Dad Academy

Chapter 1363 Reading

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Although the crew purchased 80 portions of pancakes and fruits every day, it was still not enough to balance the store's expenses. When Zhang Tan learned about it, he decided to purchase 30 portions each morning and evening.

In the morning, it is prepared for the staff of the studio, and in the evening, it is prepared for the children, not as dinner, but as a midnight snack. There are children who are full, or children who are hungry like Xiao Weiwei a while ago.

This was not enough. Zhang Tan thought of a way, that is, to ask Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan to be a small model. They would shoot a short video in front of the pancake and fruit shop and post it on the Pentium APP. With Da Yanyan's current popularity, it would definitely attract people. Get a huge amount of traffic.

Pentium APP is a short video APP launched by Zhang Tan's Little Red Horse Pentium Technology Company. It has been optimized a lot on the original basis and added mature big data algorithms. The accuracy has been greatly improved. After being put into the market, the response has been very good.

This method is good, but after Zhang Tan thought about it carefully, he rejected the idea because durians cannot be used, which may cause unnecessary trouble to the children.

He thought of Li Yuxiao.

Just invite Li Yuxiao to come. You don’t need to shoot a serious video, but just shoot a short life video from her personal perspective.

After hearing this, Li Yuxiao happily agreed, went outside the pancake and fruit shop, used her mobile phone to take a selfie before and after her visit to the pancake and fruit shop, and sent it to her account on the Pentium app.

Soon people commented, liked, and asked for the address. The short video became popular all of a sudden, and Malanhua’s pancake and fruit shop suddenly became an internet celebrity, with many foodies visiting the store to check in.

After all, whether online or offline, foodies are always the majority.

Zhang Tan solved Malanhua's problem of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure by just implementing a small plan. When the customer source problem was gone, another problem emerged, that is, insufficient manpower.

The first migrant worker, Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan, was scared away, and the child Bai Chunhua also refused to go, frightened by the fear of being dominated by her aunt.

Malanhua had to hire people. She went to Lao Bai's construction site and found a woman from Baijia Village. The wealth would not go to outsiders. It was easier to work in a pancake and fruit shop than at a construction site.

Zhang Tan specially thanked Li Yuxiao, and at the same time made a decision to move the music studio away from Xiaohongma and work at Pentium Technology Company.

The venue over there is larger and the facilities are more complete.

Moreover, the number of people in the music studio is increasing, and it is no longer convenient to stay at Little Red Horse.

The film and television company has only a few screenwriters who are away from home all year round, so there is no need to relocate.

The comic studio has a lot of staff, but after Zhang Tan inquired, no one was willing to move. They thought the environment here was quiet, the location was good, and there were children around, which could stimulate inspiration.

Zhang Tan thought it would be good to increase the popularity of Little Red Horse, otherwise the place would be too big and quiet during the day.

Although the music studio moved, Li Yuxiao still came here often, in the name of picking up Shi Baobao.

After arriving, she never left and stayed in the original studio, as if it had become her personal office.

Who makes her the biggest name in the music studio.

Malanhua is busy opening a store, and the task of supervising the homework of children like Xiaobai falls on Teacher Jiang.

This is Teacher Jiang’s strength.

Her previous job was to teach children.

Xiaobai had just escaped from his aunt's power, and in an instant he was surrounded by his grandma. It seemed that he could no longer be lazy in this life.

With her aunt, she can still compete with wits and courage, but with her grandma, she has no such intention at all. She has always hoped to bring glory to her grandma, score 100 points on the exam, and get more red flowers and certificates. Now her grandma personally supervises her studies, and she also Don't work harder.

What's more, there is a Xiwawa who is always supervising her homework.

Annoying Hi Doll!

"It's so difficult, it's so difficult~~~ah~~"

The durian is howling, mentally exhausted from the torture of homework, and wants to play and run away.

The memory brought by her part-time job only lasted for a week, and the chicken blood could not last long. Soon she returned to her original state and resisted doing homework.

But she couldn't escape.

As soon as she howled, Xi'er put down the pen and paper and rushed over, "What's the swelling? What's the swelling? Liuliu, don't you have homework that you can't do? Which one is it?"

When Liuliu saw it was her, she was immediately furious. Xiwawa was so annoying. Although she was so ordinary, she could be so confident, as if she could do her homework.

Oh, she can indeed do it, but she is only responsible for doing it, not for right or wrong. Whoever asks her to do it will be unlucky. The teacher will mark the homework when it is handed in, and there is no way to pass.

"Go away, go away, Xiwawa, you can't do it."

Liuliu waved his hands irritably, telling Xiwa, who was a good teacher, to leave and stop chirping in her ears.

"Or I'll pinch your face."

Dudu, who was concentrating on reading words, heard the words and subconsciously touched her face. She continued to worry about the "Chun" in front of her. After recognizing her for so long, she might even recognize the word "Chun", but she didn't know it yet. Get to know "Tsubaki".

"What's this word? Xiaobai."

Xiaobai took one look and said, "This is my name."

"Xiaobai?" Dudu asked.

"This is a word!" Xiaobai was speechless, wondering why his 5-year-old friend was so stupid.

"Bai?" Dudu asked.


Dudu laughed loudly. She deliberately teased Xiaobai this time, but she really didn't recognize the word "Chun". When she learned that this was Xiaobai's name, Dudu was surprised.

"Xiaobai, why is your name so difficult? Who named it for you? Can you write it?"

Dudu didn't believe that Xiaobai could write this word because it was too difficult.

At this time, Xi'er and Liliu quarreled on the other side.

The porridge is touching the porcelain.

She took advantage of Xi'er taking away her homework book and yelled that Xi'er had snatched her homework book. She had no homework to do. In this case, she wanted to go play.

Xiaomi immediately came over to resolve the dispute and decided that Liuliu could not play. Xier returned the homework to her.

"If you don't do your homework, you have to work, Luoliu. Working is so tiring." When Xi'er handed back the homework, she did not forget to remind Luoliu not to forget the "happiness" of working.

After hearing this, Liuliu went crazy and her brain ached.

At this time, Cheng Cheng on the side suddenly spoke.

"Liuliu ran away from work, ha."

This taunt in a nonchalant tone instantly hit Liliu's self-esteem severely.

"I didn't slip away, I didn't slip away, I'm done." Luliu quibbled.

Dudu always stood by the side of the little sister and said: "Liuliu, I believe in you."

Liuliu's morale was boosted, "Huh, I'm working and I'm making money. Look, I'm rich because Aunt Ma gave me the salary."

This was a one-dollar banknote, and Luoliu showed it off in his hand, threatening that it was her wages.

Xi'er ran over to check to see if it was true or not, and then said, "Liuliu, you make so little money."

Liliu: "..."

She received another 10,000 critical hits, and her teeth were itching with anger. Why did a 5- and 6-year-old kid dare to provoke her like crazy? ? Why? why is that? ?

When Xiao Weiwei came, she first curiously observed Liuliu's one dollar, and then asked Liuliu why she could work in Aunt Ma's shop. Does it matter?

Everyone: "..."

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