Dad Academy

Chapter 1283 Love Trilogy

It's sunny today, the sun is particularly bright, and the sun is warm on my body. The quilts and pillows at home have been dried enough, so I didn't move out today, but there are still things drying in the yard. They are three rag dolls and a A giant panda, a sika deer, and a pug are toys for Xiaobai and Xier.

In the field below the yard, there was a loud banging sound from time to time. Three children gathered there, standing on the ridge of the field and pointing.

The snow in the fields is melting, and the snow water has soaked the fields, making them wet.

Zhang Tan walked out of the house with his cell phone, stood at the edge of the yard, and shouted to three children playing firecrackers not far away: "Xiaobai! Xi'er! Liuliu's call, come and answer it quickly -"

Xiaobai looked back at him and responded: "What do you want to do with Liuliu? I'm not free."

Xi'er also shouted: "Godfather~~~ is not free, we are not free, we are playing with firecrackers."

As she finished speaking, there was another bang in the field, and a faint puff of green smoke immediately rose.

The three children bought firecrackers from nowhere and were so excited that they threw them everywhere. They were first in the yard, but later Tan Jin'er drove them away, so they quickly ran into the fields and stood on the ridge of the field to throw them.

"Xi'er, you throw it, be brave and you want it." Xiaobai encouraged Xi'er to throw a firecracker too.

Xi'er had been standing aside watching Xiaobai and Dunzi play. She wanted to play but was a little scared. With Xiaobai's encouragement, she had the courage to take one. After burning it, she threw it away and left it among the three children. feet.

"Shovel! Run quickly~~~~"

Xiaobai was startled, turned around and ran away, not forgetting to drag Xi'er who was stunned before leaving, while Dunzi ran to the other end of the field ridge.


The firecrackers went off, causing a splash of snow in the fields.

Fortunately, the three children ran fast, otherwise they would all have suffered.

Xi'er was still frightened and asked, "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, did I almost blow us up?"

"I don't even know how to yell at you, Guawazi, crawl away! I get annoyed when I see you. Dunzi - come back quickly."

Xiaobai greeted Dunzi who was running far away.

Zhang Tan, who was standing in the yard, saw all this scene and immediately told them to come back and stop playing with firecrackers.

Upon hearing this, Xi'er was ready to go over, but Xiaobai pulled her away and wanted to run away until she had enough fun before going back.

At this time, Zhang Tan shouted again: "Don't leave! Come here quickly, Liuliu is sick, and she wants to talk to you."

As soon as she heard that Liuliu was sick, Xi'er immediately stopped and said to Xiaobai, "It's Liuliu. She's sick. Why is she sick?"

Xiaobai guessed: "She must be kicking the quilt while sleeping. She used to sleep in the Little Red Horse and often kicked the quilt."

Xi'er nodded in agreement and added: "She also kicks the children, just like this when they sleep."

Xi'er made a show of lifting her feet and kicked her, saying that Luoliu would kick children like this in their sleep.

"Kicked me and Cheng Cheng."

"She is a melon kid." Xiaobai said.

"hiahia, I don't know whether it's a melon or not."

The two of them chatted while finally coming back. After all, they still missed their little best friend, even though this little best friend kicked the quilt and kicked the children while sleeping.

Xiaobai took the phone from Zhang Tan and chatted with Liuliu on the other end of the phone.

As expected, Liuliu was sick, her voice was weak, and she had no energy. After asking, she found out that she had accumulated food again.

When Xi'er heard this, she spoke to the phone and tried to persuade her earnestly: "Don't eat so much, don't eat so much, you should eat less, don't eat three bowls of rice..."

Xiaobai interjected: "It's four bowls of rice!"

"Oh, Liuli, don't eat four bowls of rice. You can eat two bowls and one bowl. If you eat too much, you will get sick. Do you know? You have to listen to me. I am doing it for your own good. I won’t harm you…”

Tan Xi'er, a child, turned on the nagging mode until Liuliu on the other end of the phone couldn't stand it anymore and made an angry little voice.


Xi'er quickly shut up and stopped talking, but after a while, she listened to a few words of conversation between Xiaobai and Liuliu, and heard Liuliu say that she felt uncomfortable and her belly was bloated, so Xi'er couldn't help it anymore.

"I'm just telling you, you should eat less, oh, oh, don't scream, I'm doing it for your own good, but you don't listen to me, and if you don't, you'll get a stomachache..."

Not only Liuliu on the other side of the phone couldn't stand this nagging, but even Xiaobai on the side couldn't stand it either.

Xiaobai covered her ears, not wanting to hear any more, and asked Xiwawa to stop talking. If she continued talking, she would get mad.

In the past two years, during the Chinese New Year, I have always had an overeating problem. I ate too much during the Spring Festival, and if I ate well and didn’t exercise, I would naturally accumulate food. Moreover, in the past year, I had been having such a long time without snacks. Today, I can finally eat freely and eat whatever I want. I suddenly can't control myself and eat too much.

This is understandable.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, people’s visits to relatives and friends are basically over, and the New Year is gradually coming to an end. Most people have already started going to work normally on this day. For them, the Spring Festival holiday has officially ended.

However, Zhang Tan and others still stayed in Baijiacun and had no plans to return to Pujiang. At the same time, the old Bai people working on the Pujiang construction site were still at home, living a rare leisurely life. They will not return until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, when work will start on the construction site, and they will start a new busy year again.

On this day, Zhang Tan took everyone to the county town to see the light show. They went there in the afternoon and wandered around the county town. First they visited the Mo Di Art Exhibition Hall, and then went to the light show after dinner.

The owner of Mo Di Art Exhibition Hall is a local folk artist, and her paper-cutting and Shu embroidery are very famous in the local area.

She did not have any teachers and was completely self-taught. Her works are witty and full of childishness, which made her colleagues Xiaobai and Xier very fond of her.

The area of ​​the art exhibition hall is not large, about 500 square meters. Although the area is small, it makes full use of the space. There are many and dazzling exhibits on display. It does not seem crowded, but rather warm, as if you are wandering around to visit the personal studio of this folk artist of Modi.

Mo Di passed away more than ten years ago, and now the exhibition hall is managed by her adopted daughter.

The exhibition hall not only has Mo Di's works, but also an introduction to her life. Different stages of her life correspond to different works, and we can see her changes in mood.

Zhang Tan looked at the photo of Mo Di on the wall. This was an ordinary-looking woman. According to the introduction, she had rickets since she was a child, and her cervical spine was curvature, making her life difficult. After her parents died, her brother sold the old house without permission, took the money, and left her in the care of her aunt.

Her aunt didn't like her either. She yelled at her and thought she was ugly and not wanted by a man.

At this time, Mo Di's works are full of loneliness, including the retreating figures of wild geese and the vastness of the setting sun.

Such a marginalized figure in society composed an unyielding song of life.

She suffered humiliation since childhood, but she never complained about life, but still showed great enthusiasm for life. She poured this enthusiasm into paper-cutting and Shu embroidery, leaving a large number of works for future generations.

Later, Mo Di gained enviable love. Her husband is an older leftover man who makes a living by contracting fish farming in ponds. They live in a two-story building by the pond.

The two supported each other and reached the final journey of life.

Mo Di's adopted daughter recognized Zhang Tan and introduced him personally.

"Their love is enviable. When I was a child, I often saw my father pushing a wheelbarrow and my mother sitting in the car. They walked around the pond and chatted. Sometimes they would go to the mountains and return home at sunset, with smiling faces."

The other party not only warmly received Zhang Tan and others, but also presented them with gifts, exquisite paper-cutting and a pair of Shu embroidery.

Zhang Tan exchanged business cards with her and was about to leave when Xiaobai and Xi'er who were following him suddenly looked at a woman who had just walked into the exhibition hall in surprise.


The two stopped and tilted their heads to look at the woman who just passed by.

"What's wrong? Do you know each other?" Zhang Tan asked. The question was like this, but he didn't think there would be anyone Xiaobai and Xi'er knew here. How many people did the two children know? But it was possible for Xiaobai, maybe it was someone she knew when she was younger. He knew that this kid actually had a good memory.

Xi'er shook her head at first, but Xiaobai's eyes lit up and he said to her, "It's that young lady who invited us to eat spicy hotpot, the one who makes us laugh."

Xiaobai inhaled like it was spicy, and Xi'er suddenly remembered that the young lady who just walked in was the one who invited them to eat spicy hotpot at Pujiang Cinema City.

I actually met you here.

The other party seemed to recognize them and looked back. Xiaobai and Xi'er waved enthusiastically, thinking that the other party recognized them, but they didn't expect that the other party came over and greeted Zhang Tan.

"Teacher Zhang? I didn't expect it was really you."

It turns out that they didn't recognize Xiaobai and Xi'er, but Zhang Tan.

As an insider, I have never seen Zhang Tan in person, so haven’t I seen Zhang Tan’s photos? !

She just walked into the exhibition hall from the outside and passed by Zhang Tan and others for a brief moment. She felt that Zhang Tan looked familiar. She turned around and looked carefully. Sure enough! Isn't this the director Zhang who is popular right now?

Then she saw Xiaobai and Xi'er, thought about it, and recognized them!

It was hard not to recognize them. The two children were making noises, which immediately reminded her of the time when she invited them to eat spicy hotpot.

The two parties knew each other, and the other party introduced himself as Zhao Xin, who was from this county.

"I didn't expect you, Teacher Zhang, to be here too," Zhao Xin said.

Zhang Tan: “We don’t live in the county town, but in the countryside. We just came here to see the lantern show.”

Zhao Xin nodded and said, "The lantern show is a little less interesting if you watch it during the day. It will only look better when it gets dark at night. The lanterns there are printed with many paper-cutting and Shu embroidery patterns by Master Mo Di. There are very strong local customs of ours.”

She was right. In the evening, Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er took Xiaobai and Xi'er for a stroll on the pedestrian street. Their heads were hung with all kinds of paper lanterns. The lights were bright and colorful, and there were many beautiful patterns on the lanterns. Fish playing with lotus seeds, boating to admire the moon, etc.

Zhang Tan recognized several works by Master Mo Di that he had just seen in the exhibition hall.

"Hey hey hey hey hey~~~"

Xiaobai and Xi'er walked in front, each holding a small lantern in their hands, laughing happily.

What Xiaobai is holding is a small carp lantern.

What Xi'er is holding is a small rabbit lantern.

The further they walked, the more and more people gathered together. Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er were worried that Xiaobai and Xi'er would get lost, so they each held one of their hands and asked them to follow them closely.

The crowd was pushing forward, and there seemed to be something attracting everyone over there. As I got closer, I saw a huge elephant lantern not far away.

This display lamp is really big. It is shaped like an elephant, with a length of 7 meters and a body as big as a house. If an adult stands in front of it, it is not as thick as its thigh. It stretched out its long nose and held a harmonica in its mouth, seeming to be playing. It carries many flower baskets on its back, with some riddles written on them for people to answer.

The four people walked through the crowd and came to the elephant lantern. Zhang Tan raised his head and looked at it, and felt that this elephant lantern was a giant.

Xiaobai and Xi'er touched the elephant's legs and were amazed.

The two of them put together are not as thick as anyone else's legs.

The elephant lantern is famous in the local area and is the king of lanterns here, but I don’t know what its meaning is.

When I came here, of course I had to take a group photo, but unfortunately, because the elephant lantern was too big, I couldn't take a complete photo. I could only take a group photo around the elephant's legs, and then left reluctantly.

They didn't return home until nine o'clock in the evening. Teacher Jiang didn't sleep. She sat in the living room, lit the fire, watched TV, and waited for them.

Xiaobai and Xi'er excitedly told her what they had seen today. Teacher Jiang listened with a smile, while Tan Jin'er prepared hot water and took care of them to wash their faces and feet before getting ready for bed.

Tonight Xiaobai will sleep with Xi'er in Tan Jin'er's room.

Zhang Tan put out the fire in the brazier, locked the door, turned off the lights, and returned to his room. He was a little tired after a late day today, but he didn't want to sleep. He was thinking about work and the Modi Art Exhibition Hall he visited in the afternoon, and a story immediately popped into his mind.

The outline of the story quickly took shape in his mind, and Zhang Tan stopped thinking about it. Instead, he thought about whether such a story was suitable for filming. Will there be a market after the film is released? Will the market accept this kind of movie?

He thought about it and finally believed that this film has great potential in the current Chinese-speaking market and the market is completely acceptable.

"I am Zhan Er" is the best example.

Zhang Tan immediately made a brief note in his notebook for subsequent improvement. The name of the story was "Mo Di".

Zhang Tan classifies this movie as a love movie, and the theme cannot be Mo Di's paper-cutting and Shu embroidery. Of course, these must be present, but they cannot be the theme. The theme should be her artistic life, with the focus surrounding her love. Only in this way will the market's acceptance be broad.

In this case, there are already three film works this year, namely "Pumping Heart", "Love Letter", and "Modi".

PS: Today the two chapters are combined into one, no more, I still have to be busy with work.

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