Dad Academy

Chapter 1186 Xiaobai wants to kill me (1/2)

Chapter 1186 Xiaobai wants to kill me (12)

Wang Xiaoyu wanted to stay away from Dudu, but when he saw that she was going home, he was reluctant to let her go. He stopped her and asked, "Dudu, are you coming to play tomorrow?"

Dudu said enthusiastically, "Come on duck."

But she only came at night, not during the day, and Wang Xiaoyu had most likely gone back at night because he had to go to school the day after tomorrow.

Wang Xiaoyu was a little disappointed when he thought that he would not see Dudu tomorrow. After calling Dudu, he took out an egg tart from his bag and gave it to her.

Dudu took it generously and said thank you with a smile.

Wang Xiaoyu waved his hand: "You're welcome. Come home quickly. You and your mother should be careful on the road."

Dudu nodded and said he would be careful. Then the child rolled up his sleeves and said he was very strong and would protect his mother.

Hearing this, Sun Dongdong smiled and touched Dudu's little head.

Dudu responded with a warm smile.

"Bye~~~" Wang Xiaoyu waved goodbye.

"Bye-" Dudu also waved and gradually walked away with his mother.

When Wang Xiaoyu turned around, he saw Liuliu running out of the classroom. He was so frightened that he turned around and walked back, but Liuliu had already spotted him, laughed and ran over, saying that he would help him pack his bag.

Wang Xiaoyu was very straightforward. Since he was discovered, Luoliu would not let him go unless he gave him something.

So he opened the bag and took out an egg tart for Liuliu, and said kindly: "Eat it, Liuliu."

Seeing that Wang Xiaoyu was so understanding, Liuliu couldn't believe it. While catching it, she suppressed a smile and said, "That's not what I meant."

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Liuliu, what do you mean?"

Liuliu: "I just want to play duck with Wang Xiaoyu, little king duck, little king duck. Can you play eagle and catch chickens?"

Wang Xiaoyu said that he often plays the role of an eagle and has great experience in catching chickens.

Just when Liuliu wanted to play with Wang Xiaoyu, Teacher Xiaoliu chased her out and caught her, "Liuliu--you have to go to sleep! Come back quickly, don't run away."

Luoliu ignored her words and ran around the yard laughing.

Xiaobai asked Teacher Xiaoliu: "Teacher Xiaoliu, do you want me to help you catch pomegranates?"

"Thank you for your hard work."

Xiaobai rolled up his sleeves, rubbed his hands, and shouted to the jumping Liuliu: "Liuliu—come here!"

"I won't come over! 6666 Duck Xiaobai, are you coming to catch me? You can't catch me, hahaha~~~"

Xiaobai stopped talking nonsense and rushed over. Liuliu screamed and ran around, but she couldn't outrun Xiaobai. She was caught by Xiaobai soon after and was escorted to Teacher Xiaoliu.

Liuliu raised his head and smiled at Teacher Xiaoliu: "Hey, Teacher Xiaoliu, I'd better go to bed with you, haha~~~ I'm sleepy."

Teacher Xiaoliu said angrily: "Then why didn't you listen when I called you just now? Do you have to have Xiaobai catch you before you will obey?"

Liuliu muttered and took the initiative to walk to the classroom, "Children are all ducks to be caught. If you don't catch them, they will be unbehaved~ Huh, Teacher Xiaoliu is angry because she can't catch me. I am running faster and faster. I want to have a good meal, Dudu said, the more you eat, the faster you will run..."

Teacher Xiaoliu followed, "Liuliu, you're going to bed. Don't eat the egg tart in your hand, okay? Otherwise, your teeth will get bugs."

Liuliu was a little unhappy and said: "Why can't little Youyou grow worms? Only Liuliu will! Huh! You, like Mother Zhu, like to lie to children!"

Teacher Xiaoliu took Liuliu back to the dormitory on the second floor. She "escorted" Liuliu onto the crib and told her not to eat, close her eyes and sleep. Her father would pick her up once she got some sleep.

Liuliu carefully placed the egg tart under the pillow, muttering in her mouth that she must remember to take the egg tart away when she wakes up, otherwise Xiao Youyou will touch it away again...

Seeing that Liuliu had finally calmed down, Teacher Xiaoliu looked around the dormitory. The light was dim, except for the night light in the corner.

There are quite a few children in the dormitory tonight, nearly 10 of them, both boys and girls. Most of them have fallen asleep, but some are still stirring, obviously not asleep.

Teacher Xiaoliu saw a little girl standing up on the small bed against the wall and looking up at her.

She immediately walked over and asked softly: "What's wrong? Yueyue? Can't you sleep?"

The little girl named Yueyue held her mouth and wanted to cry. Teacher Xiao Liu quickly comforted her, sat on the edge of the bed, held her in his arms and coaxed her softly.

If she cries, the other children in the dormitory will definitely be woken up.

With the comfort of Teacher Xiaoliu, Yueyue finally stopped the tears that were about to fall. After listening to the teacher's words, she became strong again.

She asked aggrievedly why her mother hadn't come to take her home yet. She wanted to go home.

Teacher Xiaoliu told her that his mother would come to pick her up in half an hour. The appointment was made at eleven o'clock, but it was only half past ten now.

After hearing this, Yueyue felt a little relieved and dozed off again in Teacher Xiaoliu's arms, and soon fell asleep.

Teacher Xiaoliu gently put her back on the crib, got up and left, guarding the door of the dormitory.

At home on the third floor, kid Wang Xiaoyu was performing his specialty, a hip-hop dance that he had just learned.

He wanted to show it to Xiaobai, but when he actually showed it, he only had five movements, tossing and turning. Xiaobai yawned when he saw it, got up and walked away, saying that it was boring and she might as well listen to the crow of the chicken.

Wang Xiaoyu: "..."

He was unwilling to give in and followed Xiaobai into the bedroom. Balabala told Xiaobai about his things at school, but Xiaobai was not interested in his things and felt sleepy after listening, so he climbed into bed, lay down and dozed off.

Wang Xiaoyu also tried to climb onto the bed to play. He took off his shoes and was about to go up. Suddenly Xiaobai, who had dozed off, opened his eyes, stared at him and asked, "Where do you live?"

"I'm going to bed to play."

"Crawl away!"

"You are so fierce, Xiaobai, I will sleep with you tonight."

"What?!" Xiaobai sat up immediately, and his sleepiness disappeared instantly.

Wang Xiaoyu expressed his meaning again while getting on the bed. Suddenly, he felt his head being hit. When he looked sideways, he saw a big pillow being thrown at him. He was so frightened that he screamed, but he forgot to dodge and was hit by the pillow. On the head...

Zhang Tan had just come out of the study and was about to ask Xiaobai and Wang Xiaoyu to brush their teeth and wash their faces, but heard Wang Xiaoyu's screams coming from Xiaobai's bedroom. Then the door opened with a bang, and Wang Xiaoyu ran away with his head in his hands, yelling.

"Uncle~~Uncle!!! Save me~~~~Xiaobai wants to kill me~~~~~嘤嘤嘤!"

Behind him, Xiaobai chased after him aggressively, holding a bear cartoon pillow high in his hand, "Guawazi! Don't run away~~~~ I'll see if I don't give you two earwax..."

Wang Xiaoyu swished and ran past Zhang Tan without stopping.

Zhang Tan didn't know why he didn't hide behind him. Wouldn't it be safer this way?

Maybe Wang Xiaoyu can't trust him.

Xiaobai raised his pillow and chased after him. He also passed by Zhang Tan and immediately found himself flying...

It turned out that he was picked up by the old man.

Xiaobai subconsciously wanted to hit him with a pillow, but at the critical moment, she remembered that this was her old man and stopped.

Zhang Tan took the opportunity to calm her down. Wang Xiaoyu was her good friend, so he shouldn't be beaten to death.

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