Dad Academy

Chapter 1259 It’s snowing, and the flavor of the New Year is getting stronger.

Zhang Tan thought of the novel "Zhu Xian" he once wrote.

The novel "Zhu Xian" was really ill-fated. I started writing it early, but I only wrote the beginning. It was posted on the novel website, and many people followed it. However, Zhang Tan spent three days fishing and two days posting on the Internet, and wrote I started to stop updating after tens of thousands of words, and I have been eunuch until now.

It has been more than a year since I wrote a word. Zhang Tan has even forgotten that there is such a novel. If he hadn't heard Xiaobai and Xi'er bragging to each other today, saying that they could ride flying swords, he might not have thought about it. stand up.

Zhang Tan is currently planning for the new year's film and television productions. Isn't this a ready-made script?

The novel "Zhu Xian" can be written into a film and television script. I will not continue writing the novel. It is absolutely possible to adapt it into a film and television drama.

Moreover, Zhang Tan thought of another fairy tale work from "Zhu Xian", which was also a popular movie in Changhong. It was not much worse than "The Legend of White Snake". It was the youthful memory of a generation, "The Legend of Sword and Fairy".

In this case, there are two TV series this year, one is "The Legend of White Snake" and the other is "Legend of Sword and Fairy". Both of them are works of immortals, and their styles are quite unified.

As for movies, there is one more "Zhu Xian", which just completes the "Xianxia Trilogy".

If these works don't accidentally stretch your hips, then there will be a fairy tale style in the film and television industry this year.

Thinking of these things only happened for a moment. Soon, Zhang Tan took back his thoughts and wandered around the top of the mountain with the children for a while. Seeing the sun gradually rising above his head, he was about to go down the mountain and go home. He arrived home before 11:30. .

Zhang Tan invited everyone to go down the mountain together. Seeing that Xiaobai was a little tired, he asked her if she wanted to carry it on her back.

Xiaobai glanced at him, rubbed his little hands, and said, "This is not good," while walking faster.

Zhang Tan understands that what this means is that I want it, but I am embarrassed, please hurry up and take the initiative for me.

So, after a while, Xiaobai was already on Zhang Tan's back.

The child's face was red. I don't know whether he was tired from climbing or excited.

Xi'er, who was walking with Dunzi, frequently raised her head to look at Xiaobai on the old man's back, feeling envious.

"Xiwawa, come up too." Xiaobai called her.

"hiahiahiahia~~" Xi'er just smiled and said nothing.

She really wanted to ride a big horse, but she was more afraid of troublesome her godfather, so she was never embarrassed to ask for it unless her godfather took the initiative.

Zhang Tan had already carried Xiaobai for a long distance, and when he reached the mountainside, he put her down and carried Xi'er on his back.

This little kid's face suddenly lit up, he looked forward to it, and he was in a very good mood.

At this time, she didn't need to brag about riding a flying sword. She could fly by herself, because her little heart had already been given wings, and she was hovering lightly over the mountains and forests. Hiahia laughed.

Going down the mountain was much faster than going up the mountain, and we arrived home at 11:15. Teacher Jiang is not at home, but helping at Dunzi's house.

Because they had to have dinner at Dunzi's house at noon, they took a short rest and then went there.

The pigs had been killed, and only the blood stains on the ground and the large chunks of pork on the chopping board showed that one had been here before.

Teacher Jiang and Dunzi's mother were cleaning the pig's small intestine by the pool. They washed the small intestine over and over again in clean water, and then used porcelain tiles to scrape the small intestine until it was clean. Then they used a piece of bamboo to open the small intestine and stuffed it with pork. In this way, sausage is made.

Teacher Jiang and Dunzi's mother were skilled in their skills and cooperated tacitly. The tedious procedures looked very simple in their hands. After a while, they finished one. Dunzi's mother picked it up and hung it on the bamboo pole in the yard. There were already seven or eight strings of sausages hanging there, as well as pork liver.

Dunzi’s mother said that this is to make smoked meat. Later, the sausage and liver will be sealed with film to create a sealed space, and a dark fire will be lit underneath. It will be smoked for one day, and it will be too difficult to dry for another three days. , and you can start cooking.

After finishing this work, everyone started to make lunch.

Tan Jin'er rolled up her sleeves without saying a word and went up to join hands.

The three women were busy in the kitchen, while Zhang Tan helped Dunzi's father cut the large piece of pork into large pieces.

I heard from Dunzi’s father that the pork had been reserved and someone would come and take it away later.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone came to the house. They came from Baijia Village to take away the large piece of pork from his house. After that, several people came one after another, all coming to get the pork.

In the end, there were only two big ones left. Dunzi's father pointed to one of them and told Zhang Tan that it belonged to his family and would take it away later. There was enough meat for the New Year.

In the yard, three children were wandering around, looking for the little one in the morning.

But they couldn't find it. They only saw the pork on the chopping board, but they didn't believe it was the dog from the morning.

Zhang Tan didn't tell them either. The truth was too cruel for them. He was afraid that they wouldn't be able to bear it and would have nightmares at night. Some of the timid children might even pee their pants.

We had pig-killing vegetables for lunch, which were fresh and delicious. The pork was particularly delicious, better than any pork Zhang Tan had eaten in Pujiang.

Home-raised local pork is just different, this is the meaty taste.

After lunch, everyone sat and chatted for a while. Zhang Tan carried the large piece of meat back, and Xiaobai followed at his feet, helping the old man and carrying a bunch of pork belly.

Teacher Jiang asked for pork belly. She is going to make pepper pork belly chicken tonight.

Xi'er's little hands silently grasped Zhang Tan's pants, and it seemed that she was also helping. Please give your godfather strength! hiahia~

Dunzi stood up silently, followed with his head buried in the ground.

His mother shouted: "Dunzi, you're going home."

Dunzi turned around and looked at his mother, who was a little confused. Finally, he nodded and continued to follow Xiao Bai Xier.

Dunzi's mother smiled and said, "Your home is here."

Dunzi didn't even look back, just followed him like a little tail. Well, I didn’t hear what my mother said.

After Dunzi left, his mother said to Dunzi's father in a funny way: "Our Dunzi is still so young, and he has already become Xiaobai's follower."

Dunzi's father smiled and said, "Isn't this great? Following Xiaobai can make him suffer a lot. He couldn't suffer a disadvantage when he was a child, and he won't even suffer a disadvantage when he grows up."

Teacher Jiang was preparing to make pepper pork belly and chicken. Zhang Tan had never heard of this dish and was watching from the sidelines.

They first washed the pig tripe brought back by Xiaobai in clean water, then soaked it in white wine to kill it. After cleaning, they stuffed a freshly killed chicken into the pig tripe. At the same time, they put A lot of aniseed, then sew the pork belly tightly with thread to form a sealed space, then put the whole thing into a casserole, put it on the fire and start cooking.

About forty or fifty minutes later, I opened the lid of the casserole, took out the pork belly and chicken, and cut open the pork belly with a knife. Suddenly, a rich chicken aroma wafted out.

Xiaobai, Xi'er and Dunzi, who were watching TV, immediately gathered around.

Zhang Tan obviously heard the sound of slurping, and he glanced at it, and it was the child Tan Xi'er.

Although Xiaobai didn't sip, he made a gesture of wiping the corners of his mouth with his hand.

Dunzi didn't speak, just swallowed hard.

The three children stared closely at the peppered pork belly and chicken that had just been cooked. They drooled and salivated. Their little noses kept twitching, inhaling the aroma.

This is too delicious!

Zhang Tan put the pork belly and chicken on the chopping board, divided it into small pieces with a knife, put each piece into a large casserole, added boiling soup, put it on the fire, simmered for a while and then it was ready to eat.

The room is filled with fragrance, and just smelling it makes people want to eat.

It is estimated that only Tan Jin'er's mind is not on eating. Rather than eating, she pays more attention to how to make pepper pork belly chicken. After learning it, she can make it at home in the future.

The weather in the mountains has been sunny for three days. During these three days, everyone was busy drying quilts, drying New Year's goods, and preparing everything needed for the New Year.

On the fourth day, the weather suddenly changed.

On this day, the sky was gloomy early in the morning. The leaden gray clouds were very low. The weather was very cold. The wind from the surrounding mountains was blowing down, making people afraid to go out. They stayed at home to warm themselves by the fire and chat.

Suddenly, a shout of joy came from the yard.

"It's snowing——"

When everyone went out, they saw fine snowflakes falling from the leaden clouds.

Xiaobai and Xi'er were jumping around in the yard, cheering. Dunzi smiled naively and stood aside to watch them jump, feeling happy for their happiness.

Tan Jin'er raised her face, looked at the snowflakes in the sky, and let the snowflakes fall on her face. It was cool, icy, and refreshing, which made her feel refreshed.

The fine snow soon turned into heavy snow, which was falling one after another. On the mountains and under the mountains, in and outside the villages, there was only a vast, white snow, and the sky and the earth were pure white.

It’s snowing, and the feeling of celebrating the New Year is there, and the flavor of the New Year is stronger.

Suddenly, a snowball flew over, drew a parabola in the air, and landed on Zhang Tan's shoulder.

The snowball breaks apart.

Zhang Tan looked in the direction where the snowball came, and saw Tan Jin'er, who had done something bad, laughing, leading Dunzi, and having a snowball fight with little Bai Xi'er.

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