Dad Academy

Chapter 12 What do you want to do?

"Teacher Luo, is there a newcomer here?"

In the studio, people saw Zhang Tan's new face and asked Luo Ming on the side.

"This is Zhang Tan, a very talented young man. He is now my screenwriting assistant. Please look after him in the future."

Luo Ming would introduce people like this to each other, and Zhang Tan would also stop, smile and nod to the person. Some would respond and then leave, and some would stop and chat with him.

The two walked through the office area on the ninth floor and entered the office.

Luo Ming is not the leader, but he is a senior screenwriter. Once each screenwriter joins the group, he will be assigned an office as the office space of the screenwriter group.

Luo Ming has a strong business ability and has done many projects. Every time, he had to be temporarily arranged. Later, he was simply fixed on this one.

"You will work here from now on, it's just the two of us now." Luo Ming said.

Computers and desks have been prepared, and the room of more than 20 square meters will be occupied by Luo Ming and Zhang Tan from now on.

"Thank you." Zhang Tan said.

Luo Ming waved his hand, sat down, and motioned for Zhang Tan to sit down too.

"Let's talk about the script first. Now you are also a member of the crew. Say what you have to say. The most important thing when co-writing a script is that the team should be open-minded and talk about everything."

The background of the story of "Under the Tianyu Mountain" is the ancient Chinese mythological period. It is in a feudal dynasty fictionalized by the author. There are many countries, including big countries such as Wei, Zhou, and Chu, as well as small countries such as Chen and Zhongshan. The protagonist is the crown prince of Chen State, 16 A palace coup occurred when he was 18 years old. The general usurped power and seized the country. The protagonist fled the Chen Kingdom, evading pursuit along the way. Tianyu Mountain is the ancestral home of civilization in this world, where Chinese culture was brewed. Many legends of gods, demons and demons spread from there. In order to become stronger and restore the country, the protagonist decided to search for Tianyu Mountain, and thus began to wander and become stronger at the same time. experience.

Last night, Zhang Tan carefully considered the outline of the script, and indeed had new feelings.

"Then, let me just say three points?" Zhang Tan said.

Luo Ming stretched out his hand and motioned for him to speak.

The two chatted all morning, and in the afternoon Luo Ming began to revise the script again, while Zhang Tan started writing the pet settings.

Considering the tragic identity and boring personality of the protagonist, Zhang Tan first determined that the pet setting must be relatively funny, like Jiang Rong, so that the story can be more lively and interesting.

Secondly, the personality must be complementary to the protagonist. If the protagonist's personality is side A, then the pet's personality should be side B, two sides in one body.

For example, if you encounter a strong enemy, the protagonist knows that he is outmatched, but he has to face it. This is side A.

And his pet is afraid of death, is timid, and wants to run away. This is the B side.

Side B is actually the protagonist's side, his potential side.

When encountering a strong enemy, he would also want to escape and would be afraid. These emotions are not absent. Human emotions and desires are indeed normal.

But he is the protagonist. Readers like to see the protagonist be brave, strong, upright and brave. It is impossible for him to run away when he encounters a strong enemy, so he lets the pet do this. This is also a hint to the reader, making the protagonist more flesh-and-blood in a very subtle way.

Zhang Tan thought about it for a long time, combined the plot and background, and finally determined the setting of the pet, and drew a sketch and gave it to Luo Ming.

"Zouwu?" Luo Ming was quite surprised.

On the drawing paper Zhang Tan handed him, he sketched a very strange beast. It was as big as an elephant, with the body of a tiger, sharp claws, four curved exposed fangs, and gleaming teeth when stretched out. The mane is shaped like a ruffle, and there is a tail like a peacock's tail, which is simply painted with various colors with colored pens.

This is a very unpopular strange beast, which comes from the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

Zhang Tan said: "Zouwu has a colorful tail, which is extremely destructive wherever it goes."

According to the setting, Zou Wu looks like a ferocious beast, but in fact he is timid, often timid, greedy, lazy, and arrogant. When the protagonist picks up the cat teasing stick, this ferocious-looking beast will switch to the "big-eyed cuteness" mode in a second, staring at the small wooden stick and swinging its giant long tail happily, showing off its "contrast cuteness" ".

"Interesting." Luo Ming looked at Zuowu's settings and said with a smile.

Zhang Tan said: "Zouwu is a strange beast from the Classics of Mountains and Seas. It is huge, like a tiger, and has amazing destructive power. It fits the background setting of the story and can also provide shelter to the protagonist. But it also looks like a wild cat, and its colorful tail is very cute. Arrogant and greedy, modern people like to keep cats, and they naturally identify with Zuowu..."

"Also, it's complex and hidden and could be a clue."

Zhang Tan pointed at Zuowu's peacock-like tail and said, "Its tail is colorful and powerful. It can brush away the enemy's weapons. This is because it has the blood of Peacock King Ming. Although it is thin, its source is mysterious and powerful... …”

Zhang Tan explained the considerations behind choosing Zuowu.

Luo Ming nodded and said, "It's good. At least I like it at first glance. It's attractive to me, and the setting seems to be fine. Let's do it this way. I'll go back and think about it at night, and I'll make sure after I get to work tomorrow."


This is how the day's work ends.

After get off work, Zhang Tan was about to go home. Jiang Rong and He Chao were standing downstairs.

Seeing him coming out, Jiang Rong waved enthusiastically.

"What? Wait for me?" Zhang Tan asked.

Jiang Rong looked him up and down, punched him and said, "Okay, Zhang Tan. He left without saying a word. He didn't even say hello. He doesn't treat people as friends, right?"

Zhang Tan: "We didn't go very far. You were on the 8th floor, and I was on the 9th floor. I walked out of the door after just two steps."

Jiang Rong said: "This is different. You have taken a critical step, which is equivalent to a promotion. Is it just a matter of taking two steps?"

He Chao said enviously: "Zhang Tan, congratulations."

He and Zhang Tan joined the company at the same time. In less than half a month, Zhang Tan had already jumped out of the script evaluation team, which was equivalent to passing the "internship period" and was on the right track to participate in big projects. But he was still a newbie and had no experience in script evaluation. The most junior person in the group, the deputy team leader talked to him last week and encouraged him to work harder. The implication is that his current ability is not enough to establish himself.

Thinking of this, He Chao couldn't help but feel discouraged while congratulating Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan: "Thank you, you will come sooner or later."

Jiang Rong: "Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner, congratulate you, and listen to you talk about the work of a screenwriter's assistant."

The three of them had dinner together, and Jiang Rong suggested singing in a KTV. This girl is very good at playing. Judging from her usual dress and habits, her family must be in good condition, and she is a local girl from Pujiang.

He Chao couldn't go, so he answered his girlfriend's call and rushed back immediately.

Zhang Tan and Jiang Rong were left. Zhang Tan said: "There are too few people to sing and there is no atmosphere. How about another day? Then call a few more friends."

Jiang Rong: "It's not easy to call people. I can call a bunch of people with just one phone call."

However, in that case, Zhang Tan would look quite embarrassed. They were all her friends and Zhang Tan didn't know any of them. Jiang Rong obviously thought of this and said thoughtfully: "Okay, another day."

After taking a taxi at West Chang'an Street, Zhang Tan walked to the entrance of Little Red Horse Academy and said hello to the gatekeeper, Old Li. The academy was brightly lit and the children's childish voices floated in the night.

When I went upstairs, I heard Xiaobai's particularly special and penetrating "Trump". She seemed to be quarreling with someone again. Among the many Trumps, there was a saying "Gua Wa Zi". Zhang Tan checked it online yesterday. It was a curse. of.

Zhang Tan returned home, but before closing the door, Xiaobai's voice came from the door.

"Uncle, have you just gone home?"

Is this kid a puppy? He was discovered as soon as he came back.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Yes, didn't you play with the children?"

I just heard you arguing.

Xiaobai, wearing the familiar blue suit of China, was lying on the edge of the door, looking at him curiously.

She seemed to only have two sets of clothes, one red and one blue, which she wore in turn.

"Do you want to play football with me?"

"Forget it, it's getting dark soon, I'm going to fall."

If the Chinese men's football team had your enthusiasm, they wouldn't have to worry about breaking out of Asia.

"Claws?" Xiaobai asked, leaning on the edge of the door.

"It's dark and I can't see the road clearly. It's easy to fall. It hurts."

"There is a light. If you fall and get up, you will cry."

This little guy can actually taunt!

Zhang Tan could only use his old excuses again.

"I didn't eat."

"You haven't eaten Mangmang with your claws?"

"Didn't you just get off work? Come in and sit for a while. You haven't finished eating the grapes you like to eat."

Zhang Tan sent out an invitation.

Xiaobai asked warily: "Have you been drinking?"


Xiaobai immediately felt relieved: "Then I'll come in."

"come in."

When he saw Xiaobai taking off her little shoes and revealing a pair of socks with holes, he was embarrassed last time, but not this time. He also said she was acting like a brat.

This metaphor sounds strange.

Zhang Tan found the backpack he used for work, took out a pair of small slippers, placed it in front of Xiao Bai, and said, "I've prepared a pair of small shoes for you, so you don't have to go barefoot."

Xiaobai lowered her head and looked at the little shoes that were delivered to her. They had a bear pattern on them and looked very cute. She asked in surprise, "Paws? Are they for Xiaobai?"

Zhang Tan nodded: "Yes, it's for you to wear."

"Hee~~ It's the new one!"

I just bought it on my way to get off work, so of course it’s new.

Xiaobai picked up the little slippers and looked at them with joy. Suddenly his face changed, he stared at Zhang Tan seriously and asked, "Uncle, what do you want to do?"

"Ah?" Zhang Tan was confused.

"What do you want to do when you buy shoes for Xiaobai?"

Zhang Tan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Do you think I'm going to bribe you with a pair of slippers? You are too cheap.

"I didn't want to do anything. It's just because you came to my house last time and I didn't have any shoes suitable for you, so I bought a pair on my way home from get off work today."

"Oh." Xiaobai looked at the little slippers. He really liked them, but...

"I don't want yours."

"I know, I know, it doesn't matter if you don't."

"Then give it back to you."

"I'll put it on for you. If you come to my house as a guest, of course I have to prepare small shoes for you to wear. You can't let the guest walk around the house barefoot, that's rude."

Xiaobai muttered: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Zhang Tan couldn't laugh or cry: "You don't need to know, just put it on."

Xiaobai still didn't wear it, not because he didn't want to wear it, but because he didn't want to wear it.

She held the small slippers in her hands and walked around the house wearing a pair of torn socks. Suddenly she remembered something, ran to the door, picked up the glass bottle that had been placed against the wall, and brought it to Zhang Tan, saying proudly. : "Uncle, look! Xiaobai caught a Tintin cat. None of the other melons were caught, but Xiaobai caught it. Isn't Xiaobai in a terrible situation?"

"Tintin cat?"

Tinkerbell? Zhang Tan asked doubtfully, and when he saw it, there was a dragonfly in the glass bottle. Is this called Tintin Cat?

"Dragonfly, it's amazing. How did you catch it?"

"I caught it with my little hands, that's my strength."

She sat on a small stool, holding a glass bottle in one hand, and rummaged in her trouser pocket with the other hand. She took out a candy and handed it to Zhang Tan, asking him to eat it.

This kid is very polite and always comes to the door empty-handed. He used to give me a handful of boiled peanuts, but now he gives me a candy. It’s more or less his heartfelt wish. It’s really nice.

Thank you Xue Huase, maxshen, Ok Fox, Minjiu Niu, God's Bones and others for your tips. Many familiar IDs are old friends.

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