Dad Academy

Chapter 1312 She actually made such a request

Dudu is a good athlete. When she saw Xiaojun running in the yard, she also ran with him and kept talking to him.

The focus of Xiaojun’s running is running, while the focus of Dudu’s running is chatting with him.

She had never seen Dudu so interested in Xiaojun before. As soon as Xiaojun went for a run today, she became energetic and followed him closely.

In fact, the focus is not on Xiaojun, but on running. Dudu is interested in chatting with Xiaojun because of running.

Xiaojun chatted with her from time to time, thinking that she would take the initiative to walk away, but after running around for two times, she still followed her and held on tightly. Even if she tried to shake him off, she couldn't.

He thought that in this case, he would stop talking to her. If he ran for a while, Dudu would get tired and walk away automatically.

But he thought wrong. He started to feel tired, but Dudu was still lively and full of energy.

Xiaojun couldn't help but have a new understanding of Dudu's athletic talent, which refreshed his knowledge.

He knew before that Dudu inherited the good genes from his parents and was very talented in sports.

However, he did not have a deep understanding. Today, he has it.

This little guy can actually compete with me in running!

Xiaojun realized cruelly that he had been running and Dudu had been running too, not falling behind and following closely.

What makes Xiaojun most uneasy is that Dudu spent more energy chatting with him while running and did not use all his abilities.

So, thinking about it this way, Dudu wins...becomes better than him? ? ?

Xiaojun couldn't help but lower his head and look at Dudu again, focusing on her breathing and footsteps.

He was breathing evenly, and there was no sign of tiredness, but his face was flushed.

However, my usually pouty face is also flushed red, and it cannot be said to be baby red from running.

Looking at her steps again, her feet were taking small steps. A child's legs are short, so her steps are not big, but her steps are particularly fast. It looks like she is stepping on hot wheels.

Her steps were light and she even jumped a few times occasionally, jumping very high.

Xiaojun further realizes a cruel reality, Dudu can run better than him!

Thinking of this, Xiaojun suddenly felt short of breath, uneven breathing, and his steps gradually became heavier!

His rhythm was off.

No, it's not! Long-distance running tests endurance, not short bursts of power!

Xiaojun quickly dismissed the random thoughts in his mind, focused on the present, readjusted his rhythm, and the physical fatigue was not so obvious.

He focused on himself and did not dare to focus on Dudu who was running with him.

However, even though he adjusted quickly, he was still greatly affected. When he ran the twelfth lap, he could no longer run. His footsteps seemed to be filled with lead, and he was carrying dozens of kilograms of sandbags on his back. His body was no longer his own and he almost fell.

Just then a strong arm stretched out from beside him to support him.

It's Boss Zhang.

At the same time, he felt something strange under his feet. When he lowered his head, he saw a pair of small hands holding his legs. It was Dudu with eyes like stars.


Dudu smiled brightly at him, her face was flushed, her forehead was covered with sweat, and the sweat condensed into beads and flowed on her cheeks.

Xiaojun couldn't help but wonder, could it be...could it be that Dudu followed him for twelve laps? ? ?

He didn't dare to think about it because it was a bit hard for him to accept that he, a primary school student, couldn't outrun a little girl in kindergarten!

He is the best runner in the class and one of the best in school. At last year's autumn sports meeting, he won first place in the 1,500-meter long-distance run, as well as the 400-meter and 200-meter runs.

At this time, Xiaojun heard Boss Zhang speak.

"Dudu, go take a rest. Are you tired after running so many laps? I'll take care of you here."

No! This is not true!

Xiaojun couldn't believe that Dudu actually followed him twelve laps!

He was too tired to run, but Dudu could still move freely!

Dudu let go of his little hand, and a little friend walked quickly and brought water.

Xiaojun thought it was for him, but Xiaopenyou handed the water to Dudu.

"Dudu, drink some water. You are so powerful. Why are you so powerful?"

The visitor is "Little Sister Why", Wei Wei's little friend.

"Hahahaha~~...666~" Dudu laughed and called himself a string of 666. Then he took the little Weiwei in front of him aside, sat down on the step she had just blocked, unscrewed the water bottle, and gurgled. After a few sips, "I can still run!"

Xiao Weiwei sat adoringly next to her, very close to her, staring at Dudu with stars in her eyes, and asked: "Why are you so powerful? Does your jiojio hurt?"

"Hahahaha~~ It doesn't hurt." Dudu said.

Xiao Weiwei stared at her jiojio, her eyes shining: "I'll wash your socks for you. Your socks must be dirty and smelly, so wash them quickly."

Xiao Weiwei persisted in stalking her, moving her affectionately and rationally, and finally managed to get Dudu's little socks. Then, with her appetite whetted, she came to Xiaojun, also trying to persuade him to take off his socks. She washes.

But Xiaojun tells her to get lost.

Xiao Weiwei went to find Boss Zhang and stayed on the only way he could run. When he came closer, she immediately followed him and said attentively: "Boss Zhang, Boss Zhang, your socks will wear off when you run." It will be dirty, let me wash it for you~"

Zhang Tan was stunned. This was the first time he heard a child make such a request to him.

"No need, wash your own socks. Thank you, little Weiwei."

Xiao Weiwei was moved with emotion and Xiao was rational, but Zhang Tan still refused. Suddenly he felt a gaze falling on him. When he looked up, he saw classmate Xiaobai standing in the corridor.

Xiao Weiwei left. Although she didn't ask for Boss Zhang and Xiaojun's socks, she did ask for Dudu's socks.

She excitedly ran to the bathroom, stood in front of the children's sink, turned on the faucet, and skillfully washed Dudu's socks.

From the look on her face, it seemed that she was not washing stinky socks, but money and rag dolls.

Back to the other side, Xiaojun was shocked. The running he was so proud of was even worse than that of a little girl in kindergarten.

That's one of his few strengths.

For the next two days, he avoided Dudu and stopped running.

On the other hand, as soon as Dudu arrived at Little Red Horse, he looked for Xiaojun everywhere and asked him if he wanted to run with him.

Xiaojun not only treated her enthusiasm coldly, but also poured buckets of cold water on her from time to time to extinguish it. He just wanted her to stop mentioning running and forget about it as soon as possible.

Regarding Dudu's sudden enthusiasm for Xiaojun, Luliu expressed that he was hurt. In order to win back the love of her little sister, she risked her life and wanted to run with Dudu. As a result, she almost lost weight and collapsed on Lao Li's rocking chair. She didn't want to move all night, which frightened Lao Li so much that he started to lose weight one after another. Give her tea, bear fruit drink, bear vitality drink, and big bear energy drink.

The little friend drank three bottles of bear drinks in one go before he recovered. He struggled to get up from the rocking chair, shouting that he had to pee. Dudu and Xi'er were supporting him...

Liuliu was still very tired, but she succeeded, and she took Dudu's little heart back.

Tragic, zero subscriptions yesterday, o(╥﹏╥)o

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