Dad Academy

Chapter 1224. One more dollar (2/3)

Chapter 1224. One more dollar (23)

Xi'er happily showed everyone the little bunny doll Xiaobai gave her, as happy as a little fool.

And when she saw Zhang Tan dragging a large cardboard box home and opening it to reveal various dolls, she was extremely shocked.

Maybe in her little world, she has never seen anyone buying dolls in such a large box together. This is too wealthy.

She saw a pony doll and couldn't help but hold it in her hands and look at it.

Xiaobai told her that she would release dolls to all the children tonight.

Xi'er asked in surprise, are they distributed to all children?

Xiaobai said that each child would be given a rag doll.

Xi'er said oh, and then quietly put the pony back.

Since everyone has one, she can take the bunny and not the others.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and many children are leaving Little Red Horse. Xiaobai plans to give each of them a little stuffed animal as a souvenir.

Xi'er helped by distributing dolls to the children with Xiaobai, giving them one as a gift and letting them pick their own.

The Little Red Horse Academy was particularly lively tonight. All the children who came had a rag doll in their hands and excitedly exchanged their dolls with each other.

Dudu held a stuffed saber-toothed dragon in his arms and looked out at the door from time to time. Fatty Pidgeot had not come yet! All the rag dolls are gone.

Just when she was about to call Pang Liuliu to come quickly, Pang Liuliu's figure finally appeared at the door.

"Don't bully the children, you know." Liuliu's mother let her into the school, but she didn't follow her.

"I know~" Liuliu said perfunctorily, and ran into the classroom happily, shouting as he ran: "Kids! I'm coming~~~~"

Seeing how excited she was, Zhu Xiaojing behind her said to Lao Li with a smile: "Why do you look like a little scoundrel among the sheep?"

"Liuliu--Liuliu, hurry up!" Dudu in the corridor waved vigorously at Liuliu, telling her to hurry up and tell her that there was a rag doll hair, hurry up, or it would be gone if it were too late.

When Dudu heard this, he was shocked. He suddenly felt that he might lose hundreds of millions. He made a squeaking sound in his mouth, followed Dudu like the wind, and ran to find the little white-collar doll.

This guy wanted to jump in line, so he shouted: "Don't jump in line, don't jump in line, line up!"

Liuliu saw that it was Xiaobai and Xier who were releasing the dolls, and thought that based on her relationship with these two children, it would be no problem to join the team. They would sell their face to her.

As a result, she was disappointed and could only come back and wait in line honestly.

Great actors always come late, and when it was Luoliu's turn, there were not many dolls for her to choose from.

Dudu saw that she couldn't make up her mind, so he gave her some advice, saying that the little pig was pretty and pink.

Don't want pomegranates.

Xi'er gave her some advice, saying that this egg is so cute, take it.

Luoliu picked up the egg-shaped stuffed doll and looked at it, then immediately threw it back. What kind of duck was it? It was not worthy of her status as a big Yanyan. What big Yanyan would play with a big egg.

But there weren't many to choose from, so Xiaobai suggested that Liuliu take this shuttlecock.

Luoliu picked up a little snake stuffed doll. No matter how I looked at it, I felt that this little snake was so silly. How could such a silly little snake exist? She is not worthy of being smart.

Cheng Cheng didn't know when he came, so she picked up one and stuffed it into Liuliu's arms without saying a word.

When Liuliu saw it, he called 666, "I want this one."

This is a ferocious big crocodile!

The younger children were already frightened just by seeing this big crocodile. When they looked at it again, they saw that it was Luoliu holding the big crocodile. Some of them almost cried out of fear, some ran away, and some raised their hands in surrender.

Luliu laughed heartily. It was almost her pleasure to bully the children.

When she saw Xi'er, she thought of something, called Xi'er over, and then suddenly gave Xi'er a little bunny doll.

"For you."


"It's for you, Xi'er, don't cry."

Xi'er hiahia laughed, said it was a toot, and gave it a toot.

However, Liuliu said that she had already returned Dudu. She bought it for Xi'er.

Xi'er was taken aback and asked uncertainly, is this for me.

Liuliu said that she bought this, and asked Xi'er not to cry because she didn't have a bunny doll.

Xi'er was very happy. She had received two little rabbit dolls tonight, one was from Xiaobai and the other was from Luoliu. They are so nice.

Four more children are leaving tonight. Although Xiaobai and others are reluctant to leave, they have no choice. They cannot understand the adult world, and they have no autonomy.

I said goodbye to these four children who were about to leave, hoping to see them again in the future.

After delivering the dolls, Xiaobai returned home. She hadn't finished her homework yet, and the final exam was coming soon. She had to work hard, otherwise what would happen if she didn't do well in the final exam! How to explain to the old man and grandma?

Xiaomi also came and wanted to be Xiaobai's tutor and help her with her homework.

Xi'er is just a little tail, following curiously. From time to time, she will put her little head up and ask, what are you talking about? Shall we play house? I have two little rabbits playing house, one is the father and the other is the mother, I am the grandmother, Xiaobai and Xiaomi are the babies...

Xiaobai waved his hand and told Xi'er to crawl away quickly and stop being annoying here.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Tan called Xi'er to the study and showed her cartoons on her tablet.

Xi'er was not interested in cartoons at this time. When she saw her godfather had been typing in front of the computer, she curiously walked over and asked her godfather what he was doing.

Zhang Tan said I was writing a story.

Xi'er then asked curiously, what story do you write.

"I write love stories."

"What is love?"

"Love means I like you and you like me. This is love."

"Oh." Xi'er asked suddenly, "Godfather, do you like my sister?"

"……Like it."

Xi'er hiahia smiled and said, "I'll tell my sister later."

After saying that, he jumped away.

"Hey hey hey~~~"

Zhang Tan couldn't stop shouting, Xi'er had already left.

Don't talk nonsense.

Xi'er's voice came from the living room.

"Xiaobai Xiaobai~ I'll do your homework for you."

"I didn't ask you to help me with my homework. Gua Wazi said nothing."

"I did your homework for you yesterday."


Xiaobai was speechless, and suddenly saw Xiaomi staring at her, and couldn't help but smile.

Xiaomi understood. No wonder Xiaobai's grades were not very good. He always asked Xi'er to do his homework.

Xiaobai waved Xi'er away again, turned on the TV for her, brought a bottle of Bear drink, and asked her to watch TV.

Xi'er felt that Xiaobai didn't want her anymore because she had Xiaomi. She muttered that she was Xiaobai's good friend who helped Xiaobai with his homework. She was so good at homework~~~

Here Xiaomi is doing homework with Xiaobai and chatting with her.

During the Spring Festival this year, Xiaomi and Ding Jiamin are going back to their hometown to celebrate the New Year. Ding Jiamin’s boyfriend Chen Shanming is going back with them.

It was the first time for Xiaomi to visit Ding Jiamin's hometown, but she had met Ding Jiamin's parents, so she was still very nervous.

Xiaobai encouraged her.

Xiaomi said that she wanted to give gifts to her grandparents, so she asked the doorman Li Weibao, who said that she would give some nutritional supplements.

Xiaomi didn’t know what nutritional supplements were, but she knew she had to save money to buy them. She doesn't have enough money now.

When Xiaobai heard this, without saying a word, he ran to his bedroom, picked up the piggy bank, shook it, and saw a lot of coins and banknotes clattering inside.

"Here you go." Xiaobai gave the entire piggy bank to Xiaomi, who was stunned.

Just when Xiaomi was about to say something, a small hand stretched out from the side and a voice said: "I also have 1 yuan, so I can buy Xiaomi a gift for my grandparents."

Xiaobai and Xiaomi turned their heads and saw that it was Xi'er who was sitting on the sofa watching cartoons a second ago.

“6666 duck~~~”

There was the sound of Liuliu at the door, and she came with Dudu. When she saw the bear drink that Xi'er put on the coffee table, she made a squeaking sound like a dog.

Xiaobai waved to them and told them to come quickly, saying that he wanted to give Xiaomi some ideas to buy a gift.

"Liuliu, do you have money?" Xiaobai asked.

Liuliu shook his head subconsciously, but his eyes rolled around, and he was immediately pressed down and searched by Xiaobai.

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