Dad Academy

Chapter 1376 The new little teacher

When Zhang Tan took Xiaobai and Xi'er back to Little Red Horse Academy, Liuliu appeared instantly and complained to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai and Xi'er happily carried tonight's catch, a basket of small plastic fish, and were ready to start playing house immediately and make a fish feast.

Lao Li saw him at the side and asked Zhang Tan what was going on. Why did he take the guy who was eating at a street vendor home? Could it be that he caught a small fish and escaped? But Boss Zhang must not be such a person.

Zhang Tan told him that the small fish Xiaobai and Xi'er were carrying were indeed from the vendors in Huangjiacun, but they were bought by him because Xiaobai and Xi'er liked them too much and refused to put them back. Take them home and make a feast of fish.

Zhang Tan could only buy it after discussing it with the boss.

Liuliu angrily told Xiaobai that Xiaolizi and the little ones had united to fight against her, and she almost jumped out of anger.

Xiaobai: →_→

Liuliu continued to complain, saying how Xiao Lizi, Xiao Weiwei, Xiao Youyou, Xiao Zheng Zheng and Xiao Nian were against her.

Xiaobai told Liliu: "You are so stupid."

Even a few 3-year-old friends can bully her. Are you a fool?

Liliu immediately became unhappy and performed a wrestling technique on the spot to show off her invincibility. The reason why she did not deal with Xiao Lizi and others was simply because she did not want to bully her friends, but if she was offended, she would squeal. A little friend who never blinks an eye.

She originally came to ask Xiaobai for help, but because of Xiaobai's contempt, she was embarrassed to speak out, so she temporarily asked Xiaobai to tell Xiaolizi and others that next time they provoke her, she will really eat it in one bite. One dropped.

Xiaobai looked at her and laughed, as if he had seen through her fierceness and inner reluctance.

At this time, Xi'er had already diligently brought in the shovel, bucket and small hoe, followed by the excited Dudu, who were preparing to play house and cook.

"My old man is still hungry." Xiaobai said.

Zhang Tan, who was talking to Lao Li, quickly said: "I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry. Didn't we have dinner together?"

Xiaobai insisted: "You are hungry."

"..." Zhang Tan had an idea and said, "You are hungry, so make something for him. He works the night shift every day, which is very hard. A late night snack is good for your physical and mental health."

After Zhang Tan finished speaking, he went upstairs, while Xiaobai and others brushed their hands and looked at Lao Li.

Lao Li's scalp suddenly became numb and he started to have a headache...

Zhang Tan, who was about to go upstairs to go home, was stopped by the director of the garden, Aunt Huang, in the corridor on the second floor, saying that she wanted to see him if she had something to do.

Zhang Tan came to her office. There were many documents piled on the desk, which seemed a bit messy.

"I didn't have time to clean up." Aunt Huang smiled and explained. She asked Zhang Tan to sit down and first reported to him the school's operating situation in the past two months.

Now, there are more than 50 children in Little Red Horse Academy. Some people come and some leave, and more people come than leave. Therefore, the number of people continues to increase, and the manpower is somewhat insufficient.

Zhang Tan thought about it and realized that there were indeed many new faces in the academy.

"The capacity of our academy is limited and we still need to control it," Zhang Tan said.

Aunt Huang agrees very much with this. In the past, Little Red Horse Academy was not well-known. The children who came here were all brought by their parents because of irresistible factors in their families. Unless it was absolutely necessary, who would let their children stay up late at night? Send it to the academy.

Anyone who sends their children here must have some sutras that are difficult to recite.

Since the beginning of this year, the number of students in Little Red Horse Academy has increased significantly. Zhang Tan may not feel it deeply, but Aunt Huang has personal experience, because every child needs to review the information before entering the kindergarten, and then hand it over to Zhang Tan for signature.

After all, Little Red Horse Academy is privately owned and not for profit. The space and teachers are limited, especially the space, so it is impossible to recruit as many students as possible.

There weren't many people coming before, and the academy could handle it well enough, but now it's a little nervous. First of all, there are not enough teachers.

There were originally two teachers in the academy. One was Teacher Xiaoliu. She was the first to come and stayed the longest. Later, Teacher Xiaoman came. Last year, Teacher Xiaoyuan was recruited. There are only three teachers in total, plus the guard. Lao Li, Lao Feng was recruited this year.

After calculation, Little Red Horse Academy is weak, and Zhang Tan also thinks that it should recruit people.

In fact, we should have recruited people a long time ago, but Aunt Huang suppressed it. Little Red Horse Academy has never made a profit since its establishment. It has always been operating at a loss and requires Zhang Tan to advance money.

For this, Aunt Huang was very sorry. Although Zhang Tan always reassured her that he did not expect Little Red Horse Academy to make a profit, Aunt Huang felt that even if it could not make a profit, it would be best to break even. Zhang Tan could not always let Zhang Tan make a profit. Sigh and put money in there.

However, the channels for increasing income of Little Red Horse Academy are too small and almost non-existent, and it is of a public welfare nature.

Zhang Tan instead comforted Aunt Huang, telling her not to think too much and just hire people if she wanted to.

"How many people are you recruiting?"

"One is enough." Aunt Huang said without hesitation. She would be satisfied and very grateful for just one.

"Okay, you guys pick someone, I'll sign it when the time comes." After Zhang Tan finished speaking, he looked at the clock hanging on the wall and wanted to go home.

But Aunt Huang still had something to say. Although she was a little hesitant, she finally said it.

She already has a potential candidate, and Zhang Tan also knows it, Peng Yi.

The woman who used to always hang around outside the academy.

Aunt Huang introduced that Peng Yi was very popular among children in the academy and everyone liked her. After her observation, Peng Yi is very patient and caring, always with a gentle smile, and the children all like to play with her.

"Is she willing to do it? Her family seems to be quite wealthy." Zhang Tan said. He didn't know Peng Yi's family situation, but he noticed that Peng Yi's clothing and accessories were all branded goods. She doesn't show off, but what she occasionally reveals is enough for Zhang Tan to judge her origins.

Is such a rich girl willing to work the night shift here?

Aunt Huang said: "I have already asked her for her opinion, and this was actually her initiative."

In this case, Zhang Tan said nothing and nodded in agreement.

Peng Yi doesn't seem to go to work during the day. She looks quite bored all day long. Sometimes she wanders into Little Red Horse and faces the empty academy, lingering for a while before leaving. She looks quite lonely.

Peng Yi seemed to be a woman with a story, but Zhang Tan would not pursue it in detail.

The next evening, Peng Yi came to work with a big smile on her face. On her first day at work, she brought gifts to everyone.

The gift is a small gift, but the intention is very good.

Each of the children had a rag doll and bear snacks, and the trunk of an off-road vehicle was filled with them.

She is really not short of money.

After that night, the children went home and told their parents that their favorite teacher was Xiao Yizi. Teacher Xiao Yizi was so good.

This is what Dudu told her mother. She will sleep with her new rag doll tonight, allowing the little monkey rag doll to sleep closest to her, while the other rag dolls can only sleep next to the little monkey. Then lined up.

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