Dad Academy

Chapter 1199 Crazy acting skills (2/2)

Chapter 1199 Crazy acting skills (22)

As soon as Liuliu got to the third floor, she complained to Zhang Tan, saying that his baby bullied his little friend and was not polite at all.

As he said this, Luliu pawed his hands in his trouser pockets and pulled out a plum blossom, handed it to Zhang Tan and gave it to him to eat.

Zhang Tan understood Liuliu and expressed his gratitude to her, "I'm not hungry now, so please save it for me first."

Liuliu happily put Huamei back into her pocket, changed into small slippers, entered the house, followed Zhang Tan's feet and said bad things about Xiaobai...

Zhang Tan glanced at the entrance and said to Liuliu: "Stop talking, Liuliu~"

"Don't talk about it yet. Xiaobai is your baby, but she is a bad baby duck. She nags and bullies me. Hum~ I will be angry. I will beat her up. I..."

For the sake of her life, Zhang Tan had to interrupt her and said, "Liuliu, stop talking, Xiaobai is right behind you."

Luoliu turned around sharply and saw Xiaobai standing in the entrance hall staring at her with a fierce look.

Liuliu was stunned for a moment, then jumped up and down, pretending to be stupid, jumping over like a little zombie, pretending to be cute, and gave Xiaobai the plum in his pocket to eat.

Xiaobai accepted the message, but at the same time asked in a bad tone: "What did you just say?"

"I said you are a great duck." Liuliu said without pause, with a sincere look on his face.

At this time, several more children came to the door, and a group of girlfriends followed. Zhang Tan had to prepare snacks and fruits for them.

Several children were sitting together, chatting and eating snacks, laughing and joking. It was so happy, especially Liuliu, who talked and laughed the loudest. She was the most cheerful.

Zhang Tan asked calmly at this time: "Which of you can play the role of Coyotito?"

The children all looked over and immediately shook their heads.

Zhang Tan was not discouraged, but took out a bottle of Little Bear drink from the refrigerator and asked again: "Whoever performs as a little bear, as long as it satisfies me, this bottle of Little Bear will be hers."

The grenade shot up, raising his little hands high, intending to perform with all his heart.

Xi'er also jumped up and down, hiahia laughed and said she could do it too.

The other children were motionless, so Zhang Tan asked, "Where is Xiaobai?"

Xiaobai shook her head, she didn't want to act like a dog.

She felt that her old man was teasing the children.

Okay, Zhang Tan will let Xi'er and Liuliu play the role of the dog, and Xi'er will come first.

Xi'er stuck out her tongue and bent down, barking and laughing. This dog must be going crazy with joy.

Her appearance made Dudu and the others laugh, making them lean forward and backward with laughter.

It's Liliu's turn.

Good guy, Da Yanyan is indeed not covered. She is crawling on all fours on the ground and barking.

She crawled to Xi'er's feet and made Xi'er laugh so hard that she couldn't stop.

Luliu crawled to Cheng Cheng's feet again, and Cheng Cheng calmly touched her little head, just like touching a dog, and made Luliu crawl away angrily.

She crawled to Dudu's feet again, and Dudu laughed while pointing the children's mobile phone at her, "Lulu, bark again~"

Damn it, Liuliu crawled away and rubbed against Xiaobai's feet. Xiaobai laughed and fed her some candied fruits, "Liuliu, eat some of Liuliu~"

Based on the principle that if you don't eat it, you will suffer a loss, I ate it.

Zhang Tan was dumbfounded. Child Shen Liuliu was so willing to sacrifice for art. Excuse me for this spirit of dedication to art! Who else has that at this age? ? ?

Being open-minded is the first step to becoming a real actor, and Liuliu did a great job.

Zhang Tan asked the children who they thought had a better performance. Unexpectedly, everyone said that Xi'er's performance was good, making them furious.

Zhang Tan felt that Luliu must be a good actor, so he shouldn't ask the children this question.

In order not to dampen Liuliu's enthusiasm, Zhang Tan gave her an extra bottle of bear drink, so that both Xi'er and Liuliu had one.

Zhang Tan gave them another question. This time it had a simple plot. He explained clearly what to do and how to perform it, and specified that Xiaobai and Liuliu must participate.

Xiaobai reluctantly agreed for the sake of the old man.

For the sake of the snacks, Liuliu pretended to agree reluctantly, but in fact she was very happy.

Xiaobai acted very well, but she was not as relaxed as Luoliu, that kind of relaxed and relaxed feeling during the acting process.

A total of four rounds of performances were given to the children. Xiaomi, Cheng Cheng and Dudu sometimes participated and sometimes did not, to see if they were interested.

What surprised Zhang Tan was that Xiwawa actually participated in every round, even though she was just doing it for fun.

She is not here to act, but to be funny, laugh and be silly.

Although Dudu didn't participate much, she was not idle. She was always busy carrying props.

She was so excited to do this, every cell in her body was jumping.

She can become a prop master or a stage manager in the future, and she will definitely be very qualified.

The show turned into a fight in the fourth round.

Liuliu was chased, beaten, and killed by Xiaobai. He fled from the living room to the bedroom, and was finally pressed on the bed...

Liuliu was unwilling to accept her fate and kept pulling at her with both hands, trying to turn over and escape. Xiaobai kept holding her claws and yelled at her to be beaten.

The reason why Xiaobai got angry was that Luliu asked her to call her mother during the performance, and also said that mother doesn't want you anymore.

This suddenly aroused Xiaobai's anger to the sky. He rolled up his sleeves and got into a fight. If Zhang Tan hadn't arrived in time, the durian might have changed from a round one to a flat one.

Even so, Liuliu still cried after being beaten, shedding tears, looking up to the sky and wailing, she wanted to break up with Xiaobai, and we would no longer be good friends!

Xiaobai felt a little regretful under Zhang Tan's comfort, but still raised his chin proudly.

Xi'er and other girlfriends separated to comfort the two of them. Liuliu cried and said: "I want to go to my mother. My mother, come and comfort me~~Mother Zhu~~~~"

Xi'er walked up to her, gave her a warm hug, and whispered: "Mom is here, mom is here, don't cry~ You are a strong little pomegranate~"

Dudu also went to comfort the little sister, and took the initiative to hold Liliu's chubby hand, reminding her that she was a strong little pomegranate duck and could not cry.

Zhang Tan took Xiaobai to talk not far away, teaching her not to hit children. Liuliu said those words unintentionally, she didn't mean it.

Xiaobai hasn't fought for a long time, unlike when he first came to Little Red Horse, he often fought with big kids like Luo Zikang.

She already knew that fighting was wrong. With Zhang Tan's education and encouragement, she finally plucked up the courage to come to Liliu, apologize to her, and wipe her tears.

Liuliu cried and said: "You little bastard, why are you so cruel? You can never hit me again in the future. You have to swear that if you hit me, you will be a puppy."

Xiaobai swore that she would be a dog if she played pomegranates again.

Liliu: "That's pretty much it. My butt hurts."

"I...let me touch it for you."

Xiaobai massaged Liuliu's butt, and then the two reconciled. Then Liuliu ran to Zhang Tan and asked if she was going to be on TV.

Zhang Tan: "..."

"I'm Da Yanyan." Luoliu finally remembered her dream of Yanyan.

Zhang Tan said, "I'll talk to your parents tonight and see if they agree to let you act on TV."

Xiaobai also came over, standing aside without saying anything, but staring at the old man.

Zhang Tan: "Are you interested, Xiaobai? You can also appear on TV and play a role."

Xi'er jumped up and raised her little hand and asked: "Where's me? Where's me, godfather~"

"Yes, yes, everyone. Who else wants to be on TV?"

Dudu raised his little hand, thinking it was funny.

Xiaomi is shy but also applies.

Cheng Cheng calmly shook his head and expressed no interest. However, she was very interested in making up stories and asked Xiaobai's father in a low voice if she could make up stories for them.

Good guy, kid Meng Chengcheng is trying to steal Boss Zhang’s job. His dream is to be a screenwriter.

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