Dad Academy

Chapter 1369 Who is the European Emperor?


In order to appease Xiao Lizi and ask her not to be sad because she was bullied by Liliu, Dudu planned to use the bonus he won from running a marathon to buy her a bear drink.

Unexpectedly, what they said was heard by Liuliu in the distance.

I really don’t know how Liuliu heard it. He was so far away. Did he have ears or something? It’s hard to believe. Could it be that he can lip read?

But anyway, the result is that Liuliu is here.

When Little Plum saw her enemy coming, she immediately whispered to Dudu in a low voice, "Don't let Liuliu come."

When she heard that Little Bear was drinking, it was impossible for Luoliu to back down. Even if she really didn't take her with her, she would still come.

Not only did Liuliu come, but Xiaobai also came.

When Dudu saw it, he called all the little sisters over.

A group of people went to Lao Li and asked him to open the door and let them out.

Lao Li was determined, but he felt that if he really did this, he would not be able to live in peace this year. Not only would his house be stolen frequently, the tea would definitely be mixed with mulberry leaves, and the tea set would be broken into pieces.

Zhang Tan happened to be here, so he accompanied the children out to the small shop in Huangjia Village.

This is a chain convenience store. The store is not large, but although it is small, it is well-equipped and has all kinds of things.

There was only a female clerk busy at the front desk, making instant noodles. At the same time, she took out a sausage and handed it to another girl. The girl took the instant noodles and sausage to a simple dining table in the corner to eat. stand up.

At this time, there was a jingle at the door of the store, and the female clerk immediately knew that a customer had come in. She said crisply: "Welcome."

She stretched her head and looked around, but she didn't see anyone coming, but she heard voices.

"They are welcoming us."

"Are we guests?"

"What does she mean duck?"

"I'm so awesome."

Children are here, and there are more than one!

Immediately, the female clerk saw a little kid standing behind the shelf and quietly looking at her.

She couldn't help but smile and asked: "Kid, what do you want to buy?"

"Buy a bear~"

"Is there a bear drink? It's in the refrigerator. Can you open it? How about I do it?"

Before she could go over to help, other children immediately cheered: "It's in the refrigerator! Open the refrigerator quickly!"

At this time, Zhang Tan walked into the store and told the children not to make any noise and to take it slowly.

There are a lot of bear drinks in the refrigerator, with a variety of different varieties and flavors, which is dazzling, and many of them have never been drunk by the children.

"I want this!"

"Dudu, I want to drink this~~"

The children were all chattering away, excitedly choosing what they wanted to drink in front of the dazzling array of Bear series drinks.


Zhang Tan reminded: "Dudu only has 10 yuan, you can't buy so many bears."

The prices of bear drinks vary, but for what Xiaobai and the others have in their hands now, 10 yuan is far from enough.

Dudu took out her 10 yuan again, which meant that all the money was here and nothing else.

The children picked and picked, and finally decided on Zhang Tan’s suggestion to buy a fruit-flavored bear drink in a small bottle. There are apple, watermelon and cantaloupe flavors because the bottle is very small and only takes one piece. A bottle of money.

Most of the children were satisfied, except for Liuliu who was full of resentment!

She looked at the mini bear in her hand. It was too small. She drank it in one gulp! The strong little pomegranate can't drink enough and is going to be sad.

As a result, she was attacked by Xiao Lizi again, and she was so angry that she could only give in. Suddenly she saw a young lady eating instant noodles and grilled sausages. She couldn't help but stare at the grilled sausages, swallowed quietly, and sniffed. , so fragrant.

"Liuliu, come here quickly!" Xiaobai called Liuliu away. Based on her understanding of Liuliu, she could tell that Liuliu was interested in their grilled sausages.

Luoliu felt unwilling, but had no choice but to reluctantly leave.

When paying the bill, the children lined up in front of the counter and looked at the clerk, who also looked at them. The atmosphere was quiet for a while.

The clerk then looked at Zhang Tan, but Zhang Tan stood aside and was only playing with his mobile phone, not intending to pay.

"Uh uh uh~~ Do you want to pay?" the clerk couldn't help but ask.

"Ah? Are you asking me? I don't pay, they do." Zhang Tan pointed to the children lined up in the front row.

The children all raised their little heads and were watching the TV hanging on the wall. Cartoons were being played on the TV.

The clerk asked them tentatively: "Children, do you want any of you to pay?"

She saw that one of the children was already drinking a bear drink!

"Sister Dudu, you have to pay." Xiao Lizi reminded Dudu not to just watch cartoons and pay quickly.

Dudu took out 10 yuan and handed it to the clerk, but his eyes were still fixed on the TV.

Several people were watching cartoons and drinking Little Bear, unable to move.

"Okay, I'll charge you a total of 10 yuan, which is just right. No need to give change, thank you." said the clerk.

Dudu responded: "You're welcome."

The shop assistant girl added: "Oh, by the way, the bear drink you bought is currently doing a promotion, and you can win prizes if you open the bottle."

The children didn't seem to hear her words and continued to stare at the cartoon!

Are cartoons this good? The shop assistant couldn't help but look back and saw a few sheep grazing, chatting while eating. The plot was simple and childish.

But the children watched it with gusto.

Finally, some children listened to her and asked, "Is there a prize?"

"Yes, there is a prize. It's on the bottle cap. Look at yours."

Xiaobai unscrewed the lid and looked at the inside of the lid. There was indeed writing on it, but she didn't recognize it, so she handed it to the young lady.

The young lady took the bottle cap, took a look at it, and said with a smile: "Wow, you won the prize, have another bottle."

"Yo ho?"

"I'll reward you with another bottle. You can go to the refrigerator and pick another bottle."

"Hahaha, I have to have it~" Xiaobai was so happy that he immediately ran to open the refrigerator and skillfully picked out a bottle of Mini Bears again, this time with lychee flavor.

"Little sister, little sister, can you see if I won the prize again?"

Xiaobai was so excited that she handed the little bear to the clerk. The lady helped her unscrew the lid, opened it and looked at it. She smiled and said, "Wow, you're so awesome. You won another bottle. Look, here's another bottle." .”

Xiaobai was so happy that he showed off to the children.

The children finally stopped paying attention to the lamb eating grass and were amazed.

Xiaobai excitedly ran to open the refrigerator again, took out a bottle of banana-flavored mini bears, handed it to the clerk, and looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to announce the winning result.

The clerk skillfully unscrewed the lid and opened it. She was speechless and said to Xiaobai, "You've been hit again."


Xiaobai immediately ran to open the refrigerator, got the bear, this time it was passion fruit flavor, and handed it to the clerk.

However, Xiaobai didn't win again this time, and the shop assistant breathed a sigh of relief.


A little hand stretched out towards her, and it was Little Plum who handed over her little bear.

Xiao Lizi said expectantly: "Miss, where's mine?"

"Let's take a look. Hey, you've been hit too. Here's another bottle."

Little Plum didn't wait for the clerk to continue, and ran to open the refrigerator, get the bear, ran back in a hurry, and handed it in again...

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