Dad Academy

Chapter 123 Your whole family has no lines

Early morning, Pujiang River.

The rising sun rises from the sea level and gradually covers this majestic coastal city.

The city that had just been quiet became noisy again. Huang Liangliang went for a morning jog in sportswear. As usual, she ran to the intersection of West Chang'an Street and asked Xiaobai to buy three pancakes for breakfast for the family.

However, I didn't hear Xiaobai's voice today, calling Si brother and sister, so I ran over, stood at the intersection and looked around, but I didn't see the familiar pancake and fruit stand.

"Didn't you go out to the stall today? Or did you go somewhere else?"

Huang Liangliang returned disappointed. On the way, she met Xiaobai, Malanhua, and Xiaobai's uncle, who was walking towards her.

The family was neatly dressed and straightened their backs.

"Xiao Bai, what are you doing here?" Huang Liangliang asked.

Xiaobai, who was jumping up and down, recognized this "girl" and said proudly: "I am Yanyan."

Huang Liangliang was confused by this nonsense. It wasn't until she heard Ma Lanhua's explanation that she realized what was going on. It turned out that the family was going to the Pujiang Film Studio for an interview today to prepare for filming!

Huang Qianpeng didn’t even know what to say, she could only say hehehe, congratulations~~

What is Zhang Tan doing, filming with Xiaobai's family? You don’t have to do this to help them, right?

She curiously followed them to Little Red Horse Academy, and saw Zhang Tan's car parked at the entrance of the academy, and Zhang Tan stood there waiting.

"You're all in good spirits today. Get in the car and let's go." Zhang Tan said with a smile.

Although Ma Lanhua and Bai Jianping's clothes are tacky, they are clean and tidy and their people are energetic.

noob? The little cutie looks cute in anything she wears.

Ma Lanhua and Bai Jianping once again thanked Zhang Tan for giving them this opportunity. The 80,000 yuan reward was worth their hard work for a year.

Malanhua and Bai Jianping got into the back seat of the car. When Xiao Bai saw it, he wanted to run to the passenger seat, but Ma Lanhua grabbed him by the collar and pushed him between her and Bai Jianping.

"Guawazi can't sit in the front row."

"Hmph╭(╯^╰)╮Boss Zhang and I are good friends!"

This makes sense. Of course good friends should sit together, but Malanhua also has her own reasons, and they are very sufficient.

"You and I are even better friends! If you don't sit with me, what do you mean? You're not giving me face, are you? Your uncle is still here."

The frustrated Xiaobai didn't know what to say, so he could only pretend to recite the confused sutra.

"Uh uh uh uh mommy~~~"

Outside the car, Zhang Tan teased Huang Liangliang, who was following him: "You want to go too?"

Huang Meili pulled him aside and asked: "Zhang Tan, what are you doing, filming with Xiaobai's family? Don't take work as a joke. This will not only delay you, but also harm others."

Zhang Tan: "I'm not kidding, I'm serious."

Huang Liangliang: "It's filming. Xiaobai has been in "Little Actors", let alone her uncle and aunt know how to film? Don't mess around."

"I'm sensible, don't worry, go back and take a shower, you're all smelly of sweat."


Zhang Tan returned to the car, looked back at Xiaobai's family, and said with a smile, "Then let's set off now."

Xiaobai sang excitedly: "Tang Monk is riding a horse, dong that dong, followed by Sun Wukong, Sun~~~"

She suddenly found that her aunt and uncle were looking at her with serious expressions.

"Where are you staying?" Xiaobai asked.

Malanhua leaned into her ear and whispered, "Aren't you nervous?"

Xiaobai shook her head. She didn't have the concept of nervousness. Why didn't she just go and have fun? and……

"I am a Yanyan~~"

When she said this, the child was very proud. Compared to her uncle and aunt, she had more confidence in saying this because she was indeed an actress and had acted in "Little Actor".

Along the way, both Malanhua and Bai Jianping were extremely nervous. In the end, Malanhua couldn't help it and asked Zhang Tan who was driving: "Boss Zhang, I have never acted before, can I do it?"

After the excitement, she was worried and doubtful about her abilities.

Zhang Tan said while driving: "No problem, I just shoot the life of your family of three. Just like how you usually do. Your shots are more than those of Xiao Bai and Big Brother Bai, but they are just selling pancakes and fruits. It’s all the things you usually do, it’s okay, don’t worry.”

Malanhua asked again: "I don't speak Mandarin well, can people understand me?"

Zhang Tan: "This is not a problem, because you have no lines and don't need to speak."

"Hohoho~~" Xiaobai laughed happily.

Malanhua glared at her and said, "Xiaobai is also a plastic Mandarin speaker, and we misled her. Does she have any lines?"

Xiaobai said excitedly that she had a lot of lines and she was also going to sing. Singing is her strength.

However, Zhang Tan said: "Xiao Bai doesn't have any lines, so he doesn't need to say a word."

Xiaobai: (^)

When I participated in "Little Actor", I had no lines to stand guard, and when I participated in "Women at Thirty", I had no lines! What kind of role does she play? When she played house, she played the mother very well. Everyone liked to listen to her lectures. Why didn't she give her lines? She can talk a lot.

"You just don't have any lines, and your whole family doesn't have any lines." Zhang Tan said, and the attack range covered Lao Bai, who had been silent and pretended to be innocent.

Ma Lanhua and Bai Jianping said yes, yes, yes, and finally could relax a little, but Xiaobai muttered dissatisfaction.

She was full of confidence in her plastic Mandarin and even prepared to give a speech. However, she was slapped in the head by Boss Zhang and was very unhappy.

Malanhua knocked on her little head and told her to shut her little mouth and stop nagging her. Guawazi was annoying.

Seeing that the children's enthusiasm was dampened, Zhang Tan encouraged him: "Don't be discouraged, Xiaobai. Although you don't have any lines, your role is very important, you know? There are three heroines in this drama, and you are the fourth! There are so many scenes. Much longer than three seconds."

The little drama at the end of "30 Women" lasts one minute per episode. Although it is not much, it can be found in every episode. The total number of scenes can be regarded as a powerful supporting role, and it is not an exaggeration to call her the fourth heroine.


Pujiang Film Studio, Film and Television Department.

Today is a busy day. The highlight of the factory is the casting of "Women in their Thirties". Stars and artists are here one after another, vying for roles in the play.

Entertaining these celebrities is a delicate job. To be cautious, the film and television department invited Wang Xin, the factory's public relations director.

Wang Xin is happy to accept this task. For her, this is a rare opportunity. It is her job responsibility to expand her social circle and get to know more people in her circle.

At this moment, Wang Xin took action personally, taking care of everything and keeping the scene in order.

"Sister Xin, Chen Feiya is here." The staff came to inform.


"Already gone to the lounge."

Wang Xin rushed over immediately and saw Chen Feiya, a quasi-first-line female artist in the film and television industry, and exchanged pleasantries with her.

After a while, another staff member came to inform that Su Lan was here.

Wang Xin went to greet her and invited her to the same lounge as Chen Feiya.

As soon as Su Lan entered the door, she met Chen Feiya's eyes as she stood up. Both of them were pleasantly surprised.

"Sister Feiya, why are you here?" Su Lan asked.

Chen Feiya smiled and said, "I didn't know you were coming too. Which role are you interviewing for?"

"Wang Manni, what about you?"

"I'm Gu Jia."

The two are alumni and both graduated from the Peking Film and Television Academy. The difference is that Chen Feiya is three years older than Su Lan and studied in the film and television acting department.

Although the two had almost never met in school, they met several times in circles and quickly became good friends because of their alumni relationship.

Wang Xin chatted with them for a while, then left if she had something to do. After closing the door, Chen Feiya and Su Lan chatted more enthusiastically. Suddenly, Su Lan asked mysteriously: "Sister Feiya, do you know who are interviewing us today?" ?"

Chen Feiya said: "My agent told me that there are directors, producers and screenwriters, but I don't know about the others. What? Do you have inside information?"

Su Lan: "There is really an inside message. Sister Feiya, do you know who the screenwriter of this drama is?"

"Ah? Who is it? Do you know him?" Chen Feiya asked doubtfully.

Su Lan nodded and said, "They are our alumni."

Based on her memory, Chen Feiya named three names, all of which were screenwriters who were relatively popular in the industry, but they were all rejected by Su Lan.

"Who could it be? I can't think of it."

Su Lan: "Do you know Zhang Tan?"

Chen Feiya raised her eyebrows and asked, "Which Zhang Tan?"

Su Lan: "My classmate was studying directing, Zhang Tan. He was very excited and amazed."

Chen Feiya looked surprised and was about to speak when suddenly the door opened and three people came in. The first one was a little girl who was talking.

"Auntie, there are a lot of people here. Don't be nervous. Uncle, don't be nervous. Where do you live?"

PS: Swinging = shaking all over. Please vote by the way. It will be released at 12 o'clock this Friday. Please subscribe to support it.

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