Dad Academy

Chapter 1352 Grandpa~

Wan Xiaohu left, and the barber shop was empty.

Lao Niu's heart was also empty and without anything.

He stood there numbly, covering his face with his hands, crying.

He didn't go out to see Wan Xiaohu for the last time, but just stood there blankly.

Zhang Tan couldn't control him, but chased him out because Xiaobai and Xi'er ran away after the car.

He was worried and ran out of the barber shop. He saw Xi'er chasing her on the road with her short legs.

In front of Xi'er is Xiaobai who is chasing after her.

Xiaobai was so energetic that he chased Xi'er like a hot wheel, leaving Xi'er far behind.

Zhang Tan felt that at this moment, Dudu might not even be able to outrun Xiaobai.

Zhang Tan quickly overtook Xi'er. Xi'er looked up at him in surprise and watched helplessly as her godfather ran ahead of her, leaving only one sentence behind.

"Xi'er, please stop running away. I'm going to chase Xiaobai back."

Then, the godfather left Xi'er behind.

Xi'er muttered and chased even harder.

She was a little angry with herself. Why couldn't she outrun Xiaobai and her godfather?

Zhang Tan ran to the intersection and went onto West Chang'an Street. Then he saw Xiaobai stopped in place. He didn't run anymore, but cried loudly.

She looked at the busy traffic and felt extremely sad. When she saw Zhang Tan appeared beside her, she opened her little hands and threw herself into his arms.

"Why did you drive Wan Xiaohu away? Why??? Wuwuwuwu~~~~"

Zhang Tan squatted in front of her, held her in his arms, and gently touched her back. The child was crying very sadly.

Zhang Tan could feel her emotions. Xiaobai was very emotional. Although he didn't usually talk about it, he really valued the people around him.

When Xiaomi was about to be sent away, she fought tooth and nail to get her back.

Later, Cheng Cheng wanted to leave Little Red Horse and never come back again, but she stayed because she refused to let him go.

In short, in Xiaobai's heart, every child in Little Red Horse Academy cannot be missing.

At the end of the past few years, the children were scattered everywhere, and she was the saddest one.

At this moment, she watched Wan Xiaohu being taken away, not to mention how sad she felt.

Zhang Tan comforted her and told her that the man who took Wan Xiaohu away was Wan Xiaohu's father.

But Xiaobai didn't believe that the man looked like his grandfather, so how could he be Wan Xiaohu's father.

At this time, Xi'er finally arrived.

The little one was panting and stopped crying because he couldn't cry anymore. He began to sigh and was tired.

Because of Wan Xiaohu's incident, Xi'er didn't get a haircut that day, so she got away with it.

Xiaobai and Xi'er were in a bad mood that day, feeling wilted and brooding over Wan Xiaohu's departure.

After Zhang Tan took them back to Little Red Horse, he went to the barber shop to visit Lao Niu.

Lao Niu seemed to have gotten over his sadness. It was hard to see that he was still in tears not long ago.

He put away the "Closed" sign outside the barber shop, opened all the rolling shutter doors, and reopened for business.

He seemed no longer affected by Wan Xiaohu's departure.

But Zhang Tan could tell that he was just trying to hold on and find something to do for himself. When he was busy, he had no time to think about sadness.

In the evening, Little Red Horse Academy became lively. Xiaobai and Xi'er were standing among the dolls, angrily recounting what happened during the day. The children were offended by the same hatred and their momentum was high. It looked like they were going to attack "Lao Niu Barber Shop". of.

Zhang Tan quickly told Lao Li to close the door tightly and don't let anyone out.

Xiaoliu's teachers also strengthened their supervision of the children, and caught Dudu sneaking around to copy the kid, and also caught Liuliu controlling the children remotely.

Zhang Tan, on the other hand, took Xiaobai home and refused to let her go out tonight.

Without a leader, the children in Little Red Horse could not riot.

There is only one happy baby left, which is nothing to worry about.

Sure enough, Xiwa, who was taking the lead downstairs, soon came to the door dejectedly.

She returned home, found Xiaobai, and told Xiaobai that the children didn't listen to her.

It's still up to Xiaobai to go down and take charge of the overall situation.

No matter how bad it is, we still need a dog-headed strategist like Liuliu who can fan the flames, and Dudu who is the vanguard.

But now, the first, second and third bosses have all taken a break, leaving her as a happy baby who only knows how to rush around.

Xiaomi and Cheng Cheng can help her, but among the two, Xiaomi represents justice and will not participate in such activities, while Cheng Cheng, she may be asleep.

Xiao Weiwei is very enthusiastic, but Xiao Weiwei is soft-spoken and even worse than Xi'er.

So Xi'er yelled hard downstairs, but the effect was limited, which made her frustrated, so she ran to rescue Xiaobai, but as soon as she came back, she was caught by Zhang Tan and escorted into the study.

"I won't do my homework today. I'll show you cartoons." Zhang Tan said and turned on the cartoons for them.

"Old man, shall we go to Grandpa Niu's barber shop?" Xiaobai typed.

How could Zhang Tan not know her little thoughts?

He said: "Grandpa Niu's barber shop is closed at night, so I can't go there."

When Zhang Tan walked there in the evening, he found that the barber shop was closed. It seemed like it was back to the past, closing down at night and not doing business.

In the next few days, Lao Niu closed the shop at night and really returned to the past.

Zhang Tan was worried that he would be depressed, so he told Lao Li and Lao Feng that they could invite Lao Niu to sit in the academy, or they could just visit him.

Lao Li happily agreed and went to the barber shop in the evening to sit around and asked Lao Niu not to close so early. Instead, he went to the Little Red Horse Academy to sit, drink tea and chat.

The first time, Lao Niu didn't agree, but when he was invited again for the second time, he agreed.

Three and a half old men drinking tea and chatting can indeed help Lao Niu get out of his gloom as soon as possible.

But on the day he comes to Little Red Horse, he must pay special attention to the children and not let them go over to find trouble.

Xiaoliu's teachers were warned and closed the classroom door to prevent the children from going out.

So Luoliu lay down at the window and shouted into the yard: "Good guy duck, good guy duck~~~"

The days are warm in spring, the evening wind is blowing, and the rustling of leaves is heard in the grove. The sky is filled with stars tonight, and the moon hangs gently on the horizon.

Lao Niu's mood calmed down at this moment. He suddenly stood up and said, "Thank you two brothers. If you are free tomorrow night, come to my house and I will cook some dishes."

Lao Li readily agreed: "No problem. I have a bottle of 10-year-old Big Bear wine at home. I will bring it over when the time comes."

Lao Niu chuckled and walked out: "I'm leaving. Go to sleep."

He walked out of the Little Red Horse Academy. On his left was West Chang'an Street, which was bustling with people and lights, and on his right was Huangjia Village. The street lights were shining alone, illuminating the distant alley.

The old cow walked to the right. The little red horse was less than a hundred meters away from the barber shop. After walking for a while, the barber shop appeared in front of him.

A street lamp stood on the roadside, and the dim light cast dispersed part of the night in front of the barber shop, making it look shadowy.

Lao Niu suddenly stopped. He seemed to see a person standing in the shadow in front of the barber shop.

He stood still and looked carefully. The shadows were flowing, and a small man slowly walked out.

The little man walked under the light, looked timidly at the condescending old cow, and whispered happily and fearfully: "Grandpa~~"

Lao Niu's body shook violently.

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