Dad Academy

Chapter 1298 Plain and innocent

"The theme song of "Mo Di"?" Li Yuxiao asked curiously.

Zhang Tan nodded and said, "Yes, it is the theme song of the movie "Mo Di", and its name is "Hu Guangsheng"."

Li Yuxiao asked: "Is Mo Di the name of a person? So is this Hu Guangsheng also the name of a person?"

"You guessed it right, Mo Di is the heroine of this movie, and Hu Guangsheng is the hero of this movie. This is a biographical movie and a love movie, but in the final analysis, this is a love movie. "

Li Yuxiao did not rush to ask about the song "Hu Guangsheng", but became very interested in the story "Mo Di" and asked what kind of story it was.

To sing the theme song, of course you have to know the story very well.

Li Yuxiao had never read the script of "Mo Di" before. She just knew that Zhang Tan was about to start filming such a drama.

Zhang Tan briefly told her the story on the spot, and she listened with rapt attention.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Tan finished speaking. Li Yuxiao was immersed in the story and had not yet calmed down.

The two children at home had already run away.

Because they felt it was too boring, and Old Man Zhang was telling unpleasant stories again.

"This is real love." Li Yuxiao said with emotion, "Those glamorous loves in movies and stories are more of people's imagination. The real love in real life is actually Mo Di and Someone like Hu Guangsheng is plain and natural."

She expressed her feelings and said more.

"They are not a love between a handsome man and a beautiful woman. Their love, like their lives, is shabby, but such a pair of lovers have become an enviable couple of gods and gods. Perhaps, love is not so dynamic, There are not so many arguments. In fact, I am with you and you are with me. If you must give time a reason, it is that I love you, that's all."

She seemed to be thinking about her failed marriage, so she felt emotional and looked melancholy.

Zhang Tan fully agreed with her understanding.

"Bland and innocent, this is what love should be like. Glorious, vigorous, and everlasting, this is the love we imagined."

Li Yuxiao likes the story "Mo Di" very much because the concept of love conveyed by this story is very consistent with her current state of mind.

She was very pleased that her views on this were so consistent with Zhang Tan's.

She asked curiously: "I'm curious, why did you write a story like "Mo Di"? Logically speaking, you shouldn't be able to experience this kind of life and love. Look at you, life has given you all the best Yes, you are handsome and wealthy, with a good family background and a successful career. The girls who like you can line up all the way to the Huangpu River. Your life and your love are completely different from those in "Mo Di". You two are not in the same world at all. . However, you have written a story like "Mo Di". Is this an artistic creation of genius?"

Zhang Tan said: "I forgot to tell you, this is a true story, but I have some artistic processing. This Mo Di is a folk artist living in Sichuan, and her love is real."

Li Yuxiao asked curiously: "Then why did you think of writing such a story, and now you want to film it? To be honest, such a love movie is different from the mainstream view of love. If you If you film it, the market may not buy it, so aren't you worried that the box office won't be high?"

"Of course I'm worried. I want to write this story and I want to make a movie about this story. There are not so many reasons, just because I like it, because I want to. Most directors, they may have to succumb to the market and make what the market likes. Movies, but I don’t need to, I have the freedom to choose to make the stories I like.”

Zhang Tan continued: "Of course, filming "Mo Di" was definitely not a whim, nor was it purely to show that I can create as I please. The main reason why I wrote this story and made this movie is that I think this movie is very realistic. The meaning can provide another kind of inspiration for young people who are anxious about life today."

"At the end of the story "Mo Di", Mo Di reached the last moment of her life. She was lying on the hospital bed. The pain was unbearable, but she happily said, I am loved. This sentence This is her summary of her life. She had so many misfortunes, but at the end of her life, she said that she was happy and loved. How many people in the world can say this with a smile? I often I heard someone lament that they really want to love the world, but their eyes are full of anxiety, anger, frustration and impatience. The malice of the world can easily defeat them. In fact, they don’t want to love the world, they just They want to ask for it. If they really want to love this world, they should be like Mo Di and live affectionately in this unfeeling world."

"In this heartless world, live affectionately?" Li Yuxiao chewed on these words.

Zhang Tan and Li Yuxiao constantly exchanged their views on the story of "Mo Di".

In this continuous discussion, Li Yuxiao became more and more grasping the core of the story. Finally, she finally asked about the song "Hu Guangsheng".

Zhang Tan went to the study, handed her the music score he had written, and said, "This is a song sung in Sichuan dialect. You may want to prepare carefully."

Li Yuxiao couldn't wait to browse the music score.

A black ball

High, high, dumb and dumb.

Two souls gasping for breath

Smoke and dust everywhere

do you recognize me

Say so many words to me

You want dignity

I am familiar with

Which sentence is walking on the bridge?

I'm not here yet, don't rhyme

Just turn your head away

Don't give me news

What do I owe you?

I don't owe you anything

If you ask me, is it really true?

It is better to stop and go than to settle down

Say thank you sadly

Wait, no need to wait

Wait, don't wait

Li Yuxiao took the music score and left. She said that she would spend a few days thinking about this song, and at the same time, she also wanted to think about the story of "Mo Di".

Before leaving, she asked for a copy of the script of "Mo Di" from Zhang Tan.

This night, Zhang Tan not only received Li Yuxiao, but also invited her to sing the song "Hu Guangsheng".

At the same time, he received calls from several people, all of whom came to find out whether there were suitable roles in the two movies "Pumping Heart" and "Modi".

One of them is Wu Yue.

Zhang Tan and Wu Yue had collaborated in "30 Women", when Wu Yue played Chen Yu in the play.

Zhang Tan sent the script of "Mo Di" to Wu Yue, including biographies of the characters.

Wu Yue's arrival made Zhang Tan look forward to it. In some aspects, Wu Yue's temperament is somewhat similar to that of Hu Guangsheng, the male protagonist in "Mo Di", and they match each other very well in temperament. They are both melancholy and decadent.

Perhaps Wu Yue would be a good candidate.

However, who is ultimately chosen depends on the results of the audition. It is impossible for Zhang Tan to agree to who will act in private.

After calling Wu Yue, Zhang Tan took the hot phone and turned it off willfully, leaving it in the study without taking it with him. Then he left the house and went downstairs for a walk in the yard.

PS: The movie "Mo Di" is very good. If you are interested, you can watch it.

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