Dad Academy

Chapter 1287 Treated as a distinguished guest (2/4)

Chapter 1287 Treated as a distinguished guest (24)

After the Lantern Festival, all work returned to normal and people were busy again.

On the construction site of Huangjia Village, the old white men appeared again.

The New Year and the Spring Festival are officially over, but kindergarten and primary school will not start for another week. Xiaobai still has time to complete her winter vacation homework, while Zhang Tan begins to spend more energy on work.

The studio next to Little Red Horse Academy has been operating normally since the eighth day of the new year, and everyone has returned to work. Little Red Horse Academy closed earlier, on New Year's Eve, and has been operating normally since then.

Years ago, several screenwriters from the studio sent their final scripts to Zhang Tan. He read them and gave his feedback. These days, they discussed together, revised it repeatedly, and continuously improved it. Gradually, the script basically took shape.

In addition to Zhang Tan's "Mo Di" and "Love Letter" written during the Chinese New Year, as well as Wu Shiying's "Heartbeat", the film plan of the love trilogy will be put on the agenda.

The scripts have been written, and Zhang Tan has had full discussions with several people in the studio. Now it's just a matter of implementing the scripts.

Who to cooperate with became the first question before Zhang Tan.

He could do it all on his own, but he doesn't plan to. The film industry has a very long industrial chain, which relies on division of labor, collaboration, and risk sharing. Cooperating with other film companies not only shares risks, but also allows for closer relationships.

The film industry is inherently a circle with complicated relationships. It is difficult to move forward without friends, and it will not work alone!

Even if your movie can ensure that everyone makes money, it is actually more dangerous, because there will always be more people who are envious than people who admire it.

For example, this time "I Am Zhan Er" was released during the Spring Festival. Because they did not have a strong relationship with the film company, they always wanted to strive for a higher filming rate but could not. It wasn't until the "I Am James" movie exploded at the box office that movie theater companies saw that it was profitable, so they took the initiative to increase the film scheduling rate.

The popularity of "I Am Zhan Er" has brought Zhang Tan and Xiaohongma Film and Television into the public eye. While they are famous, they are also very dangerous. I don't know how many people are watching, and there are many people with malicious intentions.

Because Zhang Tan has an agreement with Kuxun Video, they have to cooperate in filming every year.

Therefore, Zhang Tan's priority was Kuxun Video, not to mention that he also owned part of the company's shares.

"I Am Zhan Er" is their collaborative work. They had a great time working together during the filming, so there is no reason to give up on them and look for another one.

However, there are many film companies eyeing Zhang Tan, and Pujiang Film Studio is one of them. They were very active before and after, and always wanted to know Zhang Tan's next shooting plan for further cooperation.

Zhang Tan does not reject Pujiang Film Studio, but in his mind, he has distinguished Pujiang Film Studio from Kuxun Video.

In terms of animated film and television projects, he will first choose to cooperate with Pujiang Film Studio in the future, while for live-action films and television, he will cooperate more with Kuxun Video.

If the management of Pujiang Film Studio knew that Zhang Tan meant this, I wonder if they would faint in the toilet from crying! At the beginning, their cooperation with Zhang Tan was the earliest and most in-depth, but because of a few stupid moves, they passed this money-spinner to others. Watching "I Am Zhan Er" become a big hit during the Spring Festival Harvesting the box office and making billions in net profits really made their eyes red with envy, and they were eager to take advantage of this trend and work together with Zhang Tan again.

Tang Hao, the deputy director of Pujiang Film Studio, has already called Zhang Tan to win over him and let him know that as long as Zhang Tan is willing to direct any film, they are willing to invest, provide money, and project Zhang Tan has the final say.

While Pujiang Film Studio was vigorously wooing Zhang Tan, Kuxun Video was not sitting idle. They relied on the good relationship foundation they had laid to further strike while the iron was hot to determine the next filming plan with Zhang Tan.

On this day, Zhang Tan came to the headquarters of Kuxun Video on an invitation. The person who made the appointment was not Ku Cheng, but Xiao Ming, the general manager in charge of the entertainment division of Kuxun Video.

A few years ago, Xiao Ming specially invited Zhang Tan to dinner, and the two of them talked harmoniously.

Xiao Ming benefited greatly from the box office hit of "I Am Zhan Er". Last year, the large entertainment division he led was the company's most profitable business segment. Although this year has just passed the Spring Festival, the profits will definitely exceed last year's, just from the "I Am Zhan Er".

For this reason, Xiao Ming naturally regarded Zhang Tan as an honored guest. In the morning, Zhang Tan drove to the headquarters of Kuxun Video. As soon as he got off the car, an employee greeted him warmly.

Zhang Tan looked at the other person and didn't recognize him, but the other person knew him.

He took the elevator to the floor of Xiao Ming's office. A beautiful woman in professional attire was guarding the door. As soon as he came out, she warmly greeted him. She introduced herself as Xiao Ming's secretary and was here to greet him.

Xiao Ming's large entertainment department occupies the upper and lower floors of this building. The floor where Xiao Ming is located is the highest of the five floors, and the entire floor is the administrative office department.

Zhang Tan, led by his secretary, brushed his face and entered the glass door. As soon as he turned the corner, he suddenly heard a neat sound.

"Welcome Teacher Zhang!!!——"

Then there was loud applause.

Zhang Tan was startled when he saw densely packed men and women standing on both sides of the corridor!

These people looked at Zhang Tan and laughed and clapped. Zhang Tan saw Xiao Ming taking the lead in the crowd.

Xiao Ming was also smiling and applauding, and Xie Ou was also there.

Xiao Ming said: "Teacher Zhang, congratulations on your movie becoming a hit! It has become a hit at the box office!——"

Everyone followed in unison.

Zhang Tan was a little bit dumbfounded. This situation caught him off guard and he didn't expect it.

Xiao Ming is very good at getting things done. His formalism is annoying to outsiders, but makes the parties involved very happy.

Zhang Tan is no exception.

He was in a very happy mood. Surrounded by so many people and applauding, there was no reason to be unhappy.

The beautiful female employee brought flowers, Zhang Tan took them in his hand and said thank you.

Xiao Ming said loudly: "Mr. Zhang is the youngest director in history to have a box office of over 5 billion. Please ask him to tell you a few words."

The crowd cheered and applauded like thunder.

It was definitely not enough to say two sentences. He had to say three sentences anyway, so Zhang Tan said three or two sentences and finally added one sentence.

"Fortunately, it's hard to have a second chance."

Xiao Ming said: "Success does involve luck, but not everyone can be favored by luck. Only those who are always prepared can be favored and seize opportunities."

Xiao Ming knew how to control the situation very well. After a simple welcome ceremony, he let everyone disperse.

Zhang Tan and Xiao Ming came to the office and sat down. The secretary followed them in, made them two cups of tea, placed them on the coffee table in front of them, and then quietly left the door.

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