Dad Academy

Chapter 1322 Leaving without saying goodbye

Xiaojun is gone.

He followed his mother to Qicheng.

This time his mother came back to take him away. After working for many years, she had saved enough money to treat Xiaojun's eyes.

He left suddenly, without telling anyone in Little Red Mali beforehand.

In the evening, Lao Feng came to the academy. Lao Li was on duty that day and he didn't have to come, but he came here to tell everyone that Xiaojun followed his mother to Qicheng.

After hearing this, Xiaobai felt disappointed and fell into silence.

Xi'er wowed and cried.

She obviously doesn't have a good relationship with Xiaojun, and she is even afraid of him. But she still wanted to cry. She was used to Xiaojun's presence, but she suddenly said she was leaving and might never see him again. This made her, who didn't like parting, helpless and depressed.

Dudu, who came later, heard the news and cried too.

She didn't even congratulate Xiaojun in person for winning first place in the running!

Several children were sitting on the steps in front of the yard, dumbfounded and in a very low mood.

Lao Feng comforted them that Xiaojun would come back and he would come back after his eyes were cured.

These words gave the children more expectations.

In their hearts, they have regarded Xiaojun as a friend. Especially in the recent period, Xiaojun has changed a lot and is gradually no longer so difficult to get along with.

At the same time, Xiaojun, who was sitting on the high-speed train heading to Qicheng, looked at the scenery passing by outside the window and didn't know what he was thinking.

His mother sat opposite him and asked him: "Why don't you say goodbye to Xiaobai and the others and stop leaving?"

Xiaojun looked away from the window, looked at his mother, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

He doesn't like to be weak, and he doesn't like to show his weakness in front of others.

If he said goodbye to Xiaobai and the others, he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't cry.

Moreover, he was afraid that he was being sentimental and that maybe people didn't care about his leaving at all.

Who cares!

They will be sad for Luo Zikang's departure, but not necessarily sad for his departure.

Instead of doing this, it's better to walk more simply and make yourself cooler.

His mother seemed to understand his inner thoughts and touched his head. He subconsciously turned away, but thought of the person in front of him calling his mother, so he held back and let his mother touch her head and kill him.

Mom smiled lovingly, took back her stroking hand, and looked down at her new clothes: "They look so good, and they fit so well."

When Xiaojun heard this, he looked at the new clothes on his mother's body. It was the new clothes he bought for his mother with the bonus he got from running.

His problematic eyes were twinkling.

"After it's cured, we'll come back. Grandpa is waiting for you." Mom said again.

Xiaojun nodded seriously this time.

Before they set off, Lao Feng took out all his savings and gave them to Xiaojun's mother to use for Xiaojun's eye treatment, and she could not refuse.

Xiaojun left Little Red Horse and went to the far south. The news quickly spread throughout Little Red Horse at night.

Although everyone was not familiar with Xiaojun, they still chatted. Children kept running from the classroom to the guard box, finding Lao Feng there, and confirming Xiaojun's news over and over again.

"His mother picked him up, and he will come back after a while, haha~" Lao Feng always answered like this, expressing sincere joy for Xiaojun in his words.

The children spread the news to ten and hundreds of times, and the same news was spread thousands of times. There was nothing new after repeated over and over again, but as soon as it was mentioned, they immediately got together and chatted together, and their curiosity was overwhelming.

While Dudu and others were sad for Xiaojun's departure, there were also children who were happy for him, even extremely envious.

Xiaomi sat among the children and listened to Cheng Cheng's stories. However, the children below were a little careless today and chattered about the news of Xiaojun's departure from time to time.

"Xiaojun went away with him..."

Every time she heard it, Xiaomi would prick up her ears. The news was still the same old news, but she never tired of hearing it, and endless envy surged in her heart.

Xiaojun has been waiting for her mother for three years. If you think about it, she has been waiting for her mother for almost three years...

After ten o'clock in the evening, the children went home and went to sleep. Little Weiwei lay on her little bed, covering her with a quilt and holding a doll in her arms.

She couldn't sleep, so she turned her head sideways from time to time and looked at the empty bed next to her.

The day before yesterday, she was still complaining to Teacher Xiaoliu, threatening to drive Xiaojun away and not let him sleep next to her. Today, Xiaojun suddenly left.

She was not used to it and couldn't help but look around, wondering when Xiaojun was lying on the bed again.

Sometimes, she would even forget the fact that Xiaojun was not here, and would whisper to him, asking him why children go to bed at ten o'clock and why there is a difference between little boys and little girls...

After ten o'clock in the evening, the guard box was busy for a while, and then gradually became quiet. The peak period for parents to take children home has passed. Between ten and eleven o'clock, very few parents came.

Those who can come have arrived before ten o'clock, and those who cannot come will not come until after eleven o'clock.

Lao Li was on duty tonight, but Lao Feng came and brought the news of Xiaojun's departure. He did not go back and stayed in the post, helping Lao Li and chatting with him.

At this time, the school was quiet, and Lao Li asked Lao Feng to go back. Nothing happened.

Lao Feng agreed verbally, but he still chatted with Lao Li. He couldn't find anything to talk about, so he got up and went back.

"When you have nothing to do, come and sit in the academy and let's chat." Lao Li said.

Lao Feng grinned and said, "Okay~ Let's go back."

Watching him disappear into the night, Lao Li was silent for a while, turned on the radio and listened to storytelling.

The night is silent, and countless dreams arise in the city that never sleeps. The twilight on the horizon is the first to dissipate, and a faint light begins to appear. The morning light shines brightly, and the singing of small insects can be heard in the community, and the sounds of the little beings waking up from hibernation The music of spring.

The home, which was quietly immersed in the night, suddenly heard the sound of turning over and over, rustling, a few coughs, the bed creaking, and a crisp click, and the room lit up with warmth. The lights came on, the sound of footsteps, the rustle of dressing, the creaking of the door... Someone got up early.

The temperature in the early spring morning was a bit low. Lao Feng wore the coat he used to work as a street cleaner. He walked through the living room and came to the kitchen in the faint morning light. He turned on the light with a click and then silently washed the pots and dishes. , jingle, and start making breakfast.

He turned on the faucet, filled the pot with water, and placed it on the gas stove. The water boiled quickly. He poured two handfuls of corn noodles into it. After boiling, he added light soy sauce, oil, salt...

Soon the noodles came out of the pot. I put two bowls in each. I washed the pot, cracked two eggs, stirred them evenly in a small bowl, added oil to the hot pot, poured in the make two golden fried eggs. Okay, it's all put in one of the bowls and placed on the tall noodles.

Then, he found another sausage, heated it, carefully cut it into ten slices, and put seven slices into one of the bowls and three slices into the other bowl.

Take out another bottle of milk, heat it slightly, and pour it into the glass.

After doing this, he took off the apron around his waist and opened the closed door of the kitchen. The light instantly poured into the living room, dispersing the darkness that shrouded the living room.

He came out of the kitchen and walked to Xiaojun's bedroom amidst the sound of footsteps. He listened carefully to what was going on inside. It was very quiet. Then he opened the door and looked at the bed through the morning light coming in through the window. Open up and say:

Xiaojun, get up and have breakfast, you have to go to school today.

The words came to my lips, but I couldn't say them out.

There was no one on the bed illuminated by the morning light. The quilts were neatly folded at the end of the bed. The pillowcases at the head of the bed had their pillowcases removed. The old desk beside the bed was no longer messy as it used to be. It was neat and tidy with few items. Poor, there is no pencil case, no pen in the pen holder, only the desk lamp is still standing there quietly.

For a moment, he seemed to be hit by something...

He dragged his heavy steps to the edge of the bed, sat down, put his head in his hands, and inserted his fingers into his gray hair. He remained motionless for a long time... for a long time, like a stoic and silent statue after a long journey.

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