Dad Academy

Chapter 1336 Strange Creditor

Zhang Tan got a short haircut. Xiaobai was satisfied with it, Xiao Weiwei was satisfied with it, and Zhang Tan himself thought it was okay. The hairstyle didn't give him any extra points, mainly because he was handsome enough.

But when he came to the little red horse with confidence, he was laughed at by Hiahia.

Oh no, it’s not mocking, it’s just telling the truth!

Everyone knows that Xiwawa likes to tell the truth in her heart, so this is even more hurtful.

Facing Xiwawa, Zhang Tan couldn't get angry, so he could only hand over Xiao Weiwei to her and torture her.

The "Zhu Xian" script seminar was held as scheduled on a Saturday afternoon, and Zhang Tan and Zhao Lin participated together.

Zhao Lin is now the editor-in-chief of "Zhu Xian", and Zhang Tan hands it over to him.

Zhang Tan reserved an afternoon at a private cafe on West Chang'an Street to entertain this group of readers.

Everyone came earlier than the agreed time. When Zhang Tan arrived, everyone was almost there. When they saw it was him, they were instantly shocked.

Although it was said that the author was Zhang Tan himself, everyone was still excited when the real person actually appeared.

Who would have thought that such a great screenwriter, who earns millions of dollars for writing a TV series, would serialize novels on a website.

How hard it is for online novel authors, who have no status and are looked down upon by traditional literature authors.

"Teacher Zhang~ How did you come up with the idea of ​​serializing novels online?" asked a reader. Zhang Tan asked his name and learned that he was Li Jun, a very rich and honest young man.

"Actually, I think online serialization is a very novel way of writing, a subversion of tradition. This subversion does not just refer to the writing platform, but to the writing method, the subversion of writing concepts, and even changes in reading habits, so I I wanted to give it a try and experience it for myself, and on a whim, I wrote the novel "Zhu Xian"."

Someone else asked: "Can you tell us about the subsequent plot of the story "Zhu Xian"?"

Someone then said: "We know we are filming a movie now, so we have to keep it secret. We just need to tell a rough plot direction."

At this time, the cafe staff brought a cup of coffee and put it in Zhang Tan's hand. Then he sat down nearby and took the opportunity to listen.

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "It's okay to talk, but let's ask Zhao Lin to do it. You may not know him. He is now the editor-in-chief of "Zhu Xian" and is responsible for this project. Zhao Lin is very experienced. He was responsible for the movie "The Wind" , "I am Zhan Er", "Chang'an Twelve Hours" animation."

Everyone applauded, and Zhao Lin looked at Zhang Tan gratefully, knowing that Zhang Tan was giving him a chance to show off, so he did his part and told the story of "Zhu Xian".

The atmosphere of the seminar was very good, relaxed, cheerful and fulfilling, like friends. Zhang Tan felt that this method was very good and could be normalized in the future. It would be much more interesting to invite fans to such a script seminar for every project.

The seminar lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon. Zhang Tan looked at his watch and said goodbye to leave first, leaving Zhao Lin to stay.

"The elementary school is about to end, and I have to pick up my daughter from school. I'm sorry, but I'll just let Zhao Lin stay here."

Everyone was surprised that Zhang Tan, at such a young age, already had a daughter and was in elementary school.

After Zhang Tan left, he walked back to Little Red Horse Academy. He wanted to drive, but he found that a tire was flat, and a nail was inserted at some point.

He pushed out the electric scooter he had not ridden at home for a long time and rode the electric scooter to school. When he was going out, he happened to meet Tan Jin'er passing by on a pink electric scooter.

"Are you going to pick up Xi'er?" Zhang Tan asked.

Tan Jin'er was a little surprised when she saw him riding a small electric car and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm picking up Xiaobai, but the tire is broken."

Tan Jin'er snickered, why was it so fun to watch Zhang Tan ride a small electric car?

The two went to West Chang'an Street together, walked together for a while, and then separated, one going to kindergarten and the other to elementary school.

Tan Jin'er arrived at the door of the kindergarten, just as the school bell rang, and the quiet kindergarten suddenly rang with various little milk sounds, as if the little ducks were exploding their nests.

She soon saw Xi'er, who was walking in line towards the school gate with her schoolbag on her back, and waved. Xi'er also saw her and waved in the same way.

"Are Wan Xiaohu's parents here?" A teacher from another class asked.

"Here, here."

"Are you Wan Xiaohu's parent? Why haven't I seen you?"

"I am his relative."

Tan Jin'er and Xi'er were about to leave when they saw an argument starting around them. Looking curiously, they saw an old man arguing with the teacher, and a little boy standing next to him.

"What's wrong? Master Niu?" Tan Jin'er walked over and asked.

She knew this half-old man as the cattle master at the "Lao Niu Barber Shop" in Huangjia Village. He was just on the roadside. She usually had to pass by the entrance of his shop when she went home, and she got to know him over time.

Tan Jin'er didn't know when Lao Niu had a little boy. He had never seen it before.

Lao Niu explained to the teacher, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly looked at Wan Xiaohu, asked the teacher to step aside, and explained that Wan Xiaohu's mother passed away and he was now taking care of her.

The teacher was sad, with a look of astonishment on her face. She had seen Wan Xiaohu's mother a few days ago. Although she was not in good condition, she did not look like a seriously ill person.

"Everything in the world is impermanent." Lao Niu said with emotion.

In fact, he has no blood relationship with Wan Xiaohu at all.

Wan Xiaohu's mother, Shen Die, worked in a bar on West Chang'an Street. She owed him a sum of money and had not paid it back. He went to ask for the money, but the money was not received, and instead a child like Wan Xiaohu was blamed.

When Shen Die passed away, there was no one around but him, the creditor. Looking at Wan Xiaohu with tears in his eyes, he felt pity for the poor mother and son. Not only did he bury Shen Die, but he also temporarily adopted Wan Xiaohu until his relatives were found. , send him there.

It's just that for several days, he called one by one according to the address book on Shen Die's mobile phone, but he couldn't find any relatives.

What a strange creditor.

Lao Niu felt that he must be the weirdest creditor. He didn't get his money back, but he got a child back.

This is really a loss to my grandma’s family.

Looking at Wan Xiaohu at his feet, Lao Niu also became worried and his hair turned whiter.

Fortunately, Wan Xiaohu is very well-behaved and obedient, neither noisy nor fussy. If you don't take the initiative to find him every day, he will sit quietly in the corner and read a book. He will read any book, magazines, newspapers, whatever he gets, and ask him The reason turned out to be that his mother often taught him that only by studying hard can he be capable in the future.

Xi'er looked at Wan Xiaohu curiously, took out a candy from his trouser pocket and gave it to him.

But Wan Xiaohu shook his head and refused to eat, so Xi'er grabbed his little hand and stuffed it into his hand.

Lao Niu also rode a small electric car and happened to be finishing school with the Tan sisters.

The adults were riding on the bike, and the children were sitting behind. Hiahia laughed loudly, letting the wind ruffle her hair, and kept chatting with Wan Xiaohu.

It's just that Wan Xiaohu didn't seem to like chatting. He only listened and didn't speak. In fact, he also spoke, but his voice was so low that he couldn't hear it and was blown away by the wind.

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