Dad Academy

Chapter 1382 Jealousy


"Little Plum is so happy~~" Xiao Weiwei exclaimed, very envious of Little Plum being able to sleep with so many little animals.

In the living room, Li Xin finally found an easy partner to chat with, and that was Xiao Weiwei's mother Zhong Fei.

After a while, Xiao Weiwei came too. She and Dudu were sitting on the sofa, but her eyes kept looking at Li Xin. But when Li Xin looked over, she quickly looked away, pretending that nothing happened.

After a few times, Li Xin knew that Xiao Weiwei was peeking at him from time to time, but she didn't intend to admit it.

Xiao Weiwei not only looked at Li Xin, but also always peeked at Dudu's father, Zhao Gongcheng, and her eyes followed Zhao Gongcheng around the house.

"Sister Dudu, your dad's place is so big~" Xiao Weiwei said in surprise, showing her arms and saying that Zhao Gongcheng's arms were so thick and big.

After all, he is a kayaker, so thick arms are normal, as is his upper body.

Sun Dongdong prepared a lot of snacks and fruit platters, and brought them out from the kitchen and placed them on the coffee table in the living room. The day before yesterday, she heard Dudu say that she would invite some good friends to her home, so she started to prepare them, for fear that she would not entertain them well.

Because of her and Zhao Gongcheng's health problems, it was rare for children to come to her home. Liuliu had visited once before.

"Mother Dudu, stop being busy and come and sit here." Zhong Fei said when she saw Sun Dongdong busy at home entertaining them.

Sun Dongdong smiled, pointed to the kitchen, cut a large watermelon, brought it out, and sat down.

Zhong Fei said: "Mother Dudu, I heard that you are very good at archery and are a professional athlete. Where is your archery hall? Next time I take a client there, I will come directly to you..."

She is a business manager and often entertains customers. Some important customers can indeed be taken to the archery gym. After all, this is a niche sport with a strong personality. Nowadays, rich people like to play this.

Sun Dongdong smiled and gestured, and Dudu immediately ran over and brought a small bench to act as a mouthpiece for his mother.

"My mother said, good duck, you come to duck, come to me duck, archery is fun, it's so much fun, you must come to duck, I will take you to play."

As soon as Dudu's translation was finished, Sun Dongdong and Zhong Fei both stared at her.

Sun Dongdong frowned and gave Dudu a hard look, obviously dissatisfied with her translation just now.

Zhong Fei laughed: "Okay, I'll go find Dudu's mother then, but I'm not strong enough, so I don't know if I can draw the bow and arrow."

Sun Dongdong made gestures again, and after finishing the gestures, he stared at Dudu closely.

Dudu continued to act as a translator: "Little Weiwei's mother, I'm still saying duck, you come here, I'll take you to play, it's fun, there are many people playing, I'll give you a lighter bow and arrow duck, don't worry, My Dudu can even pull it apart, 6666 duck~~~”

Although a lot of personal information was mixed in, he basically conveyed his mother's intention, and Sun Dongdong no longer pursued his little friend's naughty things.

When Dudu was translating, Xiao Weiwei came to her side at some point. She looked at her with curiosity and admiration, thinking that Miss Dudu was so awesome.

The great thing about Dudu is that the walls are covered with certificates and red flowers, which makes little Weiwei envious.

She held her little head high, looked at Dudu's certificate, and was filled with admiration.

She also won certificates and red flowers, but not so many.

Dudu is really excellent.

"Why does your little Lizi always sleep?" Xiao Weiwei came to Li Xin and felt that Li Xin was quite pitiful.

Li Xin said: "She slept late last night and felt sleepy during the day."

Xiao Weiwei: "Why does she go to bed late? Does she have to do homework?"

Li Xin: "There was no homework in the kindergarten, so she just couldn't sleep, so she didn't go to bed until very late."

"Oh, do you like Little Plum?"

"Like it."

"Why don't you give Little Plum a good mother?"

"emmm~~~Still looking."

"Do you like my mother?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Xin wanted to laugh, but he was embarrassed.

Zhong Fei, who was communicating with Sun Dongdong, also heard it. She was very generous. She smiled and told Xiao Weiwei not to talk nonsense, and then started chatting with Li Xin. The main topic was about Xiao Lizi not sleeping at night.

"Children can't stay up late all the time. It's very bad for their physical development. Listen to me, it's not because of other reasons that Little Plum can't sleep. It's just because the biological clock has been formed, so in the end, the biological clock needs to be adjusted..."

Zhong Fei and Sun Dongdong gave Li Xin advice.

Li Xin is a grown man with a serious lack of experience in teaching little girls. He really wants to communicate with Zhang Tan, but Zhang Tan rarely sees him.

This time I listened to the suggestions from Zhong Fei and Sun Dongdong and felt that they were very good. I remembered them one by one. When there was a lot of content, I took out my mobile phone and wrote it down on a notepad.

Zhong Fei and Sun Dongdong are both raising daughters. They are more experienced and worthy of learning from Li Xin.

Speaking of Xiao Lizi, at this moment, Xiao Lizi has woken up and is sitting on the bed playing with Dudu's doll.

Hearing the noise, Dudu and Xiao Weiwei went over to check. After a long time, the three of them came out.

After a good nap, Little Plum was fully charged and became a good man again.

At Sun Dongdong's warm invitation, they stayed at home for lunch.

Lunch was cooked by Zhao Gongcheng. Unexpectedly, despite his tall and rough appearance, the food he cooked was delicious and exquisite, which was full of praise.

After having lunch and chatting for a while, Xiao Lizi and Xiao Weiwei left.

Dudu sent them out of the community before turning back.

As soon as she came back, her father told her that Luliu had just called and asked her to call him back.

Dudu called back and was immediately connected. It was a video call.

"Pangdudu, have you eaten?" Liuliu asked.

"I've eaten. Have you eaten?" Dudu also asked.

"I ate too, what did you eat?"

"I ate……"

The two of them chatted for four or five minutes on the topic of eating, and Zhao Gongcheng was a little confused.

Liliu Da Yanyan definitely didn't come specifically to ask about dinner. She didn't say her purpose at first. It wasn't until after chatting for a long time that she pretended to casually ask if it was fun to entertain Xiao Lizi and Xiao Weiwei today.

Dudu told her truthfully that it was fun.

Liuliu asked again and again, asking about this and that. She was very interested in everything about entertaining the guests today and wanted to know everything.

It took a while before she hung up the phone. Zhu Xiaojing sat on the sofa not far away. Seeing that she had finally finished the call, she smiled and said, "I didn't realize it, but you are still jealous. You are too busy entertaining children." worried."

Liuliu said proudly: "Dudu and I are good friends, hum!"

Zhu Xiaojing: "Dudu invited you to her house, but you didn't go. If you didn't go, you'd be jealous. What do you think?"

Liuliu said dissatisfied: "I have to work when I go to her house, do this or that."

The last time she went to Dudu's house left a psychological shadow on her. She felt that Dudu's house had too much work. Dudu didn't look like a little princess, but like a servant.

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