Dad Academy

Chapter 1240 Spreading dog food with backhand (1/2)

Chapter 1240 Spreading dog food with backhand (12)

The year-end summary meeting of Little Red Horse Comics Studio is coming to an end. Each group reported on its main work, achievements and experiences in the past year.

At the end of the meeting, Xin Xiaoguang said: "Now, the most exciting moment has arrived! Let's ask the boss to cash in our rewards! Let us welcome you with the warmest applause."

There was thunderous applause in the conference room and everyone was very excited.

Can you not be excited about this session? !

Xin Xiaoguang took out a travel bag from under the table. There was a burst of surprise on the scene, and then the applause became even more enthusiastic, because everyone knew that what was in the travel bag was their bonus.

Xin Xiaoguang put the travel bag next to Zhang Tan, and then Zhang Tan took out a piece of red paper from his pocket, unfolded it and read: "Thank you everyone for your hard work in the past year. Your ingenuity has made the studio what it is today. Now, Let’s cash in the rewards, starting with the first group. The amount of the rewards that should be cashed is... (Secret ( # ^.^ # ))..."

After Zhang Tan finished reading, he picked up the travel bag from the floor and placed it on the conference table. Through the opened zipper, everyone can see that there is a stack of brand new hundred dollar bills in the bag.

Zhang Tan took out stacks of cash and gave them to Comrade Xin Xiaoguang, the representative of the first group.

Comrade Xiaoguang rubbed his hands, thanked his boss, and then thanked his team members.

As the bonuses were handed out one by one, the atmosphere at the scene reached a climax. Zhang Tan announced the successful conclusion of the year-end meeting in an enthusiastic atmosphere, and everyone moved to the restaurant next door for dinner.

"Thank you, boss, and I wish our studio will achieve greater success in the new year!" Everyone said in unison.

After the meeting, Xin Xiaoguang followed Zhang Tan to the office, while Wu Shiying took some staff to the restaurant first and ordered food in advance.

"Your idea is quite good. The soil is a bit earthy and the trenches are real trenches, but the effect is very good. Everyone is very excited. As expected, people are all visual animals." Zhang Tan said.

As for the way to distribute bonuses, Zhang Tan originally planned to issue bank cards. After all, the bonuses for each group are not small. It would be troublesome to use cash and difficult to carry. However, Xin Xiaoguang put forward a different suggestion. He believed that cash should be distributed. The more, the better, and the more trouble, the better. This will have more impact, stimulate everyone's adrenaline, and achieve better results.

What kind of trouble is this? If this is called trouble, then everyone hopes that the more troubles, the better.

Judging from the reactions at the scene, Xin Xiaoguang was right.

Recently, "Datang Fantasy Night" magazine has been urging the signing of a new cooperation agreement.

Xin Xiaoguang said: "We signed a two-year contract with them before, but now the time has come. Since last month, they have been coming to the studio every day, asking to discuss the contract. I listened to you and ignored it, but Now it seems that I can no longer suppress it and I need to give them an explanation."

Two years ago, Little Red Horse Comics Studio was just a small, unknown studio. But now, two years later, it has become one of the largest brands in China. Every comic it publishes has received enthusiastic response and achieved impressive results. people.

For "Datang Fantasy Night" magazine, Little Red Horse Comics Studio is their cash cow and foundation, which they absolutely cannot lose.

In fact, as early as half a year ago, the magazine had already wanted to negotiate a cooperation agreement with Little Red Horse Studio. However, under Zhang Tan's instruction, Xin Xiaoguang kept delaying and asked to discuss it again at the end of the year, and the other party could not find Zhang Tan. , so it has been delayed until now.

Xin Xiaoguang was right. The two-year period had passed and it was time to give the other party an explanation. Zhang Tan had already thought about it clearly.

He said: "You can tell them that our cooperation is relatively smooth, and Little Red Horse Studio also hopes to continue to cooperate with them, but some terms of the agreement need to be changed. There are three main points. One is that we will sign one contract a year in the future, and two The share ratio needs to be increased."

Xin Xiaoguang said: "The magazine has said that the share ratio can be increased to seven to three, seven for us and three for them."

"This is not enough. At least it has to be eight to two, eight for us and two for them."

When Xin Xiaoguang heard this, he thought about it and thought that the magazine society would agree.

Zhang Tan continued: "Third, we will no longer exclusively authorize them. From now on, our comics will no longer be exclusively authorized. No matter who the other party is, it will not work. If you want to serialize our comics, you can. We will accept anyone who comes. You can talk to us."

Xin Xiaoguang was shocked when he heard this. Nowadays, most of China's comics are exclusively licensed. If they are given to one magazine, they cannot be given to another. Even if the magazine goes bankrupt, as long as the license is not transferred, then even if it is The comic died prematurely and could not be serialized elsewhere.

"This is probably going to be difficult." Xin Xiaoguang hesitated.

Zhang Tan said confidently: "Don't worry, they will definitely agree. This is still a huge profit for them. However, they used to eat big fish and meat. Now they can only eat small stir-fry dishes, but they still have something to eat, right?" Well, besides, they can choose to agree or not, the choice is theirs."

Xin Xiaoguang thought for a while, nodded and said, "If it were me, I would eventually agree. It's just that they suddenly fell from the clouds to the ground. This sense of gap will be difficult for them to accept."

"It doesn't matter. We are not in a hurry. They are in a hurry. You can release the news at the same time, and interested magazines can come and talk to us."

Xin Xiaoguang smiled and said: "Then they have to jump in a hurry."

Zhang Tan and Xin Xiaoguang said as they walked out of the office: "We did so well last year and published many popular comics, but the magazine didn't mention a word about modifying the contract. In this case, they should have thought that we would be there again next year. I won’t discuss cooperation with them.”

Hearing this, Xin Xiaoguang nodded in agreement. Although the magazine approached them to discuss the contract six months ago, they were talking about the contract for the next year, not the modification of the contract with half a year left.

"They can still make money," Xin Xiaoguang said. "Actually, can we consider publishing magazines?"

Zhang Tan shook his head and said: "We are a content provider, and what we do is asset-light. Although publishing magazines is profitable, in an industry chain, we cannot stand at the top and control the downstream. Only cooperation can lead to a win-win situation. Besides, the current trend It is an Internet trend, and the physical industry will only become more and more declining. If you look at the current physical magazines, on an annual basis, have sales been declining?"

Having said this, Xin Xiaoguang thought about it and asked: "By the way, what about our online comic distribution rights?"

"Don't worry about this now, we'll talk about it later."

The two of them arrived in the yard, the sun was warm, and Lao Li was lying on the rocking chair leisurely.

Zhang Tan asked him to go to dinner together, but Lao Li waved his hand and said, "My old lady will send you a loving lunch right away. If I don't eat with you, what's so delicious in the restaurant?"

Everyone looked at each other, good guy! Lao Li not only refused to eat their food, but also gave them a handful of dog food.

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