Dad Academy

Chapter 1203 Training Liliu

Chen Feiya went to the Little Bear Instant Noodles Factory to visit Zhang Yuyan. When she came back, she told Zhang Tan worriedly that Lao Zhang was speaking slowly now, as if he was spitting out each word. It was not the stuttering kind, but because his brain was not full and he couldn't do anything about it. The kind that completes a sentence.

This worried her, even though she knew it was an act.

Zhang Tan comforted her and then took her to meet Li Xiaoxiao. After a period of time, Chen Feiya followed Li Xiaoxiao and quickly became familiar with the status of a lawyer.

The two of them are not much different in age and have more in common. Li Xiaoxiao is very curious about Chen Feiya. She has various imaginations about celebrities, of course, Zhang Tan is not included.

Since Wang Hao was recruited by Zhang Tan as the assistant director, he seems to be in great shape. He seems to have endless energy every day and helps Zhang Tan a lot.

His original stage play "Happy Events in the Family" was given to his sister Wang Ya. The actors had dreams, and Wang Ya was also interested in directing. So when she learned that her brother had followed Zhang Tan, she took the initiative to get the job. On oneself.

Although she has never been a director before, fortunately "Happy Events at Home" is a relatively mature stage play, so there is no need to start from scratch. Wang Ya just needs to maintain her performance.

However, Wang Ya was obviously not satisfied with this. She was 80% satisfied with her brother's "Happy Events at Home", but there was still 20% room for improvement, so she used her own brains to make various changes to the stage play, and the audience's response was still good. good.

The two leading actors found various ways to learn to adapt to the needs of their roles, and as another big Yanyan, Shen Liuliu, a child, cannot be idle.

On this weekend, Da Yanyan’s mother, Zhu Xiaojing, took Da Yanyan to Little Red Horse. Da Yanyan hadn’t cheered up yet and was feeling sleepy and confused. It was still early, only 8 o’clock in the morning. At this time, she had just been I had to get up and sit at the dining table to have breakfast.

When has Da Yanyan ever suffered such a loss! Now she was not only sleepy, but also so angry that she was so angry that she was furious with the sky and the ground.

Today, she didn't even have time to eat breakfast. Zhu Xiaojing packed her breakfast and took it with her, intending for Dayanyan to eat it on the way, but on the way Dayanyan just took a nap and felt sleepy until she saw Xiaobai's melon boy at the little red horse.

Speaking of Xiaobai's melon kid, Luliu was very angry. He always bullied her and scared her so early in the morning that she lost all sleep and could only tremble and moan.

"Eat breakfast quickly. A teacher will teach you acting later." Zhu Xiaojing seized the opportunity and said, handing the breakfast to Liuliu.

Liuliu was no longer sleepy now and was hungry. She didn't need Zhu Xiaojing to take care of her and started eating by herself.

Zhu Xiaojing has never worried about eating. Shen Liuliu, a child, has always eaten by herself without needing to be fed since she was a child.

As Liliu was eating, he suddenly saw Xiaobai drinking a bear drink and looking at her smiling.

Liuliu immediately cooed and eagerly wanted to drink the bear, so she discussed with Xiaobai and exchanged her milk for Xiaobai's bear. She was very happy, thinking that she had taken a huge advantage.

Zhang Tan came up from the comic studio downstairs, glanced at Liuliu and said, "Don't eat too full. Your bulging belly will make you uncomfortable later."

Today he invited an acting teacher from the university to teach the children. In the next half month, he will have classes for two days on weekends and on weekdays during Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Two classes a day on weekends. hour, one hour on weekdays.

In order to avoid Liuliu's impatience and resistance, Zhang Tan called Xiaobai to attend class with Liliu. Tan Xi'er, a child, seemed to be very interested as well, sitting aside and clapping his hands to enhance the atmosphere.

After eating and drinking, child Shen Liuliu sat on a small chair and fell asleep, but her mother quickly tormented her to prevent her from sleeping.

The teacher is a woman who looks to be in her 30s and is affable.

"The teacher is here, please stand up quickly." Zhu Xiaojing pushed Liuliu and said.

Liuliu, who was originally listless, trembled and quickly stood up.

No matter how naughty a child is, he will still be afraid of the teacher.

Like fake sophistication seeing a windmill.

When the teacher saw Liuliu and Xiaobai, he smiled and asked Liuliu: "Are you Liuliu?"

Liuliu nodded and said hello, teacher honestly.

The teacher looked at Xiaobai and said with a smile: "You are Xiaobai. You look exactly like your father. You are very beautiful."

"Today we are learning acting, but don't worry, it's actually very fun. Now I want to ask you, what is your favorite little animal? You go first, Liliu."

"Duck." Liuliu said without hesitation. It seemed that he really liked ducks.

"The duck is very cute. What about Xiaobai? What's your favorite little animal?"


The teacher was stunned. Luoliu became unhappy and corrected Xiaobai: "It's a small animal! Xiaobai, are you stupid? I'm not a small animal."

Xiaobai: "Hoo ho ho, it's my little piggy, Liu Liu."

Liuliu became even more unhappy. She jumped up and said angrily: "It's a duck, it's a duck, it's a bully, it's a bully!"

At this time, Zhang Tan said: "Xiaobai, please stop joking and be serious."

Xiaobai then said that her favorite animal was a butterfly.

The teacher said: "Then let's play a game. You can act out your favorite animals. Who comes first?"

This is the introductory step in learning performance, which is called liberating nature.

Before he could calm down, Zhang Tan encouraged Xiaobai to come first. However, he had a headache for Xiaobai. Good guy, how can the butterfly perform?

Xiaobai didn't have as many worries as him. The child flapped his arms and laughed, imagining that he was a butterfly flying.

The teacher was just about to praise her and let her pass when suddenly Xiaobai lay down on the ground, huddled up and started to squirm.

Zhang Tan explained on the side: "Now the little insect is turning into a cocoon. She made herself a small house and hid in it waiting to turn into a butterfly..."

Although Xiaobai's performance is simple, it is very good.

Next is the pomegranate.

Liuliu held his head in his hands and turned it around, muttering "I have a headache, I have a headache~"

The teacher didn't know why the duck was like this.

Zhang Tan explained from the side: "The one walking towards us now is a Kodak duck. The Kodak duck has a family hereditary disease. They often have headaches, so they are used to holding their heads with both hands..."

The teacher looked at Zhang Tan and felt that he had not kept up with the children of the new century. Boss Zhang had a very young mentality.

She smiled and praised the two children, and then asked Hiahia, the laughing baby not far away, if she wanted to perform too.

Xiwawa was a little shy, but with the encouragement of his godfather, he ran over, circled around Xiaobai and Liuliu, and then ran back.

Zhang Tan continued to explain: "The pony that ran towards us just now is a pony. Her name is Tan Xi'er. She is 10 years old this year. She runs very fast and has her own BGM..."

The teacher was so funny. After the game session, she started to demonstrate the gorilla to Xiao Bailiuliu, and then asked the two of them to follow suit.

Such a delicate and elegant teacher suddenly turned into a yelling gorilla. The contrast was so great that the children were stunned.

The teacher demonstrated it personally, and the children gradually relaxed and started learning from the gorilla.

This is the first session. This session can only be regarded as a warm-up. After it is over, the real performance learning begins today.

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