Dad Academy

Chapter 1361 Broken Dream

Liuliu went to wash vegetables with Xiaobai honestly, and after that she did a lot of work, such as passing eggs, moving boxes, sweeping the floor, washing dishes...

When had Da Yanyan ever done so much work? Suddenly, most of her passion subsided and she started to be lazy.

It's not just her who is lazy, but also the child Bai Chunhua.

When Malanhua asked her to wash the vegetables again, she finally got mad.

"Washing vegetables, washing vegetables, why are you always asking me to wash vegetables?"

"What are you going to do if you don't wash the vegetables?"

"I haven't played yet today~"

"This is where work is done."

Xiaobai dropped the burden and refused to do it. Malanhua couldn't command her anymore, even though she threatened to spread Xiaobai's ass.

Anyway, Xiaobai just refused to do it. She needed to rest now, so she took out a tablet computer from her bag, opened it skillfully, and started watching cartoons.

Seeing this, Liuliu couldn't help but sit over and watch cartoons.

Who knows, at this time Malanhua asked her to wash vegetables.


Liuliu was surprised, Xiaobai didn't want to do it and asked her to do it? Is she such a casual little friend? She is a big-name duck!

"I want to play."

Liuliu fights for his own rights. Every child must play after working.

But if Malanhua doesn't give her any face, she can't command Xiaobai, how can she not command a worker? !

"Bullying people, bullying people!" Luoliu finally became unhappy and yelled, accusing Aunt Ma of bullying children. Xiaobai asked her to do it if she didn't want to.

Malanhua made the two children have a rebellious mentality, and they put down their burdens one by one. She thought that although the store was small, management should also pay attention to art, so she stopped forcing and made two steaming pancakes with fragrant fruit. , sent to two children watching cartoons.

Liuliu took a deep breath and praised: "It smells so delicious~"

"I'll give you something to eat. Eat it." Malanhua said.

Luoliu was pleasantly surprised, and her eyebrows suddenly lit up. This was the reason why she came to work in the pancake and fruit shop.

She took a pancake and saw that Xiaobai's one didn't move. Xiaobai was busy watching cartoons, so she discussed it and said, "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, don't you want to eat it? If you don't want to eat it, I'll eat it~"

Saying that, he was about to take it away.

Xiaobai quickly took away the pancake fruit and said to Liuliu: "You are fat."

Liuliu was furious, "You're the fat one, you noob! You can't afford to play ducks! I was teasing you."

Liuliu accuses Xiaobai of not being able to joke.

But how much of the truth is told in jest.

The two children who ate the pancakes finally recharged their batteries, followed instructions again, and started working.

The whole morning was spent in constant work. It was almost noon. When Xiao Baiyan saw the sun reaching his head, he dropped the rolling pin in his hand and said: "Auntie~~ I want to go!!"

Malanhua asked: "Don't you want to have lunch here?"

"Don't eat~"

"If you don't eat, then you don't plan to come in the afternoon?"

"I won't come, I won't come, I'm exhausted."

With that said, Xiaobai washed his hands, took the tablet away from Luoliu, put it into his bag, then put it on his back and went out to go back to Xiaohongma.

She said to Liuliu: "Hoohoho, Liuliu, I have to go, bye."

Liliu: "..."

Seeing that Xiaobai was leaving, she quickly packed her things and wanted to go back with Xiaobai. Xiaohong was so playful.

However, just as she was about to go out, she was stopped by Malanhua and refused to let her go.

"You are here to work. How can you leave before you get off work?"


"Still at get off work."

"I'm going to play duck."

"You can't play until you get off work."

"I'm a kid."

"Children have to work too. You are working in my store now. You can't get off work until the time comes."


"Go back and wash the vegetables."


Luliu suddenly felt like a knife had been stabbed into his heart. He was so heartbroken that it was hard to breathe, and he was so sad that he was about to burst into tears.

At this time, Xiaobai, who had gone out, did not forget to return and give Liuliu a stab.

"Hoohoho~~~Liuliu, you have to work hard. Bye, I'm going to play."

Liliu: "..."

Poor Pomegranate almost shed tears. She kept encouraging herself, praising herself as a strong little Pomegranate who would never cry. She would never cry.

She finally persisted until lunch, but Malanhua was still too soft-hearted and actually took her to a restaurant to eat delicious food.

The durian suddenly became energetic again, and its health returned in seconds. It was a joy to eat, an unprecedented joy.

The joy of labor is real joy. No wonder the working people are good at singing and dancing. They are all happy. Luoliu even thinks that they must be singing and dancing during lunch.

Soon, however, the afternoon work began.

Liuliu feels that working people are really miserable.

She came to the pancake and fruit shop full of interest and energy. She was a promising girl with dreams. However, a day's hard work dulled her enthusiasm and extinguished the fire in her chest.

Liliu felt so tired that she was about to collapse.

When she heard Aunt Ma say that she had to continue working after dinner, Luoliu couldn't hold back any longer and burst out crying.

"I want to go to the little red horse, I want to go to the little red horse~~~~oooooooooo~~~~~"

Liuliu cried so miserably.

“I’m going to call Mama Zhu and ask Mama Zhu to pick me up and take me home, woo woo woo~~~”

Liuliu cried, ran to find her bag, took out two pairs of socks, not a mobile phone, stuffed them back, finally found her children's mobile phone, dialed Zhu's mother's phone number, cried and asked Zhu's mother to hurry up Come and take her home.

"Come on, Mom Yazhu, come on, I want to go home, I don't want to play anymore, it's not fun at all..."

Zhu Xiaojing thought that Liuliu could last for one to two days, and three days was not impossible.

However, reality hit her face very quickly. Before the day was over, Luliu couldn't hold on anymore.

She rode a small electric car and Dududu came from home and saw Puli in the store eating pancakes and fruits with tears in her eyes.

"Mother Zhu~~"

As soon as he saw Zhu Xiaojing appear, Liuliu immediately shouted aggrievedly, pounced on her, and the chick threw itself into the forest.

"Aren't you going to work anymore?" Zhu Xiaojing asked.

Liuliu shook his head quickly: "No more fighting, no more fighting."

"Then do your homework well?"

"Do it, do it~"

"Do you want to go home?"

The maniac nodded.

Although Liuliu didn't persist for a day, Zhu Xiaojing felt that the goal had been achieved and it was time to call it a day.

She took Liuliu and was about to leave. Liuliu said to Malanhua, "Aunt Ma, I don't hate you, I don't like you."

Malanhua: "..."

Since you said that, you're welcome. Malanhua said, "You can come to the store to work part-time on weekends. Remember to come."

When Liuliu heard this, she quickly ran away, "I'm not coming, I'm not coming~~"

This night, Liuliu didn't go to Little Red Horse. She was exhausted physically and mentally and was recuperating at home.

Not knowing that Liliu had given up, her girlfriends came to the store in the evening to see Liliu. Dudu thoughtfully brought the little sister a bear drink and tied her latest batch of dolls to her chest. Here you go, there are many dolls with great strength, let’s cheer for Liuliu together.

However, Aunt Ma told them that Liliu had escaped.

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