Dad Academy

Chapter 1182 Two warm little cotton-padded jackets (1/2)

Chapter 1182 Two warm little cotton-padded jackets (12)

Zhang Tan watched the edited version of the first episode of "Dark Blood" and made a lot of comments. Among the three points, there were several small points. After the explanation, the editor said that he would study the modifications carefully.

Zhang Tan thought it was over. He looked at his watch and saw that it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. He was about to go home when Ren Zhicheng called out to him again.

"You're already here, let's take a look at the trailer."

Promotional work for "Dark Blood" will begin soon. They have edited a three-minute trailer and are preparing to release it to the media.

Of course it is impossible for Zhang Tan to say not to watch it. He is not only the screenwriter of this drama, but also the backbone and has a great say.

If he says this place is not good, director Ren Zhicheng must listen to his opinions with an open mind and then make corrections.

Everyone sat down again, the lights in the screening room dimmed again until they disappeared, and the big screen lit up.

The trailer is three minutes long, and the editing style is very sharp and oppressive. Zhang Tan thinks it's good, but there are still details that need to be paid attention to.

He, Ren Zhicheng, and the editor believed in the discussion. When everything was over, it was already 10:30 in the evening!

Zhang Tan thought about Xiaobai being alone at home! Suddenly feeling anxious, he declined Ren Zhicheng's suggestion to have a late-night snack, picked up his coat and hurried out of the screening room.

As soon as the elevator arrived, a person came behind Zhang Tan. When he looked back, he saw that it was the producer.

The producer smiled and said, "Your car is parked in the underground parking lot, right? Mine is too, let's take a walk together."

The two entered the elevator together, Zhang Tan pressed minus one, and the producer asked about Xiao Bai. Zhang Tan simply said a few words, saying that he went on an autumn outing today and was very happy.

Of course he knew that the producer didn't come specifically to ask Xiaobai, nor did they happen to go to the underground parking lot together. He must have something to say.

Sure enough, after chatting for a while, the producer asked Zhang Tan what he thought of the drama "Dark Blood".

"I just said it." Zhang Tan said.

The producer nodded: "The editor is Director Ren's old friend. I have worked with him for many years. He edited several of Director Ren's works. He has rich experience and is very dedicated. This time He informed the city that it would be released in advance and the editing work was tight and the task was heavy, but he still completed it on time."

Zhang Tan nodded and responded: "It is indeed very experienced. After watching it just now, I am generally very satisfied."

The producer breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If you have other requirements for the editor, or if you want to change someone, you can tell me. The editing work has just started, and there is still time to change people."

Zhang Tan suddenly realized that he had just given too many opinions and suggestions, which made the producer think that he was dissatisfied with the editor, so he followed him quietly and asked about it on the way.

Zhang Tan laughed in his heart and told the producer that he had no intention of changing the editor, and the current one was very good. If someone else comes in, he may not be able to do better than this one. Who knows if there will be other problems, or maybe it won’t be three problems by then, but maybe five or six.

The elevator stopped in the parking lot, and the two got out of the elevator. The producer stopped and said, "My car is over there."

After Zhang Tan separated from him, he found his car. After starting the car, he didn't drive away immediately. Instead, he called Xiaobai.

Bai Chunhua's children are now little people with mobile phones, although they are children's mobile phones.

The call was quickly connected, and Xiaobai's rosy face appeared in the camera. He seemed to be in a good mood and having a lot of fun, which made Zhang Tan worry about not wetting the bed at night.

"Old man, will you be back soon?" Xiaobai asked.

"I'm going home now. It takes 20 minutes. You wait for me for 20 minutes."


"Have the children all gone to bed?"

"Let's go."

"Where are you right now then?"

"I am at home."

At this time, another small head stuck out from the side of Xiaobai's head in the camera, and soon a hiaiahia sound came.

It's Xi'er.

Xi'er actually hasn't gone home yet.

Xiaobai pushed Xi'er's little head away and told Zhang Tan that the Tan sisters were all at home with her, playing checkers.

Zhang Tan gave Xiaobai a few words, asked her to give the phone to Tan Jin'er, and expressed his gratitude to Tan Jin'er.

He didn't ask Tan Jin'er to take care of Xiao Bai. He thought he could return home before ten o'clock in the evening. Even if he couldn't, he could ask Teacher Xiao Liu to take care of him. Xiao Bai usually likes to take care of the sleeping children with the teachers, or If she is sleepy, she can sleep with other children in the dormitory first, and then take Xiaobai home after he returns to the little red horse.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Tan drove away from the studio.

Even though it was late at night, the studio was still brightly lit and many people were still working hard all night.

The driver's window was half-opened, and the evening breeze blew in, bringing a chill. Zhang Tan couldn't help but shiver, shuddered, and closed the window.

Autumn is getting stronger.

When I returned home, Little Red Horse was already very quiet. A parent took the children away at the gate of the yard. This was a young mother with a very tired face. Her daughter was placed in Little Red Horse.

Zhang Tan stood aside to make way for the door. After they came out, he walked in and said hello to Lao Li in the guard box.

After Lao Li waited for him to come in, he closed the door. Anyone who wanted to come in must obtain his permission.

There was only one light on in the classroom on the first floor, and it was dark in the corner. No children were playing here anymore. They either went home or rested in the dormitory on the second floor.

When Zhang Tan arrived at the second floor, Teacher Xiao Liu, who was on duty, looked over immediately. She thought she was a parent coming to pick up a child.

Zhang Tan chatted with Teacher Xiao Liu for a few words before continuing upstairs. The door was closed and locked with a fingerprint, and he opened it instantly.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, there was a burst of footsteps in the room. Then Xiaobai flew to the entrance. When he saw Zhang Tan, he happily said loudly: "Old man, you are back~"

"I'm back, I kept you waiting for a long time." Zhang Tan said, taking off his shoes, Xiaobai ran over, took the initiative to help him take the slippers off the shoe rack, and placed them at his feet.

Xi'er also ran to the entrance. She brought a small plate with strawberries in it.

She came to give strawberries to her godfather.

Zhang Tan's heart instantly felt warm, and he was holding slippers and strawberries. No wonder people often say that his daughter is a warm little cotton-padded jacket.

Zhang Tan thanked them both, and after entering the room, he saw Tan Jin'er standing in the living room and smiling at him.

"Thank you for your hard work, Jin'er." Zhang Tan said.

Tan Jiner shook his head and said it was not hard.

"Since you're back, Xi'er and I will go back. It's already too late."

Xi'er jumped up and down and said that she would sleep with Xiaobai tonight.

But her sister refused and took her away anyway.

It was already late at night, and the wind was quite strong outside. Zhang Tan was a little worried, so he asked Xiaobai to stay at home while he went to see off the Tan sisters.

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