, even excited, full of energy, wandering around, and can't take any time off.

I can almost catch up with Miss Zhao.

It can be called half-step Miss Zhao.

If she can have such energy during the day and not doze off or sleep in, she will not only be a fan of Miss Zhao, but also become a little successor.

Her father, Li Xin, came to the academy early. When he saw Little Plum running around in the garden, he immediately knew that it would be difficult to sleep tonight.

He had a headache. If Xiao Lizi didn't sleep at night, he would be in trouble.

"This matter, you have to help Xiao Lizi change his schedule. Although it will be difficult the first few times, Xiao Lizi will cry and make trouble, but there is no choice. You must be tough, otherwise you will stay up all night and not sleep in the middle of the night. , not only will it make you uncomfortable, but more importantly, it will affect the physical and mental health of Little Plum, which will definitely affect his development. You should pay attention to this and don't think that sleeping is a trivial matter."

In the academy, Lao Li said to Li Xin.

Old Feng on the side nodded in approval.

Li Xin thought thoughtfully and nodded in agreement with this statement, but it wasn't that he hadn't tried it before. He had tried it many times and failed every time.

"I think it's not that she doesn't want to sleep, it's that she can't sleep. No matter how hard you try, it's useless. On the contrary, the harder you try, the more problems you have. Once, I stayed with her until about four o'clock in the morning. Sleepy." Li Xin said distressedly.

Lao Feng said: "That is indeed a problem. You lie in bed at night without talking or listening to stories, and you can't fall asleep?"

Li Xin said: "I can't sleep."

After all, Lao Li is a professor, and he pays attention to tracing the source of everything. He believes that if there is a cause, there must be an effect, and if there is an effect, there must be a cause.

"Since when did Xiao Lizi not sleep at night? Listening to what you said, I think we need to find a solution from the source, find the cause, and then find a solution to the problem." Lao Li said.

Li Xin was silent for a moment and said, "Since her mother passed away."

With one sentence, the three men present fell silent.

After a while, Li Xin continued: "Her mother used to coax her to sleep with her, and she was used to her mother's arms. Later, her mother left, and she started not sleeping at night until she was exhausted from all the tossing. I was forced to sleep."

Lao Li said: "This is a sign of lack of security."

Li Xin said: "I have also thought about this and wanted to sleep with her, but she refused many times."

"I have an idea."

The three men followed the sound and saw that it was Peng Yi who said it. She didn't know when she came and heard their conversation.

"Teacher Peng, what can you do?" Lao Li asked.

Peng Yi looked at Li Xin and said: "You can try putting Little Plum to sleep in Little Red Horse Academy. There are other children here. There are many children, which will definitely give her more security."

"This is a way, you can give it a try." Lao Li said, "There are many children of the same age, which will indeed make them feel more secure."

Li Xin thought for a moment and said, "You can indeed give it a try, but if Little Plum falls asleep, I will definitely wake her up if I take her home. I'm afraid she won't be able to sleep even more by then."

Peng Yi: "You will indeed feel sleepy when you wake up after a good nap. Your worries are not unfounded. Otherwise, let Xiao Lizi spend the night here."

Li Xin: "Ah? Is this okay? Doesn't Little Red Horse Academy close at one o'clock in the morning?"

Peng Yi said: "At one o'clock in the morning, in principle, the children have to leave, but the teacher on duty can live in the dormitory. If Xiao Lizi stays here, I can take her to my dormitory to sleep together. This should not be a big problem , I’ll ask the principal for instructions, and wait until Little Plum gets used to it and gradually gets rid of her habit of not sleeping, then I can take her home.”

Li Xin was silent, thinking that this was a good idea, and at the same time he was touched that Peng Yi was so considerate of Xiao Lizi.

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