Dad Academy

Chapter 1373 Late Night Video

Little Li Zi bared his teeth, exposed his pair of small tiger teeth, and let out a whimper, indicating that he was not someone to be bullied! snort!

Her father, Li Xin, supported her with both hands and told her that she looked really fierce now. If Liuliu saw it, he would not dare to bully her.

Little Lizi couldn't stand it anymore, she was laughing and proud, and told her father again that she didn't want him to teach Liliu a lesson, she had to teach her a lesson herself.

Li Xin first expressed support for her, and after she calmed down, he said casually: "Actually, durian is quite fun."

Xiao Lizi was playing with the doll and looked at his father in surprise when he heard this.

"Dad, do you like durian?"

"Liuliu is very cute, but I like you more. You are cuter."

Xiao Lizi didn't say anything. He helped the doll get dressed and gently placed it on the sofa. Then he asked the doll to sit down as well. He touched the doll's head and said softly: "Mom loves you~"

Seeing this, Li Xin didn't say anything more, but took Xiao Lizi to wash his face, brush his teeth, and get ready for bed.

After putting Xiao Lizi to sleep, he returned to his bedroom. Unable to sleep, he sat for a while, came to the desk, turned on the lamp, took out a thick notebook and a pen from the drawer, and started writing a diary.

His diary was very long, lasting more than half an hour. When he was done, he put the pen in the gap of the notebook, closed the notebook, and put it back in the drawer.

He has already written half of this notebook, but the recording time is actually not long, he only started three months ago.

He had never kept a diary before. Who would be a serious person to write a diary?

Although he didn't write a diary for a long time, he wrote it very seriously every time. Every time it was a long article, sometimes it took twenty or thirty minutes to write, and sometimes it took longer, so he had already written it in a thick diary. More than half.

He originally thought that this notebook was enough, but now it seems that he has to buy another one.

He is a man in science and engineering, a straight man who gets headaches whenever he encounters writing, but now he is so artistic every day and writes a diary. If anyone who knows him knows about it, they will be surprised.

He himself did not expect that every time he picked up the diary and opened it, he would have so much to say.

He often has insomnia at night, cannot sleep well, and his health is getting worse.

Being busy during the day allowed him to be distracted, but at night, in the dead of night, the anxiety in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and came to his mind one after another. The more suppressed, the more turbulent he became.

After finishing writing the diary, Li Xin still couldn't sleep, replaying in his mind Xiao Lizi's words and deeds that day.

Suddenly, he stood up and found a camera from the drawer.

This is a small handheld camera for home use, a Big Bear brand, which is sufficient.

He is not skilled in using it, but he has learned the basic operations.

After turning on the camera, he placed it on the desk, adjusted the angle, brought a chair, and sat on it, with the curtains in the background.

Li Xin cleared his throat and began to talk to himself in front of the camera.

"Little Plum, today is May 21st, Friday. The weather is sunny. You went to kindergarten during the day and Little Red Horse Academy in the evening. You were very happy at Little Red Horse Academy and made many good friends. You are particularly happy today. When you see me, you keep talking about what happened in the evening. By the way, tonight you and Xiaobai, Xiaomi, Chengcheng, Liuliu, Dudu, and Xier will go to the convenience store to buy bears. Dudu is treating you tonight.

You only have 10 yuan, and you plan to buy a mini bear drink each, a small bottle that can be finished in a few sips, but you won the prize, everyone won... You are very sad, because Liuliu used his acting skills, I deceived you. Your little bears were gone and all were given to melons. But you didn’t react at the time. It was only when you got home that you suddenly realized... You said that you liked Xier very much, because when Xier saw that you didn’t have any little bears to drink, she gave them to you. I bought you two bottles...

In fact, you don’t hate Liuliu, you are not even angry with her, you are a kind and good child, you are not even willing to tell me that Liuliu bullied you, because you don’t want me to teach Liliu a lesson... Dad wants to tell you , we must learn to distinguish between good friends and ordinary friends. What is a good friend? Good friends mean that you can laugh loudly, cry loudly, and play with them. You can share difficulties and share blessings... But with ordinary friends, you just talk about things and you won't communicate in depth. Enough is enough...

Friends in childhood are very precious, you must cherish them. My father spent his childhood in Changsha. My hometown is there. I lived with my parents, grandparents, and we lived in the countryside where there were two small rivers. I have been a good swimmer since I was a child. In the summer, I often take a group of children to the river. We play in the water. When we get tired, we go to the melon field by the river to steal a watermelon to eat. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we are discovered, several times. Being chased was so embarrassing, hahaha~~~ When I think of what happened at that time, it is full of good memories.

I hope, little plum, one day in the future, you will still remember what happened today, and when you think back, you will be as full of happiness as your father. Even if it was something you thought was bad at the time, when you look back many years later, you will find that it is also precious. What wonderful memories.

These little friends who played with me and stole melons were still my good friends when they grew up. One of them was named Liu Li, one was named Zhan Dun, and the other was named Li Jun. When Liu Li grew up, she became a soldier and was a regiment member. Long. Zhan Dun became a boss and opened a chain of restaurants in Changsha, specializing in Changsha snacks. Li Jun returned to his hometown, took the civil service exam, and now becomes the township secretary. We still have contact today.

In the long river of time, we will meet many people, all kinds of people, some people were like honey mixed with oil at that time, and some people were so hateful at the time that they gritted their teeth, but just a year later, these people are like bubbles in the sun. , disappeared without a trace... You will meet many, many people like this, but the most precious ones to you must be the ones you grew up with when you were a child...

Li Xin talked a lot, opening up his chat box as if he had endless things to say, until he worried that he would talk too much and Xiao Lizi would be bored of hearing it in the future.

Stopping the video, he copied the video to his computer and also made a copy on the network disk.

It was already two o'clock in the morning. Li Xin turned off the light, lay back on the bed, closed his eyes and slept.

It was daybreak. In Huangjia Village, Tan Jin'er woke up very early. She heard Xi'er's even breathing next to her and knew that she was still sleeping. So she got up carefully and prepared to make breakfast. However, she felt wet under the quilt. .

She wasn't sure, so she stretched out her hand and touched it several times, and was sure it was wet.

Hi baby wets the bed!

This night, Xiba was not the only one who wet the bed.

In Zhu Xiaojing's words, Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan have broken the dam!

Not only did he wet the sheets, but even the quilt was soaked!

Seeing Da Yanyan's unconvinced look, she teased, "It's a good thing that your father and I didn't sleep with you, otherwise you would have blamed us for wetting the bed."

Liuliu scratched her hair, not wanting to talk to Zhu's mother, and opened a barrier for herself. If she didn't listen to anyone, she would just wait for breakfast.

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