Dad Academy

Chapter 126: Aboveboard

In the lounge, Chen Feiya and Su Lan finally figured out that Xiaobai's family was indeed an important supporting role in "30 Women".

Chen Feiya still couldn't believe it and suddenly laughed. She was too serious. Whether it was suitable or not was a matter for the director to consider. She thought too much.

"What a pity. I should have taken a photo with a child just now. She was the first supporting actress."

She was auditioning for the female lead, but she might not get anything, and there was no one who was safe.

Su Lan was about to speak when the door suddenly opened again. She thought it was a staff member who came, but she found out that it was Xiao Bai.

"Bye~~~Sister, bye~~~I want to go."

Xiaobai waved, she came specially to say goodbye.

Su Lan stood up and asked, "Are you leaving? So soon? How was the audition?"

From the time they left to now, it has been less than 5 minutes. The audition will not be so fast, unless you fail, you will be eliminated early.

Xiaobai happily shouted that she was a Yanyan.

Malanhua said: "It has been passed. We are going home. I wish you good luck and don't be nervous."

Su Lan opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment, it was over so quickly, it was too fast!

After saying goodbye to them, Su Lan turned around and looked at Chen Feiya. Chen Feiya lamented: "I can't compare with others. Alas, I also want to know Boss Zhang~~~~ I don't ask him to give me a role, I just want Boss Zhang to give me a role too." I tell the story!!!"

Su Lan spat. Boss Zhang had only told her about dramas.

"Sister Feiya, it's your turn." The staff came to inform.

Chen Feiya's face became solemn, she stopped joking, and confidently said to Su Lan: "Su Su, wait for the good news from sister."


Xiaobai left the studio jumping up and down, feeling very good today. She kept saying that Boss Zhang was so serious without even laughing. It was completely different from how she usually did in the academy.

Bai Jianping looked up at the bright sunshine, and then at the constant flow of traffic under his feet. He stood on the overpass with high spirits, spread his hands, and said in a low voice: "Hammer, I'm telling us that there will be no problems."

Ma Lanhua rolled her eyes at him. Lao Bai was a typical submissive person on the outside but punchy and bragging on the inside.

"When I met Boss Zhang, I don't know who had such a big brain hanging on his balls." She mocked.

Bai Jianping's face was red and hot, and he said unhappily: "You are a bitch, you are instigating such ugly words, Xiaobai is here! Can you say something happy?"

Xiaobai didn't even notice the two of them bickering.

A child who has never seen the world is lying on tiptoes on the railing of the overpass, holding his little head high like a little kitten that has been strangled by the neck, staring at the endless traffic under the bridge, and his heart is about to fly. Wow, she has never seen such a spectacular sight.

When she got tired of tiptoeing, she squatted down and looked at the passing traffic through the gap in the railing.

"Xiaobai? Xiaobai—walking around~~what are you looking at?"

Malanhua walked several meters, only to realize that Xiaobai hadn't followed, and Guawazi was jumping up and down like a monkey.

She went over and caught Xiaobai away.

"Hold my hand and don't let go. I'm so lost."

The three of them got off the overpass and walked along the street. Xiaobai was too busy looking at the rows of shops.

"Xiao Bai, do you want some ice cream?" Bai Jianping saw Xiao Bai's eyes constantly glancing into the convenience store.

"Huh?" Xiaobai couldn't believe it. There was such a good thing?

"Uncle will buy you some ice cream."

He touched Xiaobai's little head. This little baby followed them and had never eaten good food. Other people's children lived like princesses, and she lived like a little maid.

Bai Jianping didn't wait for Xiaobai to talk to Malanhua, and went to buy it. When he came back, he gave one to Xiaobai, telling her to hold it carefully and not to be reluctant to eat it, otherwise it would melt. Then he gave the other one to Malanhua.

"Are you yourself?" Malanhua asked.

Bai Jianping said: "As a grown man, if I eat this, I will be laughed to death. I can't afford to lose face."

After saying that, he took the lead and left with a bang.


Malanhua called to Bai Jianping. Xiaobai, who was following her step by step, didn't notice that her aunt had braked. Her attention was entirely on the shops on the street. She bumped her face on her butt and stepped back several steps.

"Scoop! Auntie, your butt is so big and elastic."

Not only that, the ice cream got on her nose, and the child tried her best to stick out her tongue and lick it, I licked it, I licked it, I licked it, but it couldn't be licked, lick lick lick~~~

Malanhua scolded: "You melon kid, you are a girl, do you know what shyness is?"

Xiaobai demonstrated her ability to be shy. She was still licking the ice cream on her nose with all her strength.

"Baoli Baoqi!"

Malanhua stopped because she found a KFC store on the roadside.

She asked Xiaobai: "Do you want to eat melon seeds?"

Xiaobai nodded, then shook his head.

"If you don't want to eat, let's go."

"Think about it, I miss my aunt so much, and so does my uncle. He is wiping his saliva."

Bai Jianping avenged his injustice: "Don't instigate me."

"Let's go, Auntie will treat you to KFC."

Malanhua took Xiaobai, pushed open the glass door, and found a seat to sit down.

She looked around the store, the windows were bright, and asked Xiaobai what he wanted to eat. She was treating him today.

Xiaobai happily discussed with Bai Jianping that Guawazi had forgotten that she had drank the leftover Coke in the KFC store.

That was when they first came to Pujiang, they had not yet established themselves, and their life was difficult. When passing by a KFC store, Xiaobai stared at the children about her own age eating hamburgers, and swallowed hard.

Malanhua saw that someone had left Coca-Cola and hamburgers inside. Seeing that no one was paying attention, she slipped in and picked them up. At that time, Xiaobai ate deliciously.

Now she brings Xiaobai in to order food openly, just to celebrate that she has passed the test today, and it will be Yanyan soon.


After the audition, Chen Feiya and Su Lan did not leave Pujiang. They spent two days here shopping and eating. On the third day, they received a notice from Pujiang Film Studio congratulating them for winning the two leading roles. Chen Feiya plays Gu Jia and Su Lan plays Wang Manni.

Restaurant, in the private room.

Chen Feiya looked at her watch, with a look of dissatisfaction on her face, and said to the comfortable Su Lan, "Su Su, you see, men are really unreliable. They even asked us to invite us to dinner, but they didn't arrive. That's too much."

Su Lan agreed: "Zhang Tan is really too much. Let's think about how to punish him later. Don't be too angry. It's not worth the gain."

Chen Feiya took a sip of the water in front of her to moisten her throat: "I didn't expect that the screenwriter of "Little Opera", which everyone has been talking about during this period, turned out to be Zhang Tan. How could he, a directing student, become a screenwriter? Looks like he’s doing pretty well.”

She has already learned from Su Lan that Zhang Tan is the screenwriter of "Little Actor" which has been hotly discussed during this period.

Now, another movie "Thirty Women" is about to start filming. Zhang Tan is still the screenwriter. It seems that Pujiang Film Studio values ​​him very much.

She hasn't told her best friend yet about Zhang Tan's incident, fearing that it would affect her best friend's mood...

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late."

The door opened, and Zhang Tan rushed over in a dusty state.

Su Lan's beautiful eyes fell on him and asked with concern: "Is there a traffic jam on the road? Safety is the most important thing."

Hearing this, Chen Feiya opened her mouth and swallowed back the words of "invoking the army to investigate the crime".

Zhang Tan looked at Su Lan gratefully and said that it was the rush hour after get off work and the road was really congested.

But in fact, the real reason was that he had diarrhea!

Xiaobai sent her aunt's Bangbang Chicken at noon, saying she was grateful for letting them become actors.

Zhang Tan really likes the Bangbang chicken made with malan flowers. It tastes very good. It would be better if it was not so spicy.

Faced with Xiaobai's warm reception, Zhang Tan had no choice but to kill Bang Bang Chicken with pain and joy.

Of course, with Xiaobai.

"Zhang Tan, what's wrong with your mouth?" Chen Feiya asked. Zhang Tan's mouth was so red, as if he had applied lipstick, and it was a little swollen. It looked like he had done something bad and used excessive force.

Su Lan's eyes also fell on Zhang Tan's mouth, her eyes suspicious.

Zhang Tan felt like crying.

Great! Great! chicken!

The Bangbang Chicken I had this time was not only spicy, but also numb!

His lips still don't feel like his own.

PS: It will be released at 12 noon tomorrow, please subscribe to support.

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