Dad Academy

Chapter 1295 Do you know the words?


"Bye~~~See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, Chubby."

"Pang Liuliu, are you coming to my house as a guest?"

"Ah no~"

What a pair of good sisters. Although they are not related by blood, their friendship has surpassed that of biological sisters. These are Liliu and Dudu in Little Red Pony Academy.

Dudu was picked up by her mother, and Liuliu's mother, Zhu Xiaojing, came soon and took her away.

On the way home, Zhu Xiaojing asked Liuliu if she had anything happy to share tonight.

Liuliu laughed loudly and told her proudly that he pinched Dudu's cheek again tonight, but Dudu didn't know, hahahaha.

Zhu Xiaojing looked at this kid speechlessly, thinking to herself, you are such a little bad guy. Dudu is so cute and treats you so well, yet you secretly pinched his face!

Originally it was Zhu Xiaojing's turn to tell Liuliu a bedtime story tonight, but she decided to give this opportunity to Shen Limin so that he and Liuliu could further develop their relationship.

The relationship between father and daughter has been cultivated for some time and has made great progress. However, recently, Luoliu has become too involved in the drama. She mistook Shen Limin for Zhan Er and stubbornly believed that he was a big fool.

Anyone who has the ability to tell bedtime stories cannot be a fool.

Shen Limin understood her intention, took a new storybook he had specially chosen, and came to Liuliu's room with confidence.

At this moment, Liuliu was already lying on the bed, rolling around with the baby in her arms.

She took a nap at school at noon and was full of energy and not sleepy at the moment. Whether you can fall asleep or not depends on whether Shen Limin's bedtime story is hypnotic enough.

"Lie Liuliu, let's tell a story."

Seeing that it was him who was coming, Liuliu asked, "Where's Mother Zhu? It's Mother Zhu who will tell me stories tonight."

Shen Limin said: "Your mother is busy now, so I will tell you a story tonight."

Liuliu lay on the bed, crawling forward, like a caterpillar, shrugging and rising in front of Shen Limin. She looked at him, then looked at the storybook in his hand, and asked curiously: "Do you know how to read?" ?”

"...What?" Shen Limin asked in surprise.

Liuliu pointed to the storybook in his hand and asked him if he knew the words in the book.

With that said, Liuliu took the storybook away, opened a page at random, and read: "The little rabbit came to the forest..."

Then he said to Shen Limin: "I'll teach you how to pronounce, 666 duck, I'm really good, hahaha."

The black line on Shen Limin's head, does this mean he is a mentally retarded Zhan Er? Have you ever seen such a smart Zhan Er? ! !

Shen Limin encountered new troubles.

During the Chinese New Year, he thought that his relationship with Liliu could take a further step forward, but he didn't expect that just after the New Year, their relationship had taken several steps back. Now he is regarded by Liliu as a character in the movie. Zhan Er is "protected" by her everywhere.

It's just that this kind of "guarding" makes him a little uncomfortable, because it makes him look like a big fool.

Some people also regard Zhang Tan as a fool, the kind of fool who is stupid and has a lot of money.

What is not good to buy is to buy a business that suffers huge losses every year.

Many people don't understand why Zhang Tan wants to acquire Kuxun's short video business. In their opinion, this business is a loss-making business with no opportunity to make money.

And as a person in the video industry, why do you do short video business? Too unprofessional.

After more than ten days of intense negotiation, evaluation, and bargaining, Zhang Tan and Kuxun Video finally finalized the deal, and both parties were very satisfied.

At this moment, Zhang Tan and Ku Cheng were chatting in the office about this business.

Ku Cheng really didn't understand why Zhang Tan wanted to buy the short video business.

"Are you really planning to bet on the prospects of the short video business?" he asked.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "I am very optimistic about this aspect."

Kucheng said: "Young people have courage, ideas, and new visions. I have to admire them. Selling to you is better than selling to others. I hope this business can develop and grow in your hands."

Zhang Tan said thank you. During the negotiation process, Kucheng indeed gave him great convenience and did not care too much about some key issues.

Zhang Tan said again: "Are you really not planning to keep any shares?"

Ku Cheng shook his head and said, "No, since you plan to sell, let's sell them all."

Zhang Tan didn't say anything more. At this time, Ku Cheng suddenly asked: "In terms of personnel, what are your plans? Are you going to keep them all? Or are you going to lay off employees?"

Zhang Tan didn't know the real intention behind his question, so he thought for a moment and said, "I'm afraid there will be a lot of layoffs."

"What about the senior management? Forget it. I've let him go, so he can't control that much. You can just figure it out."

Zhang Tan smiled and said nothing.

Kucheng said: "These people have been with me for many years, and I can't bear to let them lose their jobs. But now that I am no longer the boss, I can't control them in the future. My words may still have some weight, and they can listen to them at least. If you want to lay off people, I will try my best to help you suppress the situation. Whatever you want to do, cut through the mess quickly."

"Okay, thank you."

"We both say thank you, let's go, time is up."

The two of them left the office together and came to a large conference room. The signing ceremony has been prepared here, just waiting for the two people to arrive.

As the camera clicked, Zhang Tan and Ku Cheng signed their names on the agreement, exchanged words with each other, and smiled at the camera. At this point, Zhang Tan completely acquired Ku Xun's short video business.

In the evening, he hosted a banquet for the acquisition working group, thanked them for their hard work during this period, and gave everyone a red envelope.

After the meal, Li Xiaoxiao and Zhang Tan took a walk and chatted, and said, "The big red envelope you gave me is too big."

Zhang Tan glanced around and whispered, "Don't tell me. In fact, the ones given to you are bigger, and the ones for others are not so much."

Li Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief. She thought Zhang Tan was still spending money lavishly as before, just like this time he spent nearly one billion to acquire a loss-making business like Kuxun Short Video.

During the pre-acquisition due diligence, they did not find a profit model for this business, and it is foreseeable that the business will continue to lose money in the next few years.

For this reason, she never understood Zhang Tan's intentions.

"Although it is hindsight, I still have to ask, what are you planning to do when you buy this business? Are you so confident that it can bring you profits? But isn't it clearly written in our due diligence report? Short-term I don’t see any breakthrough developments in sight.”

Zhang Tan didn't explain too much, and he couldn't explain it clearly. He just said: "It depends on people. I am still confident. After all, I can't be cautious with one billion."

"Then what are you going to do next?"

"I plan to register a company to specialize in short video business, then recruit more people and quickly rectify it."

Li Xiaoxiao asked: "Do we still need to recruit more people? There are already a lot of employees in Kuxun's short video business. I think there are even too many and we need to lay off employees."

Zhang Tan said: “There is indeed a need to lay off employees.”

"Then you just said you wanted to recruit troops."

"What I mean is that a lot of existing people are going to be laid off, and then more other people need to be hired. In my opinion, the company is structurally short of people right now."

"So what kind of people do you want to recruit?"

"Recruiting a large number of technical personnel, including big data talents, informatization talents, artificial intelligence talents, etc., as for those marketing personnel, planners, film and television personnel, I don't need so many, at least two-thirds must be laid off, and then recruit Two-thirds are technical talents. The new company will be a technology company, not a short video company."

Li Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Tan curiously. She had never thought that Zhang Tan had such thoughts.

She didn't know whether this idea was right or wrong, she couldn't judge, but she felt that having an idea was better than having no idea at all. This showed that Zhang Tan came prepared, which reassured her a lot.

Moreover, when Zhang Tan talked about Kuxun short videos, he seemed confident and ambitious, which was very convincing.

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