Dad Academy

Chapter 1268 After drinking this glass...

Aunt Huang took some photos of the school for Zhang Tan. In the photos, the little red horse was decorated with lanterns, Spring couplets were pasted, red lanterns were hung, and the blessing has arrived posted on his door. It looked really festive.

Zhang Tan expressed his gratitude to her and talked about his situation in Sichuan.

When he saw Aunt Huang, his brows lit up, and he saw that something was going to happen. After thinking about it, he guessed whether Huang Liangmei had brought the handsome boy home?

For Aunt Huang, the only thing that can make her remember and become a pain in her heart is Huang Liangliang's love life.

Huang Liangliang has been dating the handsome boy for more than a year and has been in love for almost two years. The relationship is quite stable and it is almost time to take him home and officially meet his parents.

Zhang Tan asked, and sure enough, Aunt Huang happily told him that the two families had a meal together yesterday and talked about their marriage.

The wedding has been put on the agenda.

"Congratulations, congratulations, I'm waiting to drink Berry's wedding wine." Zhang Tan said. Actually, Aunt Huang's family and the handsome boy's family all know each other. After all, they both live in Huangjia Village, one at the head of the village and the other at the end of the village.

It's just that the meaning of the meal is different this time. It's certainly not a small talk. It involves life-long events for their children. Both parties are very cautious and particular, and everything is done in accordance with customs.

"What about you?" When she was about to hang up, Aunt Huang suddenly asked with a hint of meaning, "Have you found the one you like? You are almost 25, and you have to think about life-long events."

Aunt Huang was entrusted by Zhang Tan's grandmother to take over the Little Red Horse Academy and help Zhang Tan manage it. After getting along with him for several years, Aunt Huang has already fully accepted and recognized Zhang Tan. She has always treated him as her junior and naturally cares about him. love life.

She knew that Zhang Tan once had a relationship with that actress, but they broke up long ago. Until now, she had never seen him get close to any girl.

Zhang Tan said he was still looking, and Aunt Huang said: "Look around, don't ignore the people around you. Often the most suitable one is the one who is easiest to ignore."

Aunt Huang's words had a profound meaning, so Zhang Tan naturally understood them.

Today is New Year's Eve. During the day, Teacher Jiang was cutting window grilles, and Tan Jin'er and her two children followed suit.

Tan Jiner's ingenuity was highly praised by Teacher Jiang, who looked at her with eyes full of admiration and love.

Hearing Teacher Jiang's compliment again, Tan Jin'er raised the corner of her mouth and said with a smile: "You are so awesome, Teacher Jiang. I didn't expect you to be so good at cutting window grilles. You are also good at Shu embroidery. I really want to learn from you."

Although Tan Jin'er has never seen Teacher Jiang embroider Shu embroidery, she has many of her Shu embroidery works at home. At first, Tan Jin'er thought she had bought them, but later she accidentally learned that these were all embroidered by Teacher Jiang herself, and she was shocked on the spot.

"Look at me, look at me, sister, do I look good?" Xi'er also cut a window grille.

"What is this?" Tan Jin'er asked, curiously looking at the window grilles Xi'er brought over, not understanding what pattern it was.

"hiahia, a dog, is pearl."

I can't tell at all, Tan Jin'er thought to herself.

Xiaobai also came over to look at it and laughed and said it looked like a table leg gnawed by a mouse.

Xi'er was not convinced and looked at Xiaobai's hair and said, "hiahia, Xiaobai, yours looks like a mouse gnawing at the foot of the table."


What kind of window grilles should the two soy sauce friends cut? They mainly play the role of setting off the atmosphere and cannot force anything.

During the Spring Festival last year, Xiao Xiaobai’s mother, Yang Yi, learned to cut window grilles and Sichuan embroidery from Teacher Jiang. Yang Yi and Tan Jiner get along well with each other, and their actual age difference is not that big.

Today, Yang Yi is also here, cutting the window grilles along with her. Xiao Xiaobai is crawling around on the sofa, always wanting to join in the process of cutting the window grilles, but she finally gets through. This little naughty bag moves quickly without saying a word, She grabbed Xiaobai's window grill and crumpled it into a ball. Xiaobai was so angry that she almost cried. She had been cutting this for a long time, although she couldn't tell what it was.

Xiao Xiaobai was driven away by her mother, and the window grilles she snatched back had become a mess and useless.

"Don't cry, don't cry, let's just cut another one. Grandma will teach you, how about we cut the piglet?" Teacher Jiang said.

Xiaobai held his mouth and looked at the broken window grilles, wanting to cry but not having any tears.


A brazier was lit at home to warm up the fire, but the weather was still very cold. In the afternoon, a few snowflakes began to drift in the leaden sky again.

Soon, the sparse snowflakes became dense.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good harvest." Teacher Jiang stood at the door, looking at the yard where the snowflakes were falling. Xiaobai and Xi'er ran out from her side and jumped around in the yard.

"It's snowing, it's snowing again~~~"

"Come and have a snowball fight and build a snowman!! hiahiahia~~~"

Xiao Xiaobai was very excited at home, babbling, and wanted to run out to play with her, but she was small and weak, so she could only worry if there was no one to take her.

When her mother saw this, she carried her to the yard and took her home after spinning around in the snowflakes.

The night of New Year's Eve came amid heavy snowfall.

In Baijia Village, there were bursts of firecrackers and heavy snowfall, but it couldn't stop people's joy during the New Year. Even the heavy snow made this New Year's Eve even warmer.

The New Year's Eve dinner was very sumptuous. It was cooked by several women in the family. Teacher Jiang was the chef, sous chef Ma Lanhua, and Yang Yi and Tan Jin'er were the helpers. As for the two children, the soy sauce maker was running around the house. They always ran to the kitchen because they liked to run to crowded places. In fact, they didn't help anything. Instead, they helped a lot. Malanhua drove them out with a huge gourd and gourd.

The New Year's Eve dinner includes wood-fired turkey, Buddha jumping over the wall, Bangbang chicken, Bobo chicken, chestnut chicken, spicy cabbage and smoked meat, and the rice is taro rice...

The delicious dishes on the table are almost all Xiaobai’s favorites.

Before eating, Zhang Tan lit firecrackers in the yard, while Xiaobai and Xi'er covered their ears and hid at the door to watch.

The firecrackers had just finished setting off here, and firecrackers were also set off at Dunzi's house opposite. Xiaobai and Xi'er stood under the eaves and watched from a distance. They didn't return home until the firecrackers were finished over there, and were ready to eat.

The family is having a great time, the dog is crawling under the table, and Xiaobai is sitting on the child's chair, concentrating on the noodles in the small bowl. She has 9 baby teeth. While taking milk powder as her main meal, she can also eat other foods, such as fish and shrimp.

Tan Jiner was particularly moved by the lively family. It had been a long time since she had experienced such a lively Spring Festival. She still remembered that last year she and Xi'er were homeless and had to live in a small hotel in their hometown town. Not to mention how miserable it was.

Teacher Jiang was also very touched. The family finally became lively.

Zhang Tan took out the aged Big Bear wine and poured a full cup amidst Bai Jianping's refusal. He then poured a cup for Bai Zhiqiang, and then poured half a cup for Teacher Jiang. Malanhua drank some red wine with Tan Jiner and Yang Yi.

As for the two children, they really wanted to try Big Bear white wine and red wine, but no matter how they applied, the adults refused to give them to them and only poured them juice.

Although there was only fruit juice, the two of them drank white wine and toasted each other. The drinking was so lively, as if it was fairy wine. Even if the wine is not drunk, the baby will get drunk.

After drinking the first cup, Bai Jianping said he didn't want to drink anymore.

After drinking the second cup, Bai Jianping said he really didn't want to drink anymore.

After drinking the third cup, Bai Jianping said that this was the last cup and he would not drink it again.

After drinking the fourth cup, Bai Jianping said that this was really the last cup. He didn't want to drink it anymore. Zhang Tan, please stop pouring it.

After drinking the fifth glass, Bai Jianping said that he had performed on stage and sung operas, and had gone up the mountain to fight wolves. Next year, if asked, he would do it. He could do it with durians.

After drinking the sixth cup, Bai Jianping and Zhang Tan called themselves brothers, and they called Ma Lanhua brother and sister.

After drinking the seventh cup, Bai Jianping, encouraged by Xiaobai, started dancing... and then was pushed down on the sofa by Malanhua.

"Sit down and don't move!"

I don’t have it tonight, I’m out of shape, I’ll make it up tomorrow.

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