Dad Academy

Chapter 1280 Read the Story

The sky is sunny, the sun is shining warmly in the sky, and the quilts are drying in the yard again.

Teacher Jiang moved the brazier from the living room to the yard. She warmed herself by the fire and basked in the sun. There was no wind today, so she quickly felt warm.

The snow on the ground is melting, but because of the rainy weather for several days, the snow has turned into ice and will not completely melt away in a few days.

At this time, the children were playing house in the yard and cooking with the snow.

Xiaobai and Xi'er cooked five dishes in total, including three for Xiaobai and two for Xi'er. Among the five dishes, there are the famous fish banquet and Xu Xuer rice. This is Xiaobai's specialty. I don't know where she learned it from, but she probably learned it secretly from Malanhua.

Anyway, since she came to Little Red Horse Academy, she has learned two dishes.

Whenever he makes a good friend, Xiaobai will cook these two dishes for them to try.

After Zhang Tan was promoted from Pierhei to a good friend, he was also lucky enough to taste these two dishes. However, when Xiaobai cooked these two dishes for him, he added special "seasonings"!

This little guy put an earthworm into Xuer's rice! Zhang Tan was so disgusted that he almost threw up his dinner.

Earthworms are not an essential condiment for Xuer rice. They were added temporarily by Xiaobai during constant experiments. It was a trial and error.

At that time, the earthworm was unlucky and was caught by Xiao Bai who was digging in the sand.

Fortunately, in this season, there are no earthworms in the snow, but if you don’t put something in it, the Xuer rice will have no soul, so Xiaobai and Xier picked up some rotten vegetable leaves to make spicy cabbage. discarded at the time.

After finishing the Xu'er rice, Xiaobai and Xi'er just wanted to ask the old man to have a taste. By the way, they also asked Sister Jin'er to have a taste.

but! Before she could invite anyone, Xiao Xiaobai came over!

The child was standing in the walker, swaying and excited. When he saw the five dishes on the ground, he stepped on them without saying a word.

The dishes that Xiaobai and Xier worked so hard to prepare were gone all of a sudden, which almost made them cry.

Little White didn't realize that he had made a mistake, so he continued babbling and showing off his power. Xiaobai grabbed her and spanked her until her ass blossomed.

Xiao Xiaobai was as angry as a cat with fried hair and wanted to fight with her little aunt.

At this time, her mother came, grabbed her thick clothes, lifted them up and left.

A pair of short legs were kicking in the air, but to no avail. Xiaobai was helpless in front of her mother.

Yang Yi was very puzzled, how could this little guy be so fierce at a young age, even her little aunt was so embarrassed by her, how could he be so cruel when he grew up? !

Xiaobai caught up with her angrily and told Yang Yi that she should leave Xiaobai to her aunt to take care of her.

In Xiao Bai's mind, his aunt is the big bad guy who specializes in suppressing the little bad guys. Now, Xiao Xiaobai should be left in charge of his aunt!

There is no child in the world that his aunt cannot control.

Xiao Xiaobai seemed to be able to understand, and he bared his teeth and claws at Xiao Bai who came up with the bad idea. Although Destiny's neck was strangled, he could still scream twice.

In the evening, snowflakes began to fall in the sky again.

Teacher Jiang looked outside the house and sighed: "There is a lot of snow this year. The auspicious snow heralds a good harvest. I hope this year will be a good harvest year."

Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er also looked at the snowflakes outside the house. Under the red lanterns in the corridor, they saw the snowflakes getting denser and denser.

Snowing is not common for them, so whenever they encounter a snowy day, they always feel better inexplicably.

They did not expect that there would be more snowy days in Sichuan than in their hometown.

A charcoal fire was lit in the house, and Zhang Tan closed the door to block the cold wind outside. However, in order to avoid carbon dioxide poisoning, he opened the windows and left the back door open.

The little puppy White Pearl lay lazily next to the fire pot, yawning. After eating and drinking enough, she started to feel sleepy.

Xiaobai and Xi'er finally sat on the sofa. They had been playing around all day, and now they were a little tired, so they finally calmed down.

The TV is on, but no one is watching it, and it doesn't work when it is turned off. What I want is a sound to make the house lively and make it appear more popular.

While everyone was warming themselves by the fire and chatting, Zhang Tan suddenly said: "I wrote a script in the past two days, why don't I read it to you?"

Tan Jin'er's eyes lit up with anticipation.

Teacher Jiang said: "What story are you telling? Tell us about it."

"I like listening to stories the most." Xi'er expressed her special support.

Xiaobai didn't show any mercy and already applauded.

If Dudu was there, he would definitely say "It looks great! It's wonderful!" and he would say compliments first.

"Then wait a minute, I'll get the laptop."

Just as Zhang Tan was about to get up and go to the bedroom to get the computer, a child had already rushed away.

"I'll get it~~~"

It's Xiaobai.

She quickly came out holding the silver laptop and handed it to the old man diligently, just waiting for the old man's story.

Zhang Tan opened his laptop and pulled out the document. Xiaobai and Xi'er immediately came to his side, craning their necks to stare at the computer.

"There are so many words, old man! You know so many words." Xiaobai sighed. This child's focus is a bit special. As a top student and a cultural person, isn't it basic that she knows a lot of words?

Zhang Tan introduced: "Speaking of this story, the source of inspiration was brought by Teacher Jiang."

Teacher Jiang was a little surprised: "Did I bring it?"

Zhang Tan nodded: "You brought it to me. That day you went to the county to visit friends. You two looked very similar. This inspired me to think of such a story. I continued to improve it in the past few days and finally formed a complete story. script."

When Tan Jin'er heard that it was related to Teacher Jiang, she couldn't help but become more curious.

Teacher Jiang also found it very interesting. Someone adapted the things around her into a script, and maybe it might be made into a movie or TV series in the future.

"But I didn't tell you much."

"It doesn't matter, art comes from life, but is higher than life. This story is completely fabricated, and any similarity is purely coincidental."

Teacher Jiang smiled. She didn't believe there was any story that would be too similar to what happened to her.

"What's the name of this script?" Teacher Jiang asked.

"The name is "Love Letter"."

""love letter"?"

"Yes, the name is "Love Letter", and it tells the story of a secret love."

Tan Jin'er's eyes became brighter and brighter, and Zhang Tan aroused her interest with a few words.

"Tell us quickly." Tan Jin'er said.

Zhang Tan was about to start telling a story when he heard the two children beside him muttering.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, what is a love letter? What is a secret love?"

"Hey, it's just that I like you, you like me, I don't like you, you don't like me..."

Xi'er was confused when she heard it, as if she had heard it, but also as if she hadn't.

If it was her before, she would have been fooled by Xiaobai. However, now that she is one year older, she has gradually outgrown her naive image.

"You are kidding me, Xiaobai, hiahia~~you don't know either~"

Xi'er exposed Xiaobai mercilessly. She just goes straight to the point and doesn't beat around the bush.

Tan Jin'er reminded the two children to stop chatting and listen to Boss Zhang's story attentively. The two children immediately sat upright, waiting for a good story.

Zhang Tan said: "The story begins on a snowy day, just like ours tonight. This day is the second anniversary of the death of the hero Zhang Jing. Zhang Jing was killed during a mountain climbing. Two days later, Years ago, his fiancée Lin Xianting was still grieving and lying on the snow missing him."

"Lin Xianting sent Zhang Jing's mother home. When she looked through Zhang Jing's junior high school yearbook, she copied down the address where he lived at that time. It is said that the original house had been demolished and a national highway was built. The reason why she wrote down the address was What? Because she misses her, she wants to write a letter and send it to heaven."

"This is a letter destined to have no reply, but the strange thing is that there is another person with the same name in this world, also named Zhang Jing, but she is a girl. This Zhang Jing received Lin Xianting's letter, perhaps out of It was fun, so I wrote back.”

"Lin Xianting was surprised and happy when she received the reply. Although it was impossible for Zhang Jing to reply to her when she went to heaven, she was so affectionate that she would rather believe that this letter was sent to her by Zhang Jing from heaven. In I learned in the letter that Zhang Jing had a cold, so I sent her medicine. Over time, the two of them gradually became familiar with each other, and the conversation became more and more in-depth..."

The charcoal in the brazier burned red, making beeping sounds and sparks from time to time. Occasionally, the little puppy White Pearl seemed to hear something, pricking up her ears from her sleep, raising her head, and listening to her surroundings vigilantly. , and immediately found nothing, he lay down and continued to sleep.

Xiaobai and Xi'er listened and began to yawn and feel sleepy.

The story Zhang Tan told them didn't appeal to them at all. They didn't want to hear stories about secret love. They just wanted to hear stories about little snowmen.

As the night grew darker and snowflakes were flying outside the house, Zhang Tan's story came to an end. Teacher Jiang and Tan Jin'er listened with rapt attention, their emotions rising and falling with the story.

"When she received the card from the students, Zhang Jing pretended to be calm and wanted to put the card in her pocket. However, unfortunately, the apron she liked did not have a pocket on the top or bottom..."

"Lin Xianting finally knew that in the eyes of her fiancé, she was a substitute for love. After figuring this out, she was surprisingly not angry at all. She just gradually relaxed and gradually let go of the relationship that she had not let go of for two years. She was in Accompanied by Ye Mao, he walked in the white snow, put his hands to his mouth, and shouted to the snow-covered mountain stream, how are you?"


Zhang Tan closed his laptop and while telling the story, he was also revising and improving the story, as if he was experiencing half of it again.

The two children lay together and fell asleep.

Teacher Jiang and Tan Jiner were immersed in this hazy first love and secret love, and were speechless for a long time.

Just one chapter today and more tomorrow.

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