Dad Academy

Chapter 1329 Is someone bullying you at home?

When Liuliu wanted to be lazy, Ma Lanhua took it seriously and told her: "You just got the little red flower and you forgot about it in the blink of an eye? You just want to stop doing your homework? What do you think? Huh???"

Seeing Ma Lanhua's fierce look, Liuliu couldn't help but be submissive: "I, I, what do I think?"

"ask you."

"ask me."

"Yes, tell me, what do you think?"

"...I still do my homework, but Aunt Ma, can you ask Xiao Weiwei not to ask questions? My brain hurts."

Dudu came over and asked Liuliu: "Are you out of your mind?"

When Luoliu thought about it, hey, it really could be true. She patted her head, and Dudu helped her, but she almost staggered. An angry Luoliu chased Dudu and pulled her cheeks.

They say they are doing homework, but in fact, it is the primary school students who are really doing homework, while the kindergarten children are just doodling and scribbling.

Xi'er, Dudu, Xiao Weiwei and Cheng Cheng, oh, Cheng Cheng is coloring a picture book story.

"Oh, it's so fun~ I don't even want to go home, hehe~" Xiao Weiwei sighed. Xiaobai and the others had finished their homework. After Malanhua checked it, they were allowed to move around freely.

Xiao Weiwei knew that tonight's homework time was over.

For other children, this is a difficult time, but for her, it is relaxed and happy.

She wanted to enjoy it more.

However, she had to pack her small schoolbag and go to the classroom on the first floor, where she stacked blocks and played house with the children.

Time passed quickly. At ten o'clock in the evening, Teacher Xiaoliu called the children who had not returned home to go to the dormitory to sleep.

Xiao Weiwei was carrying a small schoolbag and sitting on a small stool, confused and not knowing what to do.

If her mother came to pick her up in the past, she would go to the bedroom on the second floor to sleep at this time, and her mother would come after she slept.

But now that my mother is on a business trip, if that person comes to pick her up, she doesn't need to sleep and goes home directly.

But tonight, that person didn't arrive.

Teacher Xiaoliu came to her and asked gently: "That uncle will come to pick you up, but it may be late."

Xiao Weiwei bared her teeth and grinned, and suddenly asked: "Why does Xiao Liu's father come to pick him up every day? Where is my father?"

Teacher Xiao Liu was stunned, and Xiao Weiwei said frustratedly: "I know, my father doesn't want me anymore."

She lowered her head and pursed her mouth, feeling very aggrieved. At this time, she missed her father very much.

Teacher Xiaoliu felt distressed. After becoming a mother, her heart was particularly fragile, and she especially hated to see her children sad.

She sat next to little Weiwei, held her in her arms, and said: "It's not that dad doesn't want you anymore. You are so cute, how could dad be willing to abandon you? Dad just lived somewhere else, very far away, so he can't He comes to see you every day, but when you miss him, just call him and he will come to see you..."

She sat with Xiao Weiwei for more than ten minutes, but the man still didn't come to pick up Xiao Weiwei. At this time, Zhang Tan accompanied Xiao Bai downstairs.

Xiaobai invited Xiao Weiwei to sit at her house so they could watch cartoons together.

Xiao Weiwei looked at Teacher Xiao Liu, who smiled and said, "Go, your uncle is here, I will tell you."

Xiao Weiwei followed Xiao Bai, and it was not until almost an hour passed that Teacher Xiao Liu came to Xiao Weiwei and told her that her uncle had come to take her home.

"Bye, Teacher Xiaoliu, bye, Xiaobai, bye, Boss Zhang~~~" Xiao Weiwei followed the man's feet with small steps on her back, carrying a small schoolbag.

When he got home, the man no longer cared about Xiao Weiwei. He sat on the sofa in the living room, holding a game controller, and played an exciting battlefield game on the TV.

It can be seen that he has been playing games before and has not exited the game.

Bang bang bang~~


Da da da~~

The house was instantly filled with noise, and my ears were filled with the sound of gunfire.

Xiao Weiwei covered her little ears and stood by the wall for a while watching the game screen on TV, then quickly ran into her small room.

She didn't know how long it had passed, but she lay on the bed and fell asleep, until there was a thunder outside the window and she was startled awake.

It started to rain outside the window, thunder roared, and exploded in the ears from time to time, and lightning pierced the night. Xiao Weiwei was very scared.

The last time there was thunder, Xiaojun was beside her, but this time, there was no one around her.

She got up from the bed, opened the door gently, and came to the living room.

The man was still playing games, making loud banging noises, and yelling. He was so obsessed with himself that he didn't notice the little Weiwei at all.

Xiao Weiwei followed the wall and touched her mother's bedroom, trying to find her mother, but the bedroom was empty and her mother was not there.

Then she remembered that her mother was on a business trip and would not be back for several days.

She wandered out and stood in the corner of the living room, watching the violent and bloody scenes on TV for a while. She covered her little ears and came to the door of the room. She looked back at the man playing the game. When she saw that he was not paying attention, she stood up on tiptoe. With his feet, he unscrewed the door handle and looked outside. He didn't see the night owl's beard, so he walked out the door in fear.

This is a serviced apartment with multiple families living on the same floor.

Xiao Weiwei wandered in the corridor for a while, took the elevator to the first floor, and wandered around the lobby on the first floor.

It was raining heavily outside, with lightning and thunder, and she didn't dare to go out, so she found a corner to stay. Occasionally she would see someone coming home from outside.

No one noticed that there was a child sitting in the dimly lit corner.

Xiao Weiwei was envious when she saw an adult bringing a child home.

She was bored and couldn't get out, let alone go back, so she muttered and talked to herself.

"My apples are so big. Everyone likes to eat them. Give one piece to Xi'er. Xi'er smiles after eating it. Give one piece to Liuliu. Duoliu still wants to eat it. Give one piece to Xiaobai. Xiaobai eats it. Say thank you Gua Wa Zi..."

After dividing the apples, divide the pears, and after dividing the pears, divide the bear drinks...

I don’t know how long it took, but the rain outside finally subsided. Xiao Weiwei walked out from the corner, stood on the steps, and looked at the road under the night. It was dark, and she was beating a drum in her heart to cheer herself up.

"Xiao Weiwei, you can do it. You are not afraid. You are brave. Come on, let's go find mom. Let's call Xi'er..."

While muttering, he walked down the steps.

The steps were very slippery after being rained on. Little Weiwei accidentally fell down and rolled down the steps. Fortunately, there were only three steps.

She oops, got up on all fours, her hands were dirty, her clothes were dirty too, she lowered her head and looked at her knees.

"It's bleeding. It hurts so much. I don't feel pain, not at all~"

She hesitated, not knowing whether to go home or continue to look for her mother outside.

At this time, someone came, an uncle wearing a security uniform.

"Kid, where are you from?"

The other party just saw little Weiwei wrestling in the monitoring room. Seeing that there were no adults around, let alone a lost child at this late hour, he quickly came out and took little Weiwei to the security room.

"Sit here, don't move, and let me see your knees."

The security uncle knelt down and checked Xiao Weiwei's knee. He had just fallen and scratched the skin, and blood was oozing out.

"Does it hurt?" the security guard asked Xiao Weiwei.

Xiao Weiwei shook her head: "It doesn't hurt~"

"You are so strong. What is your name?"

"My name is Xiao Weiwei."

"Xiao Weiwei, wait a minute, I'll get some potion to apply on you."

The security guard found some medicine, applied it to Xiao Weiwei's wound, and then asked for her room number.

When Xiao Weiwei faced the security guard's question, she just laughed and didn't answer. It wasn't until she was asked several times that she shook her head and said she didn't know where her home was.

"That's troublesome. By the way, it's so late and it's raining outside. Where are you going alone?" asked the security guard.

"I want to find my mother, but my mother is on a business trip and goes to a far away place. I still go to Xi'erba and Xiaobai."

"Xi'er? Xiaobai? Are they your good friends? Do you know where they live?"

"They live in Little Red Horse."

The security guard didn't know what Little Red Pony was, and he had never even heard of Little Red Pony Academy.

He was about to change his shift, and it was almost early in the morning. He had no choice but to call the police.

When Xiao Weiwei heard that he was going to call the police uncle, she held her little head in her hands and said that she remembered her room number.

The security uncle was doubtful and took her to the door of the house. The door was not opened, and noisy gunfire came from inside. After knocking on the door for a while, a man came to open the door.

"What's the matter?" The other person's tone was unkind, as if he was unhappy about being interrupted while playing the game.

The security uncle looked down at Xiao Weiwei. The man at the door followed his gaze and saw Xiao Weiwei at the door. He was stunned and said, "When did you run out?"

In the evening of the next day, when Xiao Weiwei came to Little Red Horse Academy, Xiao Bai immediately noticed the injury on her knee and asked her how she got the injury.

Xiao Weiwei giggled, hugged Xiaobai, and said happily: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, I found you, haha~"

Xiaobai: →_→

She thinks Xiao Weiwei is also a fool, right? Find her? She has been here all along and has not left.

"Weiwawa, your jiojio is squeaking?"

Xiao Weiwei pointed to the wound on her knee and said with a smile: "The purple one is beautiful, hehe, I fell."

Her wound was smeared with purple liquid and turned purple.

Xiaobai blew on the wound and asked with concern: "Does it hurt?"

Xiao Weiwei shook her head and said it didn't hurt, and then changed the subject: "Hehe, Xiaobai, I brought my homework notebook. Let's do our homework together. Xiaobai, Xiaobai, why don't you like doing homework?"

The children all knew that Xiao Weiwei was injured, so they all came to see her, asking for her welfare and caring, which moved Xiao Weiwei very much.

At night, she stayed at Little Red Horse, refusing to follow the man who came to pick her up home. She hid behind Teacher Xiaoliu, clutching her pants tightly and not letting go.

The man just treated her as a child having a tantrum and forced her to take her away, but Xiao Weiwei was totally unwilling and resisted very strongly.

Finally, Teacher Xiao Liu couldn't stand it anymore, and took the initiative to stand in front of Xiao Weiwei, kept her, and took her to the office of the principal, Aunt Huang.

Aunt Huang brought a small plate of bear biscuits to Xiao Weiwei, chatted with her with a smile, and asked her suddenly, "Xiao Weiwei, tell Grandma Huang, is the uncle who came to pick you up at home?" Bullied you?"

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