Dad Academy

Chapter 1309 Noisy Neighbors

Faced with Wei Wei's little friend's question, Xiao Jun was speechless and said, "My bed is right here. I will sleep here before you come."

Wei Wei's friend asked curiously: "Why do you sleep here?"

"The teacher divided it!"

"Why are you so mean?"

"I'm not mean, that's just how I am."

"Why did you lie?"

Xiaojun didn't want to talk to this stupid kid anymore, but even if he didn't say anything, Wei Wei's little friend still had something to say.

"Why do not you speak?"

"Why don't you just go away?"

"Why are you……"


At this moment, not only Xiaojun was speechless, but Teacher Xiaoliu also had a headache.

This little friend of Wei Wei has only been at Little Red Horse for a short time, but she has already made a deep impression on Teacher Xiaoliu, so much so that now she has a headache when she sees her, her head is buzzing, and she always feels like there are a hundred thousand whys waiting for her in front of her. , which put her off.

Teacher Xiao Liu explained to Wei Wei’s little friend that Xiao Jun didn’t sleep next to her intentionally, but that he had always slept here. Besides, the two of them didn’t sleep together, they just had small beds next to each other.

"But I'm a little girl." Little friend Wei Wei said with wide cute eyes.

"This has nothing to do with whether she is a little girl." Teacher Xiaoliu said hesitantly.

"Why doesn't it matter? Why is that?"


Teacher Xiaoliu still wanted to explain, but at this time Xiaojun couldn't bear it anymore. He said coldly: "Tell me why again, and I will sew your little mouth shut."

Wei Wei’s little friend: ⊙0⊙

Seeing Xiaojun's cold look, which didn't look like he was joking, she felt scared and quietly moved towards Teacher Xiaoliu.

Although I was scared, I still asked stubbornly:


Xiaojun didn't waste any time. He groped under the pillow and said, "I'll find a needle to sew your mouth."


Little friend Wei Wei exclaimed, got into bed, covered her little head, and acted like a baby ostrich.

Teacher Xiaoliu winked at Xiaojun, and then said to little friend Wei Wei who was hiding under the quilt: "Xiao Weiwei, let me advise brother Xiaojun, don't be afraid, stop talking, and sleep peacefully. "

After saying that, she got up and left.

And Xiaojun could finally lie down on his own bed. He turned his head uneasily and looked at the small bed next to him. Wei Wei's little friend was still hiding in the bed. Suddenly, a corner of the quilt was kicked open, revealing a pair of little jiojiao. , that little Jiojio, kicked a few times stubbornly, and said three words: Why?

Xiaojun lifted the quilt and covered his head, then turned sideways, his back to "Why little sister", out of sight.

Just when he was about to fall asleep, he vaguely heard a rustling sound. Before he woke up, someone suddenly tapped his shoulder, and then a soft voice sounded in his ear:

"Xiaojun, Xiaojun, why is there thunder outside?"


Xiaojun finally woke up, and when he looked sideways, he saw a little friend sitting next to his bed!

Who is Wei Wei's little friend?

When the other party saw him waking up, he pointed his little finger out the window and said, "God, why does it thunder? Is it going to rain? Does it also wind when it thunders?"

At this time, Xiaojun also noticed the dull thunder coming from outside.

There are bursts of spring thunder, everything is shaking, and the earth begins to be full of life.

Xiaojun said: "Because spring is here and it's going to rain."

"Why is it raining? Is God crying? Have you collected your clothes?"


"Then do you want to call your mom to collect clothes?"

"Why are you so busy?"

"I'm going to call my mom and ask her to collect the baby's clothes quickly. The little socks took a bath today and were dried on the balcony. The little socks won't be blown away."


"Do you have a cell phone?"


"I'll call my mom."

"Actually, you just want to call your mother."

"Collect your socks."


"I also want to tell Mom that I love you."

"...I don't have a mobile phone, can you sleep?"

"Why aren't you afraid of thunder?"

Xiaojun yawned. It was so annoying that he almost fell asleep!

He said quietly: "Did you know? I love to eat little friends, one bite at a time~"

The air suddenly became quiet, and then Wei Wei's little friend got into bed again, not daring to move. Then a silent voice sounded: "I'm not wearing any socks, jiojio smells bad and doesn't taste good."

The little red horse came to Wei Wei's little friend, which made it a lot more lively. She asked why at every turn and was full of curiosity and questions about the world around her.

Seeing Xiaobai and Dudu digging sand, she ran to stand on the edge and watched, asking why they were digging sand. She was not afraid that she would be planted in the hole.

When I saw Lao Li sitting in the yard drinking tea, I ran over to him and asked him why he sat outside instead of at home at night. Was it because he didn't have a home?

When she saw Liuliu walking around the school like a stranger, she was very timid and ran over to ask her why the other kids called her a bad guy, which made Liuliu furious.

When I saw Cheng Cheng telling a story, I moved a small stool over to listen, but I always raised my little hand and asked why, why did the little girl sell matches? Why doesn't she sell lighters? Why not a little boy? What a pitiful little girl... Then, next time she was banned from listening to the story.

Faced with the injustice, she ran to complain to the director's aunt, but she couldn't find it once. She looked a second time, but she didn't find it the second time. She looked a third time, a fourth time...

The fourth time she met Zhang Tan who was returning home in the corridor. Zhang Tan asked her if there was something wrong, but she waved her little hand and told Zhang Tan not to ask.

Liuliu is not someone to be trifled with, only the director's aunt can offend her.

Zhang Tan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, wondering when this little friend would come.

Finally, with the perseverance of Wei Wei's little friend, for the fifth time, she finally found the aunt, the director of the school, and complained that Liuliu would not let her listen to the story. She was such a good baby, why not let her listen.

The director's aunt took her to find Liuliu, Liuliu: (⊙…⊙)

When the director's aunt left, Liuliu breathed a deep sigh of relief and stared at Wei Wei's little friend beside her.

"Liuliu, why are you glaring at me?"

"Can't you afford to be a duck? If you file a complaint, you are a bad boy."

"Why am I a bad boy?"

Liuliu didn't want to talk to her, so Cheng Cheng started to tell a story. She moved a small stool and ran to take a seat. As soon as she put down the small stool and sat down, she suddenly saw Wei Wei's little friend also coming and put her small stool down. He sat down next to her.

"Good guy, good guy, do you still dare to sit with me?"

"Hehe~~ I don't ask Cheng Cheng why."

Xiao Weiwei promised.

Liuliu wanted to drive her away. At this time, Xiaobai and Xier also moved small stools to listen to the story. He sat down next to them and looked at Xiao Weiwei curiously. Xiao Weiwei had a cute look on her face. Like, called sister.

Xi'er's eyes lit up.

The story began, and Xiao Weiwei did what she said. She didn't ask Cheng Cheng why she raised her hand again, but it wasn't that she didn't ask. Instead, she changed the person she was asking and asked about the durian beside her.

Liuliu almost went crazy and wanted to pinch her cheek, but he was afraid that she would complain to the director's aunt again, so he quickly moved the stool away, found a place to sit in the distance, and warned Xiao Weiwei with his eyes , you are not allowed to follow.

Xiao Weiwei turned to look for Xiao Bai and Xi'er, but saw that Xiao Bai moved a small stool and hurriedly evacuated without saying a word.

But Xi'er stayed, sitting on the small stool, looking at her, eyes facing each other, eyes rolling around.

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