Dad Academy

Chapter 1158 Not suitable for children (1/2)

Chapter 1158 Not suitable for children (12)

"Stop taking a rest and clean up quickly." Bai Jianping urged. The tasks in the morning were very heavy and the children could not let go of their burden.

"I'm still a baby!" Xiaobai said dissatisfied.

As the leader of a group of besties who only want to play but not work, how could she work obediently?

Bai Jianping looked at Xi'er who was helping Xiaobai rock the rocking chair and said, "Xi'er, stop rocking the rocking chair for Xiaobai. She has been lazy since she first came here. She is a lazy child."

Xi'er hiahia smiled and said with envy: "I also want to be a lazy kid."

"..." Bai Jianping said, "Then you help her rock the chair."

"hiahia, I shook Xiaobai, Xiaobai will shake me later~"

"...You are really a clever little kid."

In order to encourage the two children to not only play but also work, Bai Jianping promised to provide bear drinks and chestnut chicken.

Xiaobai took the bait and was ready to get back to work, but he was a little worried.

"Little bear drink? Take it out and drink it first."

Seeing this, Xi'er also said in the same tone: "Little bear drink? Take it out and drink it first."

Bai Jianping had no choice but to open the refrigerator and rummage inside.

Xiaobai and Xi'er eagerly followed him and stood behind him, standing on tiptoes and stretching their necks to look up, but they couldn't see anything because they were too short.

"Oh haha~ I only found one bottle." Bai Jianping rummaged through it and found a bottle of Little Bear drink, but couldn't find the second bottle. "Which of you drinks?"

Xi'er looked at Xiaobai, hiaahia smiled and said, "Xi'er doesn't want to drink, let Xiaobai drink."

Xiaobai took the bear drink, inserted the straw skillfully, and stuffed it into Xiwawa.


Not allowing Xi'er to refuse, she turned over and climbed onto the rocking chair again, creaking and shaking, "Uncle, turn on the TV. I want to watch Windmill and Fake Sophistication."

Bai Jianping: "I gave you a drink of Little Bear, why aren't you still working? Why are you pretending to be so sophisticated!"

"Only Xiwawa drank it, and I didn't drink it! ╭(╯^╰)╮!"

Yes, she didn't drink, why should she work! From the moment I entered the house until now, I haven’t even had a sip of water!

Don’t treat your little friends as guests!

"Okay, then I'll buy it for you now."

"Hoo ho ho, thank you~"

Bai Jianping went out angrily and went downstairs to buy bears. He bought a box of bears when he came back. When he came back, he saw Tan Jin'er and Zhang Tan chatting in the corridor.

He chatted with them for a few words, and when he returned home, he saw Xiaobai and Xi'er sharing the bottle of Little Bear. One took a sip, the other took a sip, using the same straw, enjoying themselves.

"Ha, my little bear is here~" Xiaobai immediately climbed down from the rocking chair when he saw the bear drink in Bai Jianping's hand.

"Here you go! Take it apart yourself."

Bai Jianping gave the entire box to Xiaobai. Xiaobai huffed and puffed around the box for a while, but did not tear it open.

"Hanhan'er! Cut it open with scissors! You can break it open!"

"Tui Tuo! Uncle, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"Did I know you were a fool?!"

"Auntie said you are a treasure!"

While Xiaobai was arguing with his uncle, he went to the kitchen to look for scissors. He didn't find the scissors, but found a knife.

"I'll chop you to death! I'll chop you to death! Hammer!!!"

No one came out, but he heard such terrifying remarks. Bai Jianping went in and saw Xiaobai waving a kitchen knife around.

"Guawazi! Where do you live?"

"There are so many oil thieves! Uncle, they have stolen all your oil!"

In the corner of the wall, there is an oil thief shivering from time to time.

Bai Jianping told her not to worry about it and to work on cleaning first.

Xiaobai then let these oil thieves go for the time being, and at the same time said harshly, saying that he would settle the score with them next time.

She came to the living room and tore the little bear apart. When Xi'er saw it, she quickly raised her little hands: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm just a doll, I'm Xi'er~~~~"

Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes at her: "Hanhan'er~Ghostly Eyes of the Sun~"


Xiaobai finally opened the bear drink, couldn't wait to open a bottle, inserted the straw, sucked it happily, and gave Xi'er another bottle.

Xi'er didn't answer.

Bai Jianping praised: "Xi'er is so sensible. She knows to work first and then drink the bears, unlike some children."

Xi'er: "hiahiahia, I'm afraid of bedwetting~"

After drinking Little Bear, Xiaobai finally started to work. She rummaged through the bedroom and threw out many unnecessary things. Suddenly, she threw a magazine in the living room, and it happened to fall at Bai Jianping's feet.

Bai Jianping glanced at it accidentally and was startled. Just as he was about to pick it up and hide it, Xiaobai ran out of the bedroom.

"What the hell is that? Ho ho ho, uncle!"

The kid who was secretly pointing at the magazine on the ground smiled maliciously.

"You like another mother-in-law, hahahaha~~~ I want to tell my aunt!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, Xiaobai..."

"Hahahaha, I saw it all!"

Xiao Bai ran into the bedroom again. Bai Jianping was worried that she would find something again, so he quickly followed her in. However, when he came out again, he was shocked to see Xi'er picking up the fashionable women's magazine and reading it with relish.

"Children, don't read randomly." Bai Jianping confiscated Xi'er's magazine without saying a word.

"This sister is so beautiful~~~" Xi'er jumped up and down and fell in love with the fashionable girl on the cover of the magazine.

Bai Jianping didn't dare to talk to him at all. He confiscated the magazine and hid it. He thought he was very secretive. Who knew that not long after, he was discovered by Xiao Bai who was cleaning the house again. This little guy ran up to him and smiled secretly, saying that he wanted to Complain to aunt.

Bai Jianping confiscated it again and then secretly threw it out of the window!

Immediately there was a roar downstairs: "Which bastard threw something downstairs and threw it on my head!%¥¥#@¥"

Bai Jianping felt guilty and didn't dare to talk to him at all, pretending that it had nothing to do with him. Fortunately, the man scolded him for a while and left with the magazine in his hands.

Before Bai Jianping could calm down, Xiaobai's exclamation came from the bedroom again.

what happened again? ! !

Bai Jianping hurriedly went in and saw Xiaobai finding another magazine from somewhere and flipping through it with relish. When he saw him come in, he burst into laughter. He looked like he was a bad guy.

"Give it to me~" Bai Jianping confiscated the magazine again and drove Xiaobai out of the bedroom. She didn't need to clean it here.

Xiaobai Jiji Waiwai was very dissatisfied, but he was kicked out anyway.

When Zhang Tan came over to check the situation, he saw Xiaobai and Xi'er lying on the sofa chatting. The house was almost cleaned.

"Let's eat outside at noon. I'll treat you. Are you tired?" Zhang Tan asked.

"I'm not tired." As soon as Xi'er finished speaking, Xiaobai glared at her, so she quickly changed her words and said, "I'm so tired~"

Zhang Tan invited them to have lunch in the restaurant downstairs, and took Xiaobai home to rest for a while. At two o'clock in the afternoon, they drove and took Bai Jianping to the train station. Malanhua was coming back, and at three o'clock in the afternoon Arrival.

The car was parked in the parking lot of the station. Xiaobai pulled out a paper sign from the car with the word "Crooked Aunt" and a flower on it.

"If I hold this up, will my aunt really see it?" Xiaobai asked Zhang Tan uncertainly.

"Yes, as soon as she comes out and sees your sign, she will know that you are here, and she will come to you as soon as possible."

The three of them walked to the exit of the station. They met a flower seller on the way. Bai Jianping smiled awkwardly and said: "Ho ho ho, this flower looks pretty good. I'll buy one."

Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai also stopped and saw a little girl about ten years old selling flowers in front of a simple street stall, selling red roses and carnations.

"If you want to buy, buy more. How many roses are there in total?" Zhang Tan asked the little girl.

"I'm counting...there are still 21 in total."

"Then we want them all. How much does it cost?"

"Do you want them all?"

"I want them all, how much does it cost?"

"It's 5 yuan each, 105 yuan in total. Just give me 100 yuan."

"No, 105 yuan is all for you."

Zhang Tan paid the money, but did not go to get the roses. Instead, he looked at Bai Jianping.

Bai Jianping:

"...Me?" He pointed at himself with his finger.

Zhang Tan: "It's better for me to send you the roses."

Bai Jianping was right to think about it, but...

He held up a large bouquet of roses and was at a loss what to do.

"Xiao Bai, come and hold it."

He felt that it was so strange that he, a big old man, was holding such a large bouquet of delicate roses, like a strange man, and felt that everyone passing by was looking at him and laughing at him.

Xiaobai was envious of these roses and wanted to hold them over for a long time, but her old man reminded her in a low voice that she was not allowed to take them.

So the child said: "This is a rose, it is love. Uncle, hold it. Auntie will be so happy when she sees you giving her a rose. Do you know what love is?"

Bai Jianping asked angrily: "I don't know, do you know?"

"I know~"


"Love is when I love you and you love me, you call me aunt, little fairy, or goddess, right?"


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