Dad Academy

Chapter 1340 Even if you are late, you must be confident

At nine o'clock in the evening, Lao Niu put away his pen and went to bed on time.

He read through the unfinished story and thought it was rubbish. He opened a wooden box under the bed and stuffed it in. The lid of the box was tightly closed.

I am not going to write this story anymore.

Old Niu looked up and saw Xiaohu staring at it, and said: "Stop looking, go to sleep, and don't touch this box."


Wan Xiaohu put down the book, rubbed his eyes, consciously went outside to pour a glass of water, put it on Lao Niu's bedside table, and then climbed onto a camp bed next to him.

The camp bed was just put up today. Lao Niu's house is a small building with two floors. There is a room and a kitchen upstairs, and a barber shop and bathroom downstairs.

Wan Xiaohu could only sleep with Lao Niu. Lao Niu fell asleep not long after lying down, snoring non-stop.

Wan Xiaohu opened his eyes wide at night and looked at the dark ceiling, wondering what he was thinking.

He suffered from insomnia and woke up very late the next day, forgetting about going to school.

Lao Niu also forgot and went downstairs after getting up, not remembering that Wan Xiaohu was still sleeping upstairs.

The two hurried to school. Lao Niu rode a small electric car and comforted Wan Xiaohu along the way. Don't panic if something happens. If you are late, you will be late. It's not the end of the world!

"Who has never been late?! Who hasn't?! When you get to the classroom, just explain it to the teacher."

Lao Niu's confident momentum was still very effective, Wan Xiaohu no longer panicked and looked like the end of the world.

Lao Niu watched him enter the school, came to the classroom door, said a few words to the teacher, and was let in. Before entering, he turned back and waved to Lao Niu at the school gate, with a smile on his face.

Lao Niu felt relieved and rode his electric car back to the store. After raising a baby, the expenses were higher, so he had to work harder.

He returned to Huangjia Village and when passing by Little Red Horse Academy, he happened to meet Zhang Tan going out.

"Good morning, Master Niu."


"I heard that Wan Xiaohu was brought back?"


"That's good. If the child is bored, you can let him play at the Little Red Horse. There are many children here."

"Okay, thank you."

Zhang Tan now goes to Little Red Horse Galloping Technology almost every day. If he has something to do, he will stay there for half a day. If he has nothing to do, he will walk around, sit for a while, and then come back.

Now Little Red Horse Pentium Technology is on the right track, the software is being greatly optimized and improved, and the recruitment work has been completed.

He only needs to grasp the general direction and leave the specific work to professionals.

Today he sat in the technology company for more than an hour. Except for a few people coming to report work or simply chatting, there was nothing else. Then he went home and came to the office here in the studio to write the script.

I'm halfway through writing a science fiction script and it's almost finished. I'll work hard today to finish it.

As soon as Zhang Tan appeared, Xin Xiaoguang appeared, more intelligent than Liuliu's carnivorous nose.

"Sister Xiao is here, in the recording studio." He reported.


"Boss, do you have time? We need to brainstorm together."

"No time, busy writing scripts."

Zhang Tan hurried upstairs and went to see Li Yuxiao first.

Li Yuxiao and Xu Qian are discussing the new album. Li Yuxiao is finally preparing for a new album, and Xu Qian is fully responsible for it.

Seeing Zhang Tan appear, Xu Qian took the opportunity to report on the progress of the preparations for the new album. Zhang Tan nodded without comment and returned to his office without saying anything.

I don't know how long it took, but someone knocked on the door and came in. Zhang Tan looked up and saw that it was Li Yuxiao.

"I made you a cup of coffee."

"thank you."

Zhang Tan was busy looking up from the computer. Li Yuxiao put the coffee in his hand, but did not leave. Instead, he sat down on the sofa in the office and drank a cup of coffee in his hand. He glanced at Crazy Code from time to time. The character Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan didn't realize she stayed here until he finished his work.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, putting down what he was doing and taking a sip of coffee to refresh himself.

"Are you writing a script?" Li Yuxiao asked curiously.

"Yes, I have been writing for several days. I will try to finish it today."

"Are there any new projects to start? Is it a movie or a TV series this time?"

"It should be a movie. I haven't even decided on it yet. I just have an intention. I need to submit the script first."

"what type is it?"

No one will not be curious about Zhang Tan's new script, and Li Yuxiao is certainly no exception.

"This time it's a science fiction story."

"What are you talking about?" Li Yuxiao was very interested, especially Zhang Tan's story.

Zhang Tan was about to take a rest, and since Li Yuxiao wanted to listen, he planned to tell her, but he suddenly looked outside the door and said, "Come in if you want."

The door was ajar, leaving a crack. Zhang Tan saw someone wandering around outside the door. In this studio, only Xin Xiaoguang did this.

The person outside the door pushed in, and it turned out to be the sneaky Xin Xiaoguang.

He had a flattering smile on his face: "I'm here to deliver fruit."

"Put it there." Zhang Tan said casually. Xin Xiaoguang did not leave immediately after putting it down.

Zhang Tan looked at him with a look that said, "Why don't you leave yet?"

Xin Xiaoguang said flatteringly: "I also want to hear the new script."

Zhang Tan was noncommittal and began to tell Li Yuxiao, while Xin Xiaoguang stood aside and listened with excitement.

"The story of the script is called "A Bouquet for Liu Li"."

Li Yuxiao asked curiously: "Why do you also study science fiction?"

Although she is not a member of the circle, she knows from the most basic common sense that there are specialties in the so-called profession, and screenwriting is of course no exception. Therefore, many great screenwriters are often good at a certain aspect or several aspects, rather than what type of drama. I can make it up, but I don’t have that knowledge base.

Unlike Zhang Tan, who wrote urban big-woman dramas, suspense, officialdom, sensational father-daughter relationships, myths, and fairy tales...

Li Yuxiao admired this young man who was several years younger than her.

"If you like it, dabble in it." Zhang Tan said.

Li Yuxiao asked: "In "Flowers for Liu Li", is Liu Li the protagonist?"

Zhang Tan: "No."

"Then you tell me."

"Two top medical scientists work in a top medical research institute. They have created an unprecedented medical theory, using medicine to change human IQ."

Li Yuxiao couldn't help but let out a sigh, and immediately realized that she had interrupted Zhang Tan's narration, and quickly covered her red lips, signaling Zhang Tan to continue talking.

Zhang Tan continued.

Xin Xiaoguang: →_→

"After countless failed experiments, two medical scientists finally succeeded in a case of a white mouse. They named the mouse Liu Li."

Li Yuxiao blinked and finally knew who Liu Li was. It turned out that not only was she not the protagonist, but she was not even a human being, but a guinea pig!

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