Dad Academy

Chapter 1234 Innocent friendship lasts forever

In the evening, the sunset glowed half of the sky, like a bright red hanging in the sky, making people feel festive.

At the beginning of the night, Little Red Horse Academy became noisy again after a quiet day. As the children arrived one after another, laughter and laughter filled the place.

When the painters in the studio next door heard these milky sounds, they couldn't help but look out the window. The children were playing and playing in the yard. As they watched, they couldn't help but have aunt's and uncle's smiles on their faces.

Yang Xiaoxue stood at the window and watched for a while. A burst of fragrance wafted from the tip of her nose, and she felt hungry. She turned back to Xin Xiaoguang, who was eating dinner at his desk, and said, "Xiaoguang, we are still working overtime, but you are eating a love dinner here. It's too much!"

Hearing this, other people joined in and attacked Xin Xiaoguang. It seemed that they had been holding grudges for a long time.

Xin Xiaoguang ate a love dinner, but they were forced to eat dog food.

Because this dinner was sent by his girlfriend, Teacher Xiaoman, and it was carefully prepared by Teacher Xiaoman. Every time he opened it, it still radiated heat.

Xin Xiaoguang often works overtime during this period. It's the end of the year and he has to rush to finish the manuscript, because during the Spring Festival, artists may not be able to squeeze out enough time, and comic magazines must be published, and serialized comics cannot be interrupted, so just in case, everyone is here. Work in a hurry, save some more manuscripts.

"Actually, I am also a sufferer." Xin Xiaoguang was not afraid of everyone's crusade, but said with a sad face: "Actually, I am a social beast like you, even worse, because not only do I work hard for the boss, but my daughter My friend is also working hard for the boss, and both of us are working hard for the boss. As you can see, it is difficult for us to have a date. When I am at work, Xiaoman is at work, and when I am at work, Xiaoman is at work. Am I miserable?"

Some people said it was indeed miserable, but Yang Xiaoxue said: "Don't be fooled by him, Xiaoguang's current acting skills can be compared to one-third of Luoliu's. I underestimated you! Why are you miserable! It's obviously you I can see Teacher Xiaoman day and night, so I can have both work and love at the same time!"

"That's right~" everyone agreed.

A few people were chatting when they suddenly heard a beeping sound coming from outside the window. Yang Xiaoxue knew it was a beeping sound without even looking.

Sure enough, another painter lady glanced out the window and said, "It's Dudu here! Every time I see Dudu, I feel refreshed. This kid's full energy seems to be contagious. Look, Just one look at her makes me feel energetic, and I don’t feel tired after working all day.”

Xin Xiaoguang praised: "That's great. I'll call Dudu over and ask her to cheer you on."

Everyone said in unison: "Unscrupulous capitalist."

"I'm not a capitalist, I'm just a working man."

"That's even more shameful. Capitalists are so stupid."

In the yard, Dudu didn't come empty-handed. She carried several large and small bags, and the bags contained the gifts she bought today, all for her little bestie.

Originally, her mother wanted to help her carry it in, but Dudu refused. Who is she? Her mother needs to work hard to move things?

This is her strength, she can carry it in by herself.

Big and small bags were bumping around my feet, as if they were about to get wrapped around my feet and fall down at any moment. If it were another child, he would have dropped the bags and run away.

“Little friends~little friends~~~I’m bringing you a gift~~~~”

Before entering the classroom, Dudu couldn't wait to announce.

In the classroom, Xiaobai and others are all there. Except for Liuliu, Da Yanyan is used to arriving late. After all, the most important thing is always the last one to arrive.

Dudu put the big and small bags on the ground. Without enough time to catch her breath, she squatted down and rummaged through, found one, and gave it to Cheng Cheng, who was closest to her.

"Cheng Cheng, this is for you. I wish you a happy new year and fish every year."

This blessing is good. If there are ducks and fish, you will definitely have a good year.

Cheng Cheng asked uncertainly: "Did you give it to me?"

Dudu nodded and said, "Yes, I wish you a happy New Year."

Cheng Cheng, who was paralyzed, finally had an expression on her face, and she happily took the gift in her hand: "Hey~ Thank you Dudu."

Dudu gave gifts to Xiaobai, Xiaomi and Xi'er again. Their voices of surprise kept ringing, shouting and shouting for Dudu's love and Dudu's gifts.

Xiaobai received a 100-point paper, Xiaomi received a detective police dog, Xi'er received a bunny riding a pink horse, and Cheng Cheng received a little character from the book.

Everyone liked it very much and couldn't put it down, and the gift was delivered to their hearts.

Dudu is too cute.

Not only that, Dudu was not only thinking about them, but also the parrot in the yard.

She took out the mini couplets, ran under the tree, held her head high and said to the parrot: "Little bird, you got rid of the duck."

The parrot glanced down at her listlessly: "Come up here, duck."

Xiaobai immediately wanted to climb the tree, but Xiaomi and Xier hurriedly grabbed her to prevent her from climbing. Boss Zhang said that everyone must stop Xiaobai from climbing the tree.

The parrot looked at a few children jumping around under the tree, but couldn't reach it and couldn't do anything with it. Not only was it in a good mood, it spread its wings and flapped its wings, and screamed, it was extremely proud, but in the blink of an eye, it was startled and only Seeing the kid who told it to come down, he ran over with a penny on his shoulder to get rid of it.

The parrot screamed in fright.

Its cry attracted Lao Li's attention. Lao Li stretched his head out of the guard box and looked out. He saw Dudu holding a bamboo pole and trying to knock down the bird cage. He was startled and shouted quickly: "Miss Zhao, stop it——"

Then he ran over and stopped Dudu before he could make a move.

"Miss Zhao, the parrot didn't offend you, did it? Do you want to be so cruel?"

Dudu said: "It asked me to go up. If I couldn't get up, I would let it come down."

Lao Li felt that what Dudu said made sense, so he said to the parrot: "If Miss Zhao asks you to come down, just come down."

Parrots cannot understand human speech. They only know a few fixed sentences. When to use which sentence depends entirely on the deception. Sometimes the deception is accurate, and sometimes it is wrong.

It doesn't care about that, it just says, it can't bear the responsibility.

At this moment, the parrot didn't know how to respond to Lao Li's words, so he said randomly: "Fuck you."

Lao Li was so angry that he took the pennies from Dudu's hand and reached out to knock on the bird's cage. The bird was so frightened that it flapped its wings and screamed in panic in the cage.

But fortunately, Lao Li didn't really mean to be cruel. He just took off the bird cage and carried it in his hand. Dudu posted the mini couplets she bought for the parrot on the bird cage, on both sides of the cage door.

Several children talked about what the couplet said, but no one could recognize all the characters. There was even a child who only knew hiahiahia and didn't recognize any of the characters.

"This is one, hiahiahia, one of one, two, three, four, five." Xi'er's little finger poked the word "one" in the couplet, and she really recognized one. It seems that the kindergarten class has achieved success. duck.

When Lao Li saw the mini couplet, he gloated and said to the parrot: "I will tell you every day that I will not go to work today. From now on, you will have to go to work every day to look after the home and the home."

The parrot said: "I don't go to work today, I don't go to work today..."

This is a silly bird. If you communicate with it for one or two sentences, you will think it is a magical bird. After communicating with it for three or four sentences, you will realize that it is a smart bird. After communicating with it for five or six sentences, you will realize that the bird is a bird. After seven or eight sentences, you will find the essence of the thing. Yes, it is a stupid bird.

Dudu gave the mini couplet to the parrot, and then gave a pair of couplets to Lao Li.

Lao Li was pleasantly surprised that there was still one from him! Oops, I really don’t love Miss Zhao in vain.

Countless days and nights, he played the game of "you chase my duck, but I can't catch your duck" in the yard with Miss Zhao, pitiful for his old bones.

Lao Li was so happy that he happily accepted the couplet and returned to his post to look at it carefully.

In fact, the couplets are just ordinary ones that are used all year round. They can be recited with eyes closed, but Lao Li looks at them with gusto, as if these words were written by Miss Zhao herself and are treasured as calligraphy treasures. stand up.

At this time, the sun has completely set, the temperature is getting lower and lower, the evening breeze blows from the woods, and the children flock into the classroom one after another.

"Little friends, come on! Cheng Cheng also wants to give us gifts." Xiao Bai suddenly shouted.

There is another chapter that won’t come soon, so you can go to sleep.

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