Dad Academy

Chapter 1345 Who is singing?

Lao Niu cleaned up Wan Xiaohu, cooked and ate, and closed the door to sleep. But today he suddenly discovered that Wan Xiaohu actually wanted to go out and play, so he took him around Huangjia Village, especially in the square of the village in the city. After watching dancing for a while, I saw a man who was dancing very nervously. He pointed at Wan Xiaohu and said, "That's Xiaobai's uncle. Look at how ugly he dances."

When Wan Xiaohu heard that he was Xiaobai's uncle, he looked at it curiously, nodded silently, agreed with Lao Niu's evaluation, and asked curiously: "Why does he dance so vigorously and look so ugly?"

Lao Niu said: "Just be thick-skinned."

"Are you going to dance?"

"I'm not that kind of person."

With that said, Wan Xiaohu took Wan Xiaohu away. Wan Xiaohu looked back a few more times and whispered that it was really ugly.

The two returned home and closed the door to sleep. Wan Xiaohu was tired after playing all day today. He lay on the bed and squinted his eyes, feeling sleepy.

But he insisted on not sleeping, looking at Lao Niu, full of expectation.

Lao Niu didn't know why, so he said, "If you feel sleepy, just go to sleep."

Wan Xiaohu was a little disappointed, but after thinking about it he couldn't help but said: "Aren't you going to tell a story?"

Lao Niu was stunned for a moment. Was he holding on and refusing to sleep just to listen to the story?

"Aren't you sleepy? If you are sleepy, just go to sleep."

"...But I haven't heard the story written by Grandpa Niu."

"...Does it sound that good?"


Wan Xiaohu took the opportunity to praise Lao Niu for the nice story he wrote. He liked it very much and acted like an adult. He encouraged him to publish it in a magazine so that more children could see it.

Lao Niu smiled. He was relieved and understood at the same time that he was more interested in amusing himself now. He had submitted his novel for several years, but he had not adopted it once. He had no intention of submitting it again.

Write and play by yourself.

"Then lie down and let me tell you something."


Lao Niu told Wan Xiaohu a story for a while, and Wan Xiaohu fell asleep sweetly.

He covered Wan Xiaohu with a quilt, sat down at the desk, and continued to think hard and make up a story. However, he was in a bad state today. He thought about it for more than half an hour, but he didn't write a word.

Today is the same as yesterday. I am in a bad state and cannot write. Yesterday is the same as the day before yesterday.

He lost his pen and had no intention of writing anymore. Instead, he calculated the living expenses for this month. The more he calculated, the more he thought about it and lost all sleep, because he found that if he continued like this, he would not have enough money this month!

The cost of having another child is really different. It seems that we need to live frugally.

However, cutting expenditure alone is not enough; we must also increase revenue to cure the root cause.

Writing novels is definitely not possible. You can’t earn a penny in royalties, so you can only think of ways to do it in a barber shop.

In the past, Lao Niu only regarded the barber shop as a means of livelihood to support himself. He didn't pay much attention to it. It was enough to support himself.

So his barber shop was dusty, dark, cramped, and unattractive.

"You have to work hard, otherwise Xiaohu and I will starve." Lao Niu sighed.

After all, he doesn't live alone now.

He racked his brains to think of ways to attract customers into the barber shop. First, he had to replace the light bulb on the eaves at the door. The light had been broken for almost half a year. Although changing the light bulb was a simple matter, Lao Niu was stunned. It hasn't moved at all, and it can't be delayed any longer now. Secondly, the store should be cleaned. All irrelevant things should be moved away and should not be placed in the store. The store is already small, but when there are too many items, it will become more crowded. The last thing is himself, he must not be slovenly and must be dressed fresh and clean.

Lao Niu wrote these suggestions in a notebook one by one. His memory is obviously not as good as before. Many things must be written down in a small notebook, otherwise he will forget them when he turns around.

After finishing this, Lao Niu thought about his novel story again, but still had no clue. He suddenly remembered the book "The Hidden Corner" that he bought at the bookstall today. The author was Zhang Tan, so Lao Niu spent money to buy it and take a look. .

Zhang Tan is famous, he knows it. In fact, he has watched the TV series, but not the novel.

The person next to him was a well-known writer. Lao Niu was particularly interested. He started reading from the beginning and read with his hands clenched. His emotions fluctuated with the plot of the story. It was not until Wan Xiaohu turned over on the bed that he suddenly understood. Looking at the time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, so he closed the book and sighed at Zhang Tan's talent. At the same time, compared with his own powerlessness, he suddenly felt deeply the gap between himself and the truly famous writers. The gap was like a chasm, which made him It's hard to compare.

This discovery made Lao Niu feel discouraged and his self-confidence suffered a huge blow.

For the first time, he took a serious look at himself. Perhaps, he was really not the material for writing novels.

Although he works hard, he has no talent.

Without talent, no matter how hard you work, it will be in vain.

The more Lao Niu thought about it, the more upset he became. He turned off the light, lay down on the bed and closed his eyes to sleep, but his thoughts were very active. He thought that if the barber shop wanted to make more money, should it open a shop at night? I can’t even make up a story, it’s such a waste to go to bed so early.

The next day, Lao Niu sent Wan Xiaohu to the kindergarten first. On the way back, he went to a roadside shop and bought a light bulb. When he came back, he changed the light at the door. Then he cleaned up and tidied himself up, and then opened the door to do some work. Business.

At night, he uncharacteristically did not close the door, but continued to operate. The lights at the door were bright, which many nearby residents were not used to. They would look inside when passing by, and some familiar people would pace around curiously. Enter the store and ask what happened in the store and why it is open tonight.

Lao Niu told them that the barber shop would be open for three hours in the evening and would not close until nine o'clock.

But on the first night, business was very bad and there were almost no customers. Lao Niu and Wan Xiaohu sat boredly on the steps at the door. One looked at the deep night in a daze, and the other held his chin in his hands and curiously walked towards the little red horse not far away. Look around.

Although he couldn't see the situation in Little Red Mali, Wan Xiaohu felt that it must be lively and fun inside because he heard beautiful singing coming from there.

It sounds so good.

"Do you want to go see it?" Lao Niu asked, and he also noticed the beautiful singing voice of Little Red Horse.

Wan Xiaohu nodded and chuckled.

Lao Niu stood up, patted his butt and said, "Let's go, let's go take a look."

Wan Xiaohu set out in a hurry to go to Little Red Horse. When he was about to reach the gate, suddenly the beautiful singing stopped. After a pause, the singing continued, but the singing was no longer beautiful and could be considered unpleasant and out of tune.

It was a child who was screaming.

When Lao Niu reached the door, he stopped and said to Wan Xiaohu, "How about we go back."

He disliked the ugly singing of the children inside and didn't want to watch the fun.

Wan Xiaohu was surprised, opened his mouth, pointed at Little Red Horse Academy, and said, "It's the children who are singing."

Lao Niu looked at Little Red Horse through the iron fence and saw many children gathered in the yard. They were all gathered around. In the center, there was a small open space with a microphone standing on the ground and placed around it. I bought a mobile speaker, and at this moment, a little girl was singing loudly to her baby.

"Is that a durian?" Lao Niu asked.

Wan Xiaohu stood on tiptoe and looked inside, nodded, and said it was a pomegranate.

"Liuliu's singing is not good, just like Uncle Xiaobai's dancing."

Asking for a monthly ticket

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