Dad Academy

Chapter 1289 Little Thief (4/4)

Chapter 1289 Little Thief (44)

In the studio, Zhang Tan was waiting for him. After sitting down, he asked, "Have you ever thought about directing another movie?"

Wang Hao was mentally prepared before he came, but when Zhang Tan really asked this question, his heart fluctuated violently and he became extremely excited.

He suppressed his excitement and said: "My dream is to be a director. Directing "My Childhood Looking South" made my dream come true. Thank you to the boss for giving me this opportunity. I am always ready."

Zhang Tan chatted with him for a while and handed a typed manuscript into his hands.

Wang Hao took it excitedly, opened the cover, and saw two big characters: "Mo Di".

Zhang Tan's voice sounded again: "This time I will be cooperating with Kuxun Video on two love movies. I think you are suitable for this one, so although you don't have much experience, I decided to leave it to you because of your style and this The movie is a perfect match."

"This is a biographical movie and a love movie. This character is real, but the story has an artistic component, so it is not entirely a biographical movie. I prefer it to be a love movie, telling the story of love. Another truth.”

Wang Hao listened attentively, but Zhang Tan didn't say much. He just asked him to take the script back and study it carefully, and they would discuss it in detail two days later.

It's useless to say more now, because Wang Hao doesn't understand the script. Only after both of them are familiar with it can they have a meaningful discussion.

After seeing Wang Hao out of the studio, Zhang Tan turned off the lights in the room and went downstairs to walk around the comic studio. Although it is already night, there are still several people working here. These painters always get inspiration at night, so working overtime is normal.

Zhang Tan warned them not to work overtime too late and to go home early to rest, and then came to the classroom.

The Spring Festival has passed, and the number of children in Little Red Horse Academy has increased again. Now it has reached 40 people, and the number will continue to increase in the next few days. The number will not gradually stabilize until the kindergarten and elementary school start.

Zhang Tan didn't recognize most of the children. They were all unfamiliar faces, and only a few of them made an impression on him.

Among the dolls, he saw Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was sitting among the dolls, listening to Cheng Cheng's story. If she used her focused expression to do homework, she could solve the Mathematical Olympiad problem in minutes.

He is really a hard-nosed novice and a flowing baby.

Zhang Tan did not disturb them and went upstairs to go home. Suddenly there were footsteps behind him. When he looked back, he saw Xiaobai pop up, run past him in a hurry, and disappeared around the corner upstairs, leaving only a sentence :

"Old man~ you are so slow~"

Zhang Tan thought Xiaobai was in a hurry to go to the toilet, so when he came to the third floor, he saw the door of the room wide open. One of Xiaobai's shoes was left at the door and the other flew to the stairs.

This is too urgent.

Zhang Tan picked up the small shoes and placed them neatly on the shoe rack. He entered the room and passed through the entrance hall. Suddenly he heard loud shouts coming from the bedroom.

Not only Xiaobai, but also a little friend.

He walked over and took a look, and happened to see Xiaobai escorting Xi'er out of the study.

What mistake did Xi'er make? Got caught by Xiaobai again.

It seems that Xiaobai hurriedly climbed upstairs just to catch Xi'er.

Xi'er saw Zhang Tan and said excitedly: "Godfather~ I was arrested again, hiahia~"

I couldn't tell how frustrated she was, but more frustrated and excited. Playing a little bad guy was a completely new experience.

"I've been caught, I've been caught, don't kill me, I'm a good baby..."

Xi'er was yelling vigorously while being escorted away by Xiaobai. The child was really full of energy.

When passing by Zhang Tan, Zhang Tan asked, "Did Xi'er make any mistake?"

Xiaobai said angrily: "Guawazi peeked at my homework! She peeked at my homework again! She always peeked at my homework! This Guawazi!!"

Xi'er shouted happily: "Seven melons on one vine, croak, croak, croak, croak~~ I am a melon, Xiaobai is also a melon, Liliu is also a melon, Dudu is also a melon..."

The kid Tan Xier is crazy and stupid.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, how did you know that I was peeking at your homework? I came here quietly."

Xiaobai said: "If Cheng Cheng was not here to tell the story, you must have done something bad. Catching the little bad guys is my forte."

Xiaobai listened to Cheng Cheng's story and looked around, but Xiba was missing. She suddenly felt bad and ran home in a hurry. Sure enough, she caught Xiba sneaking around in the study and caught him red-handed.

Zhang Tan understood clearly from the sidelines. It must be Tan Xier, a child who was secretly checking Xiaobai's homework book and was caught!

Speaking of which, he was the one who commissioned this matter. He gave Xi'er a reward and encouragement.

As soon as he thought of this, he didn't expect that the child Tan Xi'er would confess him immediately.

"hiahiahia, Xiaobai, it's my godfather who asked me to keep an eye on you. It's none of my business."

Good guy, good guy!

Zhang Tan stared at little Tan Xier, did he imitate Liliu? Why did you become a fat rabbit? ?

People treat Liuliu like a fat rabbit because they are being forced, but what about you? Xiaobai didn’t force you! !

Xiaobai immediately looked at Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan quickly denied: "I didn't. I have never said such a thing. Xi'er, please don't frame me. If I want to read Xiaobai's homework, do I need to read it secretly? I can do it openly. I am She old man."

His rebuttal was weak, because everyone knew that Xiwa did not lie.

Xiaobai muttered, not knowing what she was talking about, maybe she was complaining that the old man actually peeked at her homework, and even sent a little thief like Xiwa.

She ignored her old man, but cut Xiwa's hands behind her back, escorted her out, and walked downstairs.

As they walked, Xi'er shouted, asking Xiaobai to let her go and not to kill her!

The two of them were quarreling while going downstairs. Zhang Tan looked at the backs of these two little figures, feeling a little embarrassed.

He had a hunch that Xiaobai would not let Xi'er go so easily, and Xi'er would definitely be punished.

He came to the balcony and looked downstairs. Sure enough, he saw Xiaobai digging sand in the sand pit, while Xi'er stood aside, arguing hard and begging Xiaobai not to plant her.

But Xiaobai disagrees.

At this time, she ran out of the classroom like a wolf, she was the best at watching the excitement.

"Hahahahaha~~~6666 duck~~~~Grow Xier duck!"

Liuliu clapped her hands and shouted, not here to rescue Xiwa, but to eat melons, watch the show, and even lend a hand.

Xiaobai called her over to carry some sand, and she immediately rolled up her sleeves and got on, very happy to be a little accomplice.

"Ah~~~~Someone come and save me~~~" Xi'er yelled, but she stood motionless and couldn't even run?

Many children gathered in front of the classroom windows, at the door, and in the corridors. Most of them had never seen this kind of punishment. They were curious and scared at the same time. Why are the children here so cruel and always planting dolls? !

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